Chereads / Voyager's Path / Chapter 103 - Believe In The You We Believe

Chapter 103 - Believe In The You We Believe

"So that's what happened there…"

Gerald leaned back on his chair at the kitchen table. His hand rubbing his chin as he took it all in. I began my story at the point where we we're heading to Prusha and some bandits tried to kidnap us. He had listened with keen interest to my story as it continued, his hands placed in front of him as he nodded.

As I talked, I did my best to summarize everything. Well, besides what happened during most of the festival. It'd be quite horrible to tell him that I had my chest blown out. I also left out the incident with the students as I felt he already knew enough from what Kale had been sending him in letters.

The sun had set in the house, and now the moonlight punctured into the living room and kitchen. Even with the candles on and the moon light, it was still quite dark inside. Synthia and those two blue haired girls were still outside, Practicing magic. Kale was already deep in his sleep, snoring as I told my story along with Chris.

Gerald sat there in silence, thinking of what to say. What was he going to say? Maybe he'd say something about me killing some people? Maybe something about hurting those kids…

"So…You didn't do it with Lilith?" He abruptly asked.

"Hm? Say that again?"

The hell did he just say?

"Thought you would've gone past first base while over there. I mean you did, two of you sleep in a bed together…" Gerald trailed off as he began to mumble.

Then there was silence once more, I continued to stare at him for a long period of time before I finally wrapped my head around what he just said.

"D-did you think I'd do it with her?"

"Coming from the Detrut family and you being my kid…Would Have expected you to charm her or something, though it seemed like Tera did that to her already…"

"We're like twelve and thirteen!"

"When I was your age, I was already a master at getting ladies into bed with me!" He pointed at himself, proudly. "Runs in the Detrut family!"

"You aren't making your case much better!" I pointed at him furiously. "I'm not doing anything unless she wants me to!"

Obviously, I don't think any form of consent applies in this world. But it does to me, and I'm keeping it like that. I don't care if Gerald's family was made up of seducers!

"Is that so?" Gerald said, he eyed me with thought for a moment.

What's he thinking right now? He can't have expected me to have done something with her, or maybe he did and thinks I wasted an opportunity. That's some sicko shit right there!

"…Good that you stuck with what you said."

"Huh?" I looked at him with confusion. I must've been making a weird confused look as Gerald smiled wildly. He leaned forward in his chair and chuckled.

"Haha, you don't remember, huh?"

"Remember what?"

"When I asked you what you felt about her. You still hold the same feelings you said before. And I'm glad you are." Gerald said. "It wasn't long ago when we had our conversation about girls, but with what happened in Prusha…I guess it slipped your mind."

Oh. Now that I'm thinking of it, I do vaguely remember that conversation. He ended up telling me how he and Synthia got together…Huh, I guess it did slip my mind.

"I was only teasing you, Kota. You've grown during your time there. I'm glad." Gerald looked at me with a gentle smile. But that smile diminished as he looked more serious. "But enough with the teasing…I actually wanted to bring up something else."

Rummaging through his pocket, Gerald pulled out a letter. It was a folded envelope that had a stamp from the Prusha kingdom, a signature that I recognized to be Kale's. Gerald gave me a stern look as he talked.

"I know about your outburst there. How you almost killed someone from your university."

Damn, he picked up on me leaving that out. Of the things I want to talk about, it is not that. I don't want to hear him criticizing me like my real dad. That's one of the main reasons why I tried to avoid this!

I must've lost myself in my own thoughts as Gerald brought me out of it.

"Kota. Are you there?" He asked, concerned. As I looked up at him, I noticed that the stern look on his face was replaced with a much more concerned one. No, more like a face that didn't really know what to say in a Situation like this.

"Y-yes. I just…didn't want to bring something up like that to you…" I said, Guilty.

"Ah…Scared, aren't you?" Gerald leaned back on his chair and thought for a moment, thinking of how to proceed. "…You know, I wouldn't hurt you. Never."

I looked at him in silence.

"I don't know what was going through your mind when you did what you did. But I'd like to know, I need to understand why you even did it in the first place. And maybe…I might not be mad at you."

"What? Y-you're asking me why I did it?" I asked, confused.

"Hm? Why wouldn't I? Everyone has their reasons for doing things. I know you're not dumb enough to just…Try and murder some other kid for no reason. I'm not here to berate you unless I need to, That's not how I want to raise you. No need to be afraid, You can explain everything to me."

As he said that, something clicked to me. Something that I should've realized long ago, since I came here. Since I was Born here. Gerald has never outright Hit me or scolded me for anything unless it was Practicing or something that I did that needed it.

And here he was, he knows I did something wrong. But he's willing to see why I did it, without jumping to conclusions.

This Brown haired man that was facing me was not my Father. From his looks to how he acts, It made me feel something…

"Wha-Kota, are you crying?" Gerald leaned out of his chair and across the table, grabbing my face.

I didn't realize I began to tear up, and now I could feel the tears dripping down my face. As he rubbed my cheeks, I felt my tears be wiped away by Gerald.

"Sheesh, Something wrong? Wait…W-Was I being too harsh?" Gerald said, confused. He still gave me that look of uncertainty, not knowing what to do in this situation. "Wish Synthia was here…"

"No, it's fine." I said, wiping my eyes. "I just didn't expect you to say that…"

"Hm…" Gerald hesitated, he looked at me with even more thought. His hand tapped against the wood of the table as he thought of whatever was on his mind. "…So do you want to explain, now?"


It only took a minute or so to explain what happened that day. How I went out to hang with Griffin and Sura. Then that group of boys came around and started to Harass Sura, which then made me use magic on them in a violent manner.

I told Gerald how I felt angered by it, of seeing something like that done to someone. I was venting my frustration that I've held before I was born here to this man.

After I finished explaining my side and trying to justify what I did, I leaned back into my chair with Anxiousness as I waited for Gerald to respond. The brown haired man clasped his hands and looked onward at me, clearly thinking about what I had said and was deciding on what to say.

"…I see." He started talking. "You acted on your emotions and defended a friend. Which I commend…Reminds me of when I was younger." He had a stern look on his face. "Still, you could've killed someone and could've been expelled. So I'll need to punish you for that."

With that, Gerald got out of his chair and leaned forward over the table. And with quick speed, he reached towards me and yanked my ear.

"Ow!" I yelped in pain. It was only for a few more seconds before he stopped and got back into his seat. As I rubbed my ear, I looked back at him with a perplexed expression. "That's it? You're not going to do any more than that?"

"I'm not mad." He simply said. "I can tell that you're upset over your actions, thinking I'd be madder. But I'm not."

"Why not?"

"Because you thought of your friends. That's loyalty. You decided to act…Even if it was a bit too harsh."

"Y-your not mad that I almost killed someone?" I looked at Gerald with bewilderness. There was no way he'd be alright with that.

"…I think I would've been more mad if you just stood there and let it happen. At least you didn't kill them…But if you did, I'd have Kale get you out."

Huh. Should've expected that kind of response.

"Listen, Kota." Gerald said. "I'm glad you're back home, even if it's just for whatever the king has in mind for you. These past months have been going by quite fast…You have a sibling on the way, You're a student at a magic University, and you're growing up." He then let out a chuckle. "You've even grown a few centimeters since I last saw you."

"Did I?" I asked.

"No, I was just joking there. Hah, Dad jokes!" Gerald smiled.

I'm not ninety percent sure that wasn't a dad joke, but I smiled back at him anyways. Not just out of kindness, but out of respect and appreciation of the man. My whole sense of paranoia and anxiety seemed to have slowly diminished in our conversation.

He's been a better father than my real father in my Past life. I haven't been kicked out, threatened or disowned. Gerald is trying his best.

"Well, I guess we've caught up with what you've been up to." Gerald finally spoke. He then got out of his chair to stretch. "Agh, Oh! Almost forgot!" After he finished stretching, he looked at me once more. "Name?"

"Uh…For the baby in Synthia?"

"Who else! Synthia already had a name in mind, but I couldn't name one that I enjoyed. So I'm wondering if you have any names in mind!"

Names, huh? Well if I named my kid something, it'd have to be significant to me. What about Hikaru? That's a nice name, coming straight from the weeb thoughts I have!

"Roul!" I heard a voice from the couch in the living room. Me and Gerald turned our way to see Chris up and awake, Looking at the both of us. "Roul Detrut! Doesn't that ring a cool bell to you guys?"

"I thought you were asleep." Gerald looked at him with amusement. "And that name is quite terrible."

"I was! And then I heard Kota crying and I just had to see it!" Chris then jokingly rubbed his eyes. "Oh, it was so emotional! A father and Son conversation that could easily be in my book!"

"Haha…Don't." Gerald shut him down. "Chris, you need to make up your own material and write that instead of taking things you've seen and just detailing that."

"Nonsense! This is all too good to let it all dissipate into a memory! And Roul is a perfect name for a child!"

"Ehh…No. we aren't using that name. Kota, come up with a Better one." Gerald looked at me.

"…well what about Hikaru?" I suggested." And then if it was a boy…Sora?"

"Hm…Well that's up there with your moms. She's going with Nobura for a girl's name and then Sato if it's a boy."

Ah, well I guess Synthia has a taste in names too. Although thinking about it now…I already know what the kid will be because of Arael. So it's either going to be Nobura or Hikaru, just depends on what these two will decide on.

"Bah. you two are no fun!" Chris said, turning. Away from us and laying back onto the couch. "I'll be needing my sleep once more to think about my writing!" And quickly, the boy fell to sleep once more. Which was astonishing to me because that kid was just blabbering moments ago.

The house fell silent once more. Gerald let out a sigh as he walked towards the front door, taking a look at Kale and Griffin.

"Come on, Let's see what those three girls are doing outside still." He invited me. "Hopefully Synthia isn't giving them much trouble…Hm?" Gerald faced the door as he must've heard something from beyond it.

As he opened the door, I got out of my seat and walked my way to see Claire and Synthia walking towards the fence gate. Claire had Amelia in her back, who was out cold. Synthia began to open the door when she noticed Gerald.

"Oh! You must've heard us coming to the gate!" She called out to him.

"Just a hunch…What up with the Blue haired girls?" Gerald pointed at Amelia and Claire. Claire exhaustively lurched her way towards the doors of the house.

"Hey, Kota…" Claire said, tired. I moved out of her way as she made her way towards the living room. With effort, Claire dropped Amelia unceremoniously onto the floor of the living room. "S-she…Took forever out there practicing…and she's much heavier than I remember."

Amelia didn't awake from that drop, she lay sprawled on the floor as she grumbled in her sleep. Claire dropped her stuff alongside her before collapsing onto the floor as well out of exhaustion.

"Hooh…Those two were so fun to teach!" Synthia said. "Especially the little one! She's feisty!" She walked in alongside Gerald. "I had her using her wind magic nonstop until she hit the ground! I couldn't believe my eyes when she'd get back up to continue doing it."

"…Is the tree fixed!" Gerald asked.

"Yes, I had her shooting at the sky instead of the trees. Anytime she did, I just scolded her. Works like magic."

"Aha…Well, I'm glad you're back." Gerald leaned in to kiss Synthia on the cheek. "Just finished talking with Kota."

"Oh, did you?" Synthia kissed Gerald back and moved her way towards me. As she moved, I noticed the bump in her belly. She then got on her knees and grabbed my shoulders. "How's my little boy? You didn't wait for me to come back?"

"Ah…Well it seemed like you were busy, and Gerald wanted to talk." I tried my best to explain. "I-I guess I can catch you up as well…"

"Hmph, Didn't wait for me?" Synthia pouted as she turned to Gerald. "Couldn't wait until I was finished?"

He shrugged. "You already left the house when we were coming in. And I said to you that we should talk to him when we came back. That's on you."

"Hmph." Synthia then stood up. "Then tell me what's been happening with our boy."


The three of us sat back at the kitchen table, I watched the two anxiously as Gerald began to recap Synthia about what had happened to me.

Synthia had a wide spread of emotions to many of the things that happened to me. Ranging from fear to anger and then sadness. The woman kept note of everything Gerald was saying to her.

And once we came to the point where I almost killed someone in Prusha, Synthia's expression changed to a serious one. But as Gerald explained why it occurred in the first place, her expression softened. It turned to a more concerned look as she gazed at me.

Once Gerald had finally caught her up to speed, Synthia looked at me. It seemed like she was looking straight into my soul, so I tried my best to look like I wasn't scared. After a few moments, she let out a small smile.

"Just like your father. I'm glad you stood by for your friends. Friends are important, and I'm glad my baby boy knows this." She then looked at Gerald. "He takes so much from you!"

"That's the Detrut blood running through him!" He bumped his chest with his fist as he said that.

"Mm…Hopefully he doesn't take your family's High libido as well."


So she's alright with it as well? Ah, I guess I'm overthinking how people think in this world still…at some point I'll need to get rid of my old ways. But at least I have both of their support.

"Kota, you aren't thinking of marrying multiple women?" I heard Synthia ask me.

"Huh?!" I let out a confused sigh. "What?!"

Why am I being asked this from her?

"We already went through this…" Gerald awkwardly said.

Synthia looked at him with disappointment. "You went ahead and asked that as well?! We both decided to ask him about that stuff!"

"Ah well, you were outside playing with the wind with two girls." Gerald shrugged.

"Grr…" Synthia grumbled, she then laid her head onto the kitchen table and groaned. "I still want to hear his answer!"

Gerald frowned and gave me a look, one that told me to answer. I simply sighed and frowned as I gave her my answer.

"No, I don't plan on being with multiple women…"

"Aw, But those two girls right there are cute." Synthia Glanced at Claire and Amelia, who were well into their sleep. "Especially the smaller one, she reminds me of me when I was younger."

"Eh…I'd rather die than go with either of them." I said honestly. "Amelia and I don't really get along."

"Hmm…" Synthia's smile slowly grew. It was one that was embezzled in coyness. "It didn't seem like she wanted it to be that way when she was talking with me."


"When I was helping her honing her Wind magic, she insisted on knowing how you were able to learn all the elements and able to use them at beginner or higher. She seemed quite allured by you."

I knew my tsundere radar was going off with that girl! Still, I don't have any interest in her. In fact, I'd rather have a distaste for her…

"Seems like she was interested in how I did magic."

"Perhaps, but it doesn't brush away the fact that she's constantly speaking of you." Synthia pointed out. "She's playing the hard game with you by acting tough."

"I'm not biting." I frowned. "I already have one girl on my plate."

"Hmm, suit yourself." Synthia sighed. "Speaking of one girl…How is Lilith?" Both Synthia and Gerald looked at me with anticipation now. All this talk of me, and they finally noticed that Lilith also came along.

How would I put Lilith at the moment? Besides the fact that she ran off to the bathroom earlier due to a misunderstanding, I'd say she's been fine…Gerald is looking at me with a Funny face.

"Gerald?" Synthia noticed it as well. She gave him a confused look as Gerald seemed to be snickering to himself.

"Hehe…First time. She's his first person." He chuckled. And I immediately realized what he was thinking, I completely forgot he heard Liliths outburst before she ran off.

Suddenly, I felt the collar of my shirt being ripped forwards. I found myself lurching over the kitchen table as Synthia looked at me with squinting eyes.

"You did what with her? What does 'First time' mean?" She asked, the grip she had on my shirt tightened extensively as she pulled me in closer ever so slightly.

Panicking, I tried to explain my side. "H-hey! Wait! There's a misunderstanding!"

"Say it, young man! You put a baby in her already?!"

"No! What? I didn't do anything with her, I was talking to her about being my first friend!"

"Don't lie to me!" Synthia pointed her finger at me. "If I ask her the same thing, and she says something else, I'm going to ruin you and your father."

"Why am I being pulled into this?" Gerald asked, confused.

"He's got your blood in you, and that's a big factor! Your old Womanizer ways are being absorbed into him!" She snapped back at him.


Lilith isn't going to say the same thing as me, goddamn it! She's in the bathroom out of embarrassment, I'm being trapped at the moment!

"T-this is a total misunderstanding! Seriously!" I pleaded. "I-if she even wanted to do anything, she'd have to say it first! Not me! It's how it's always been between me and her!"

Synthia gasped. "She made a move on you?! That changes everything!" She then immediately let go of my shirt collar, leaving me gasping as I fell back into my chair. "I thought you might've just had your way with her."

"I would never do that!" I said back to her. "I have some decency to not do any of that sort of thing!"

"Well if that's the case, we might just need to ask her too. I'm heading upstairs to get her."

"Hey." Gerald said, interrupting Synthia. "She's hiding on top of the stairs."

As he said that, I heard Loud footsteps from upstairs. It was like someone was scrambling to get to their feet. Synthia immediately got out of her chair and stormed her way towards the stairs, her aura emanating a terrifying one. Gerald watched with concern as Synthia walked up the stairs before he looked at me and mouthed something.

"Scary." He mouthed.

I nodded and mouthed back to him. "Terrifying."

I found it also alarming that with all the noises and sounds coming from us that no one seemed to be waking up. Amelia and Claire were out dark, but Kale and Chris…Should have awoken from the commotion, right? Unless…They too didn't want to deal with Synthia, which I'd understand. Especially for Kale.

Within a few moments, I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. As I turned around in my chair, I saw Lilith awkwardly going down alongside Synthia. The silver haired girl looked quite scared as Synthia held her by the shoulder, Synthia didn't seem to mind it as she smiled on.

"My, Look who's showed up!" Synthia said. "It's Lilith."

"Ah…Hello, Kota's dad." Lilith said shyly. The girl fidgeted as she tried to break away from Synthia's grasp on her shoulder.

"…Hey? What's up with staying upstairs?" Gerald asked.

"Er…I didn't want to intrude on your guy's family buisness…"

Synthia gently pushed her forward, Lilith awkwardly stumbled towards the kitchen table as Synthia followed behind.

"Family Business?" Synthia looked concerned. "Lilith, you are a part of us now."

"We're here to keep you safe and sound." Gerald chirped in. "I know…With your mother, it must've been hard."

Lilith looked down to the floor in response, being reminded of how her mother came out to Prusha to announce her illness and to spend the last moments she had left with her. Sarah Esheram had seemingly disappeared after the festival, telling everyone that she was heading to her hometown to have her final rest there.

But I know what really happened. Her illness was much closer than expected, and I watched as she dissipated into the air in Emmit's hands.

Lilith looked extremely saddened by the reminder, she gritted her teeth as she tried to look away from everyone. But Gerald saw it.

He quickly held out his hand and patted her back gently, soothing her. "She entrusted us to be there for you. And I won't let that promise go, we are here to protect you."

"I…I get it." Lilith slowly said, shaking could be heard in her voice. She then slowly raised her head. "I understand what you mean."

"Lilith, can you tell us how it's been in Prusha for you? We'd like to know." Synthia said gently.

Instead of flinching or being frightened, Lilith slowly nodded.

"It's been well…Kale is a good teacher and Kota's been really nice. I'm learning a lot more there than I was here." Lilith said. "Lots of things I've been learning and understanding."

"That's great. "Gerald said, happily. "I'm glad." There was then a slight hesitation from him, he took a Glance at me for whatever reason. What was he thinking now?

"Hey…You make a move on Kota?" Gerald asked with a serious face.

Lilith's face quickly turned to a bright red. As she tried to move away from Gerald, she bumped into Synthia who also had a serious face.

"W-what? M-make a move?" Lilith asked, confused. She looked down at the floor as she tried to process the question before evidently looking at me with embarrassment. "Wha-I didn't have sex with him yet! I only said that he was mine and that I gave him a kiss on his cheek!

I stared at her, dumbfounded and also embarrassed. she was spilling it out like a faucet. I don't think she even realized it.

Gerald climbed to his feet and pumped his fist in the air. "Ooh! She said 'Yet' which means down the line she will!" His serious face was quickly replaced with a smiling one as he pumped himself at a fast rate.

Synthia began to clap quietly with her hands, looking at Lilith with a smile as well. "Aw, Lilith! So cute of you! I'm so glad Kota has someone like you to be with!"

Lilith looked more confused than ever as she saw the two celebrate together. She quickly looked at me for any sort of answers, but I simply shrugged.

"They're just glad that we didn't do anything…yet."

Lilith tried to say something else, but she quickly closed her mouth and looked at me with embarrassment.

Once Gerald and Synthia stopped celebrating, we all took a seat at the table. Lilith sat next to me with me and Gerald sitting across from each other while she sat across from Synthia.

"Ok, enough teasing." Synthia began. "I'm sure the two of you are going through the lovey dovey stuff. Smooching, hugging, all the whatnots."

"Hrm…Don't say it out loud." Lilith said, dying on the inside. She had her head laying on the table.

"Don't be embarrassed by it! It's normal for everyone to go through that sort of thing." Synthia waved her hand at Lilith in a dismissive manner. "Anyways, I wanted to now talk about something else more serious."

Lilith lifted her head from the table and straightened herself, still visibly cringing at Synthia's last words. "About what?"

"Heading to Ozoth, With Chris and the rest. Kale had told us why you were going."

"Are you two capable of handling that sort of thing?" Gerald asked. "I know how capable the two of you are when it comes to fighting…But you're dealing with criminals AND having to protect Chris."

"We can handle it." Lilith said, suddenly there was a lot more confidence in her voice when she said that. "Not my first time fighting criminals."

"Uh, yes. But I'm also asking Kota." Gerald turned his gaze to me. "You think you can handle fighting or killing people?"

Lilith glanced at me as well, knowing full well what we've been through. I've managed to kill a couple of things with my magic, but I've never fully used it with full intent…Well besides that incident with the other students. Most of it was either because it was just the only option I had at the moment.

I remember Derrick telling me something about killing people, it was right after me and Lilith had killed one of the kidnappers on the way to Prusha.

To kill someone, it must for the greater good. These criminals or…whatever those mutated things could be are kidnapping people for something horrible. So I shouldn't feel any sort of guilt when taking them out.

I'm still clinging onto my old morals. This world is different from where I used to be. Killing doesn't break any laws of any sort unless within a city or village, so why am I still clinging onto it?

"I…Don't know if I can handle other people." I said to Gerald. "They're people who are just trying to live. I mean they're doing wrong…But still."

"I need you to think about it like this." Gerald said. "We are people just trying to live as well. And if they are coming for any of us, we have to fight back. There is no reasoning with them if they are fully bent on doing whatever they're doing. It's a necessity to live here. I believe you can cross that line when you have to."

"I just…don't believe that I'm ready…"

"Don't believe in yourself." Synthia interrupted us. She smiled softly as she looked at me. Her hand placed on her chest as she continued. "Believe in us, in what we believe in you."

"I know you're capable. Even if you don't think you aren't. I know when the time comes and someone you know is in danger, or when you know something is bad. You'll try to act." Gerald continued. "It's not like your killing innocent people."

"I-I don't know…are you su-"

"Kota!" Lilith's voice rang into my ear. I turned to her and saw her standing up, her hand planted onto the table. Her amber eyes stared at me with intensity. "Remember what I said upstairs? What you said? It's in your nature to help those in need."

Help those in need…They trust that I can do this. A lot of people are trusting me right now to do something. Maybe Synthia is right, I need to trust those that trust me. They've seen what I'm able to do and trust that I'll do what's right.

The people we go up against, they aren't innocent. They'll kill us before we can even respond back. It's us or them.

"Ok." I finally said. "I believe you all."

Gerald smirked. "That's my boy."

"Have the confidence in yourself." Synthia said.

Lilith nodded with content as she slowly got back to her seat.

The table Grew quiet for a moment. Everyone took in what was said and heard. Then Gerald looked at Lilith with a chuckle slowly coming out of him.

"I guess it's time we wrap this up. Don't want to wake up everyone else with our little reunion. So why don't you two head back upstairs? You got another day here before you head out, enjoy it. Me and Synthia will be heading to our room too."

"Ok." Lilith said, a small smile crept out of her.

"Don't make too much noise together." Synthia teasingly said. "No messing around in that bed."

"Hah! Keep the smooching on the quiet side, Lilith." Gerald laughed.

"Stop teasing me with that!" Lilith turned red once more. She quickly got out of her seat and pursed her lips. "I-I'm going now! This is too much for me!"

And she hurriedly raced her way to my room. I sat there with a dumbfounded look.

"She's really not that good with teasing." Gerald said to Synthia.

"Oh, it's cute when she's embarrassed like that!"

As the two were talking, I let out a relieved sigh.

Seeing them talk and interact with me in this one sitting reminded me how much different they were to my real parents. And that's something I'm becoming more glad of as the time passes.

"Well, I should be heading upstairs with Lilith." I said, getting out of my seat. "Thank you, you two."

"We're glad to have been able to catch up with you. After all, you are our son." Synthia said. "I think we should be thankful for having you."

As I headed my way upstairs, I stopped halfway up them. Something crossed my mind.

I don't think I've ever called the two of them by mom and dad yet, it was always their first names. Something in me was telling me to say it to them, now.

Should I even say it? It wouldn't hurt to say it to them at all. Besides…Maybe I should start seeing them as my real parents now.

"Goodnight…Mom, Dad." It came out in an awkward manner, like something that hasn't been said in a long time. Maybe it was too long of a time, an overdue sentence for the both of them.

I couldn't see their reactions, but I could hear an audible gasp from Synthia. Finally as I took the final step up the stairs, I heard them say their Goodnight to me.

"Sleep well, Our boy."

A/N: Back with a Much longer chapter! This month has been quite busy for me, in terms of me working and just dealing with other things. Luckily, I've found a lot of time for this chapter as I wanted this specific point of the story to be more longer. Hope you enjoy this chapter and the upcoming one, it'll be possibly as long as this one!

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