Chereads / Voyager's Path / Chapter 62 - Preparing for the Festival

Chapter 62 - Preparing for the Festival

"Hey, don't take all the meat off the plate. Other people still need to eat!"

"I think the cook should get a bonus piece since they cooked it!"

The two figures in front of me argued over who'd get the last piece of meat in the table we ate at. It was spring here in Prusha now and the snow had finally begun to melt now. In addition to something new happening in this world, something new was happening in Kale's household. Kale seemed more reinvigorated than usual the past month and from what Lilith had told me, he was more passionate in his training than usual. It seemed like someone or something had reinvigorated him with new energy.

"Kota and Lilith haven't even gotten a piece yet, you are eating like a mongrel right now!" There was a hard smacking noise on the table. "Tsk, why are you so excited about cooking for us?"

"Yeow! Because I feel happy alright!"


Lilith and I watched as Tera and Kale argued with each other. In addition to Kale's new found energy, he has also found a new lover. After that night, the two decided to have a serious chat alone. Once they came back, it seemed decided that the two would develop their relationship. Ever since then, the chemistry between the two blossomed as Tera was asked to move in and the two would always stay by each other in their free time. With Tera in the house, it was very odd to begin with. Sometimes when I'm with Lilith, she'd often watch us both and nod her head as if she was taking mental notes at what me and Lilith were doing…which was just sitting around and either studying or walking around. But now everyone has easily gotten comfy with each other in the last month. How things went out so smoothly before the festival which was a day away.

"Alright, fine." Kale grabbed a fork and stabbed a piece of meat, lifting it up and placing it in Liliths plate. He had made us all breakfast with a bunch of meat he bought from the market and wanted Tera to eat it first. "Buut….Tera get first bite."

"Tsk, if you insist." She said angrily, but she made a small smile afterwards and grabbed a piece of her own. "I'll have you know that I'm quite a picky meat eater."

"Do you like Kota's cooking?" Lilith asked, poking at her food.

Tera looked at me. She and Kale were across from us at the table in the kitchen. "Besides being a somewhat genius in magic, he has a knack of making quite unique meals for us…I can say that I quite enjoy them." She then quickly took a bite out of kale's breakfast and slowly nodded, thoroughly chewing it.

"So, how is it?" Kale asked, grabbing a glass of water. Tera closed her eyes and munched on the meat as kale began to sip on his drink.

"Perhaps the meat you've given me last night was more efficient than this…this one here lacks any sort of taste."

Kale spat out his water. Water blowing across the kitchen floor.

Lilith looked at everyone in confusion, as I just started forward. Tera has recently also ramped up on her sexual innuendos to Kale ever since they began to date. It was also frightening to wake up at night. Some nights would just be thumping noises that I could hear and I'd have to beg myself to sleep as they continued, sometimes Lilith was awake and both of us would awkwardly listen as we tried to sleep. Those nights I wish would be erased from my memories.

"We are trying to eat here!" Lilith said, her face stuffed with food. "But the food is a six out of ten!"

"Ooh, see! Why can she give a normal response?" Kale bopped his head and then pointed at tera. "What's with the sexual remarks too?"

Tera kept on munching her meal. "Got something to say about my judging? This is bland." She pointed her fork at him. " and it's not like you aren't enjoying them, you're as red as the roses in the garden."

"I am not enjoying them!" Kale gasped.

She ignored his response and looked at me. "Kota, are you not hungry? You should eat before we head to the university, Don't want to go with an empty stomach."

"No, it's fine. I'm pretty sure I've lost my appetite…" I honestly said. The conversation between the two was an awkward one for me to eat with.

"You sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure." I bluntly said.

"You need to stop being so motherly to those two." Kale chimed in. "They have their own mothers, yknow." He leaned into tera. "Perhaps you should look into that."

"You should know that a teachers and apprentices relationship is akin to a parent and child's. Look at you with Lilith, like a father to a daughte-Oh…forgive me, Lilith." Tera looked at Lilith and apologized immediately. She had forgotten that Lilith's father left.

Lilith nodded her head as she ate. "It's no problem!" She then finished up what was left of her plate and spoke again. "I don't mind kale, he'd probably make a good dad."

"Gawk!" Kale interrupted Lilith by choking on his food, the man was punching his chest for his life. Perhaps Liliths response was a little too much for Kale at the moment.


After breakfast was over and Me and Lilith got to cleaning. Tera wanted us to learn how to dance. This was something that me and Lilith should've done some time ago, but it never crossed our minds again when tera first told us.

We were still in the kitchen when Kale left. He was going to ask King Lucian about taking the festival days off, which left Tera with us.

"Oh, Yoo-hoo!" Tera crooned as she poked her head into the kitchen. I was using a water spell to rinse the plates. and when I mean rinse, I mean I was firing water like a hose at them with Lilith watching with amusement.

"Today, I'll be teaching you two how to dance!" I stopped what I was doing and looked at her when she said that. Lilith panned her way as well.

I thought it was odd that she was going to teach us to dance since I was heading to the university. But it seemed to click to me when I realized Lilith didn't go with kale. Which meant she was coming with us.

"At the school? Or here?" I asked to be sure.

"With my intentions, I wanted Lilith to join us in my class. The principal gave me the go ahead. As long as she is with me." Tera reassured us. "He thinks she is my adoptive daughter."

"But we don't even look similar?" Lilith examined herself. Comparing her silver hair to Tera's black long hair.

"That's why I said adoptive…Hmm, maybe Kota's language studying isn't working…"

"Gah! I'm listening to him!" Lilith's cheeks turned red. But that was a lie though, her attention span when I teach her is like a puppy's. I started to help her study with reading and writing as…Her skills in that department were lacking and it's been a hell for me. Sometimes she'd doze off or pat mind to another thing as we studied.

"Hmph. Is that so? Well besides that, you two should get ready. I got a new outfit for the two of you to wear at the festival." Tera said.

"Really?" I asked curiously. This is a festival for a whole kingdom. I've seen shops that were already selling clothing for the festival. Tera must've got them in her free time.

"Yes, I've left them in your room. Go ahead and try them!" Tera smiled. "Oh, the two of you will look so cute together with it on!

I took a glance at Lilith, wondering if she was going upstairs with me. She gave me a nod and proceeded to walk past tera and up the stairs. I guess she was going to change first.

"Aren't you going to follow, lover boy?" Tera teased me.

"I don't watch Intend on getting slapped or thrown out the window." I said. The last time I walked in on Lilith changing was before we went out on our first Bounty, I ended up getting a jab to my stomach and a scolding from Lilith.

"Pshh, You two are dating now. Some point you'll see more than tha-"

"Alright, I'm ending that conversation. I'm heading upstairs!" I quickly walked past tera, but not before she grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Slow down, no need to chase the buns. If you insist on not seeing, stay down here." Tera then let go of my collar, folding her arms and walking past me until she was in front of me. "How are your magic skills? I know they are fine, but I want to see if you think you could improve."

"Uhh…Well…" What could I work on with my magic? The past month or so, it seemed to have grown much larger. Since Tera started living here, we've also done magic lessons here as well. I still struggled with healing spells as I'm still only able to chant them and do beginner spells. But other than that, I'd say my Water spells and fire spells are still trying to reach King ranked. Earth and Wind spells were also getting better, I'd say they were intermediate. It didn't come as a surprise to everyone that my mana efficiency was getting better overall.

"I guess I could work on how I utilize the spells?" I answered awkwardly. If anything, I haven't really had any combat experiences yet. Besides when we go on bounties, Lilith and kale handle the fighting as I sit in the back. "I really don't know how to use magic when fighting."

"Mm…Perhaps once this festival is over. I'll make sure kale gives you a better chance at utilizing it." Tera offered. "I mean, your usage of magic is quite unique even without any battle experience…You don't think I know, do you?" A grin escaped her mouth as she looked at me.


What's she talking about?

"…The bathroom wall does not have a hole in it." She pointed at me. "And I'm pretty sure kale doesn't know how to use earth spells."

Ah. Shit. Who else could've made that hole for a one time thing? It's as if someone's curiosity got the best of them…and didn't…seal…it.

"Ah…well perhaps someone made that hole." I spoke, clearly trying to act unsuspicious.


"…" an awkward silence grew between me and tera as she stared at me.

I made a break for it, zipping past her and climbing up the stairs. Tera quickly ran for me, grabbing at my feet as I ascended the stairs. I stumbled and turned back at her.

"It was curiosity!" I yelled, trying to yank my feet off her grip.

"You peeping at us when we bathe?!" Tera gave a hard pull and dragged me down a step of the stairs. "That is absurd behavior for someone like you!"

"Gah! Listen, a big boob woman comes into the house and flaunts her body. Of course a teen is going to be curious about what the hell that looks like!" I was speaking the truth.

Tera laughed. "So you are curious about me? After all this time of not saying anything, you end up doing that! What of Lilith?" Her grip on my leg was tightening.

"Hahahoo! I'd never do that!" I panicked, I don't think that idea has crossed my mind…Oh wait, now it's crossing my mind! Oh God! No, Tera is cackling at me now because of my face!

"Haha! You have! You are in trouble!" Tera gave me another yank.

With some quick thinking, I held out my palm and casted a very weak beginner wind spell. There was little mana put into this. Tera looked at me in surprise as I blasted her with air, loosening her grip and letting go of me as she was pushed down the couple of steps of stairs we had. She fell down, landing on her butt.

Using this chance, I scurried upstairs and quickly knocked on my bedroom door. Surely Lilith would be done, right?

"Yes?" I heard her say past the door.

"Can I open it?! Tera is crazy right now!" I yelled.

"…I'm not finished putting on this dress."

Oh, come on! I heard footsteps coming from down the stairs. Tera was getting closer.

Wait, what if this is what Tera wants? What if she's literally leading me to enter this room when Lilith is changing? What kind of crack idea is that? Actually, it seems plausible that Tera would actually try to do that.

"Kota!" I heard Tera spoke, she was almost up the steps. "You should've put more effort into that Air blast of yours…" she then held out her arm and aimed it at me. Our room was the closest to the stairs, the door facing the steps. Before I realized her intentions, she began to chant.

"Winds become mine, allow me to use nature itself to blast those away! Wind shot!"

I began to panic. "W-w-wait! Lilith is still insi-agh!" The impact of the air blast sent me smashing into the door, the lock on it breaking as I smashed into the door. I tumbled into the room and laid flat on the floor, recovering from the blast.

"…eh?" I looked and noticed Lilith across the bed. Her face was red and flushed as she covered her chest. She was wearing a black bra and the bottom part of her was wearing a white skirt of sorts. I quickly peered away and looked at the door.

"My, my! What an odd situation you put yourself in! You shouldn't have barged in like that!" Tera sarcastically said as she finally peered into the room. She took a glance at Lilith and smiled. "And look at how the outfit is looking! Kota, look!"

"I mustn't!" I turned myself around and laid face down on the ground.

I couldn't see anything that was happening, but I heard Tera laugh and move from the door. Her footstep went towards where Lilith was.

"Peeping Tom here doesn't like to see things face to face. It's a shame" I heard Tera say. "Lilith, how is the outfit? Is it comfortable?"

"Erm…It's a bit tight on the waist…kinda short for my taste." I heard Lilith say as rummaging of clothes was also heard. I think Tera was helping her.

"Lilith…it's only up above your knees. This is a normal length for skirts for the festival." There was a short pause. "Plus, I think it's fine to show off some skin. These legs are looking ripe!"

"Stop that!" The two laughed.

"Oh, the dress looks so gorgeous on you! Your mother would be proud!" Tera exclaimed.

"Does it? The chest area is somewhat…Tight."

"Hm…Perhaps I misjudged your size in that area. You should be proud!"

I kinda felt awkward in this situation, my face smothered into the floor. I should probably move. So I quickly got up and faced the floor, not even trying to look behind.

"Oh,Lilith…Did you know about the bathroom hole?"

"…hm?" Lilith sounded surprised.

"What's with that look? Have…you looked into the hole?" Tera sounded somewhat concerned.

"I-uh…well…Maybe?" Lilith said nervously.

I turned around and looked at Lilith and Tera. Unsure if what I was hearing was correct. Is…Lilith a pervert too?

"N-no! It's not what it was like!" Lilith shook her head. She was now wearing the festival outfit that tera gave us. It was a white top that had the body in a blue corset. The Sleeves were all frilly and quite gorgeous, they were not connected to the main top as it began at the top of her elbows. The color of white blue wrapped around the sleeves. It was like looking at the sky when it had some clouds in it.

"Have you been peeking into it?" Tera sternly asked.

"Erm…" Lilith started sweating, her eyes darted to me. "…No."

"What was that? You looked at him!" Tera rocked her head back and forth between us two before rubbing her chin. "…I See." A grin grew on her face as she pointed at Lilith. "Oh, I see. Curious like him, huh?"


"You looked at Kota in the bath, didn't you!"

"Gah!" Lilith turned even redder than she did before and Slammed herself into the floor. She covered her head with her hands as she curled into a ball. "Noo!" With that reaction, tera was certain.

Wait, I've been spied on in the shower? does that mean Lilith has seen me try to do a flex in the bathroom? I found myself turning red as the imagination of that.

Tera laughed, almost cackling at this revelation. "Hoho! This is great! This whole household is filled with perverts and peepers! And I thought I was the worst of it!"

"You never used the hole before?" I asked.

"Pssh, I don't need to look at you two naked…Plus kale is always shirtless in his room,

So I'm already satisfied." Tera smiled at that thought. "Oh! And now that we are here, Put on your outfit!" Tera then grabbed a bundle of clothes wrapped in a bow and tossed it to me. Once I grabbed it, she stared at me. "…well?"

"Well what?" I cautiously asked her. I was looking at the Outfit and its button overalls.

"Dress up."

"I'm not doing that here."

"You nervous that some girls are looking at you? One here has already seen it all, now chop chop!" Tera clapped her hands when she said her last words. I also heard Lilith yell into the floor.

Not really seeing any point, I began to dress up. Taking my top off and putting on the festival outfits top. It was a blue vest top that had its button off to one side. Its material felt very nice to me. Then I put on the white jacket. The collar was up and spaced nicely from my neck. The sleeves were fit to my size as well. I then began to change my bottoms, looking sternly at Tera as I did. The woman smiled and looked down at Lilith.

"Hey, psst." She said to Lilith as I changed. "Loverboy is almost done, don't you want to look?"

"When he's done!" Lilith muffledly said. " no more peeping!"

"Haha…Oh, you kids." Tera laughed.

Once I got my pants on, I walked to the mirror and examined myself. With the full set of white, I looked like I was dressed for some wedding or something. This sort of outfit just oozes more nobility. The pants were all white and the only considerable blue in this outfit was the blue vest.

"He's all done! You can look now." I heard a shuffle and saw Lilith getting up, looking at me.

I turned away from the mirror towards the two and pointed at myself. "Is it fine?"

"Looking handsome there." Tera complimented me. "Good thing most of my measurements were correct."

"…h-how did you measure me?" I asked quizzically.

"That's a secret."

I am concerned now. But shaking it off, I looked over at Lilith to see her response.

Lilith stared at me, her eyes glittered as she put her hands over her mouth. She looked entranced for a moment before blurting out her compliment. "C-cute! It looks nice on you!"

She quickly moved past the bed and towards me, smiling. She got a closer look at me which made me blush. She moved around me and began to poke at my outfit.

"My, my! She's all over you now!" Tera teased us. "Need to put her on a leash."

"Haha." I sarcastically laughed.

Tera watched for a moment before nodding her head. "Now, this was just to see if they would fit. We aren't running in those outfits until the festival. Now take 'em off."

"But I just put this on!" I exclaimed, you know how much effort was put into putting this on? Not much, but still!

"Nope, take it off. We still need to head to the university and teach you two how to dance." Tera sternly said. "Once you two learn, you'll be able to wear it again."

"Ugh…" I groaned as I began to strip off my top.

"Hooh…" I felt a breath on my back as lilith examined my back, I jerked forward in response. Lilith moved forward and touched my back, slowly moving and poking it.

"Hey! Stand down!" I turned to her and pointed. "That's weird!"

"Hoho…This is enjoyable." I heard Tera say. She seemed to enjoy our interaction right now, but I didn't. Now Lilith was acting like a dog, and I'm unsure if that's coming from her human side or dragon side…or maybe it's just my body that is alluring, I don't know.

Lilith stopped and frowned when I moved forward. She started to take off the sleeves of her outfit. "Tsk, I was only checking…"

"Don't need to check what you've already seen, Lilith." Tera came towards us, looking to aid Lilith in helping her out of the outfit. "Assuming that you did look into the bathroom hole…"

"Gah, don't bring that up!" Lilith began to take off her corset before taking a glance at me, I was taking off my top before I made eye contact with her. "…D-does he have to be here?"

"Look at you, so flustered at the idea he's looking at you when you were all over him…Fine." Tera looked at me and pointed to the door. "Kota, please change in the bathroom. And don't worry, I'll cover the hole."

I began to walk out the door, holding my normal clothes when I overheard Lilith and Tera.

"That's because he doesn't care! I prefer to not be watched."

"Oh hush, Now let me cover this hole before you take another look."

"That was a one time thing!"

I found myself in the bathroom, changing back into my normal clothes. I took a glance at the large metal tub with a wooden bucket in it and wondered. I've taken multiple baths in that tub since I've made the hole and wondered how many were of me being seen. The tub was still filled with water, usually I'd put in new water after kale dumps the water after a week.

I could hear Lilith and Tera giggling on the other side, it seems they had finished up. So I quickly put on my white shirt and pants, taking keen notice of the hole. I finally put on my green cloak before taking another look at the hole. It's gotten quiet on the other side, too quiet…

I leaned in and put my into against the hole and noticed that it was dark…someone was looking in at the other side.

"Gah, he's noticed!" I heard Lilith yelp on the other side, Tera cackling was heard as well.

"Haha! Sorry, kota! Perhaps I'm starting to think Lilith is the more perverted one!" There were some footsteps that left the room and slowly made their way to the bathroom door. I quickly went ahead and opened the door to see Tera standing in front of it.

"You gave quite a show." She snickered.

"Can't believe you'd look at a teen like that." I countered. I didn't really find this all that irritating, actually I thought it was amusing that Lilith was interested like that.

"Oh, I wasn't looking. But Lilith looked quite entertained by it." She then grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me out of the bathroom. Putting me in front of her and pushing. "Now then, let's head to the university!"

A/N: unfortunately, this will be the only upload this week as I will be going on a camping trip. So I'll be using that time to explore nature and maybe possibly come up with new things while camping! Hope you enjoy this more light hearted chapter!

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