"I need it and I know her eyes are set on him, also, I don't want to be on the wrong side of her. Because it will certainly be a cold day in hell for me. Something I could do without, and for all I know I could do without that hassle and stress.

Also from the time I get to know Rosanna, she can be very haughty and hostile and could make trouble for me. I like being on the field although it very risky. I don't like failing, but he was very handsome and very particular about what he wanted. I know he is a playboy from the way he held Johanna and kissed her.'

From my first-hand experience today, 'I know he ignores everyone there, and there was no fear in his eyes as if he knew there wasn't anyone who will restrain him. If I tell Rosanna this she might become offended and she is already very possessive.

Well, who cares I only like men with blue eyes, I couldn't see what colour eyes he got with his glasses shielding his eyes, but today it was the closest I have ever gotten to him. What I observed most was he was arrogant and repulsive, someone I should not trifle with and definitely keep a fair distance from.

I can rest tonight knowing the way he looks confused when he left here, being an obedient boy he will go directly home but just to be on the safe side I will give Raden a call to make sure.'

Reaching home, Brent had only opened the car door when Jeffery the butler said, "Young Sir, your Mother has returned and she has a special guest with her."

"Thank you, Jeffery." Without hesitating Brent enters the house, he knows Jeffery conceals who the visitors are if I am close to them to give me the surprise, if not he gives me the heads up first before I meet the individual.

Thinking about it now before I could wink an entire month has gone by and the house has been so quiet.

Recognizing the two people immediately, Brent's legs hurried towards them, whom he loved very much.

His grandparents were sitting with his Mom having a cup of tea. Brent reached down, kissing both his grandparents first then his Mom

"Mom, it is so good to have you home."

Seeing the way her face was glowing and it seems as though she had put on a pound or two she also look very rested. As always she looks beautiful and her blue eyes were sparkling with joy to see me. Knowing she always brought me gifts when she returned from her trip, I scopes around but the only thing he saw was her luggage and shoulder bag.

Curious to ask where were his gifts but he held back his words when he notices her smile. When she said, "Glad to be home son, now tell me where is your father I was expecting to meet him waiting patiently for me, I miss him so much?"