Gooood Afternoon~
My pesimism is at an all time low today. I am having a very good time.
So todays escapades were very nice. In the morning, I woke up, diddled my fiddle and played some games. Then I ate a small breakfast of toast, bacon, and eggs. Also, keto bread tastes very weird.
Then after talking with some friends for a while I ended up at the IFLY in North Carolina, which is an indoor skydiving place.
Honestly, for ~68$ for 1 person with 5 minutes of flying it was pretty fun. Cheap and fun.
So what they did was give us a small breifing about the rules and what hand signs to use, since when you are having are blown into your face from a vent the size of africa you kinda cant hear or speak.
They actually gave us ear plugs so we don't fucking explode our ears. So this is how it went.
When you goy in you sat to the farthest left you could so other people had room. Then you would enter the flying tube with you chin up and arms extended, and you would slowly tip yourself over. Then with an instructor making sure you dont helicopter into the air, you would float.
And while floating, you would bend your arms at a 45 degree angle, chin up, and you would have you legs completely flat. And then after the 1st go around, the instructor would grab you and then fly with you up the tube and spin you around. It was amazing and terrifying.
After that my family sat on the dock oit the back the house we're renting and talked, then had some hot dogs. Thats basically it.
Then a couple hours later we had ginger oven roasted pork with roasted green beans and brocolli along with some mashed patatoes and some extra steak as well.
All in All a really nice day. Just relaxing and doing our thing.
Honestly this brake has been amazing for my mental health.
Thats it for today though. I'm gonna read some comic or smting. Goodnight, or Goodmorning, or whatever the fuck it is where you are.