Feeling flabbergasted when right there he stares at the picture in front of his face, she was looking directly at him eyeball to eyeball with a beautiful smile on her face.

Immediately he felt as though his heart was glowing as he felt this unexplainable joy and the heaviness was lifted

Hurriedly he read the footage, wanting to find out exactly where she was. "Dear God, she is a volunteer at the soup kitchen, why didn't I think about those types of facilities knowing she had the homeless at heart."

Sprinting out of his chair hoping he will reach the soup kitchen before they closed for the day

When he thought about those two fools searching for her for almost an entire week but then he had them searching without any photo only her name. They are always making some cock and bull story as an excuse, which only caused my blood to boil with rage.

All this time she was right under my nose, what a total waste of time having them around me, but then suddenly an idea crossed his mind, 'If I want to pursue this young lady then those fool is the ideal ones to have around me."

With a smile plastered on his face, he fold the newspapers quickly and slipped them under his arm. He grabbed his jacket and car keys and ran out of the office as if his pants were on fire.

When Lystra saw the way he was rushing out she called out to him, "Sir, you have a meeting next half an hour."

Brent ignores her knowing nothing else matters to him right now, he could reschedule the meeting, but he might never get the opportunity to meet her again.

Getting into his private elevator he wasn't aware his two associates had just returned from their lunch break and saw him hurrying into his elevator.

Roland and Jason glimpsed him wondering what was the rush all about. They turned quickly on their heels and follow suit in the elevator they had just stepped out of the elevator and stepped into the underground car park when they saw his car speed through the exit entrance.

Roland hurriedly gets in the driver's seat in his car and Jason sits quickly as they follow him thinking that something was seriously wrong.

Seeing his car dashing through the traffic so smoothly, he even brakes a red light in his pursuit to get wherever he was going.

Ten minutes later they saw his car parked on the sidewalk in front of the soup kitchen. Roland tries to figure out how on earth he fits himself between those two cars.

Having to stop for Jason to check out what was the emergency about, he drops him out and then drive out to find a park.

Jason hurried and stood about twenty feet away breathlessly, as he hid out of sight and looks at him speaking to the middle-aged woman. Wondering if he find a clue about the young lady he asked us to find.