So I kinda fucked up once again. Luckily I can still write chapters.
So I went to the weight room for the first time in half a year, and my dumbass fucked up my arm while lifting, so fuck me. Yeah fully extending my arm hurts, so when I sleep or play games I have to fully extend my arm so it dosen't lock up.
Yeah it kinda sucks, I also got the covid booster shot so I have a bad migraine right now. This is not the best combination of things going on right now.
Luckily I will be able to write, Probably will release something tommorow, maybe. Don't expect me too though, my schedule is about as fucked up as Cyberpunks launch.
Talking about horrible launches, I just figured out No Mans Sky actually became good 2 years after its launch. I also started playing Fallout 3 and Elderscrolls Oblivion. So thats fun.
Also quick thing. Why do some writers capitalize whole fucking sentences? Like when a character is screaming you add an !, not just AGHHHHHHH!
Like if you capitalize something, atleast make it a really emotional scene, or like a really powerful final attack.
Just makes your paragraph look ridiculous.