Chereads / An Addicts Guide To Webnovel / Chapter 20 - Why are games getting worse?

Chapter 20 - Why are games getting worse?

So it's 2021, now 2022. That year was supposes to be the year for gamers, Gamers year boys.

Call of Duty! Battle Field!

Well we were fucking wrong. Apparently Blizzard was too buzy Molesting their Sisters, Cousin that works in rhe stall next to them too actually make Vanguard any fun. EA is too busy Sucking Dick behind the FIFA dumpster with NBA2K19 and Madden NFL 21 double teaming them to think about making a new game. Atleast they arn't molesting people or Raping People.... That Christian Ranoldo's job not their's. Not that I really expected anything from those two company's.

I'm really excited for Elden Ring though. The first souls game in I think 8 years? I don't know. Although that souls games, Not souls-like games. I found 2 pretty cool souls esc game.

Both are from Bandai Namico. Scarlet Nexus is more of a Final Fantasy just really hard. And then Theres fucking Code vein.

Im Giving Code Vein It's own Chapter. That game is fukin wild.

Lets go back to bad games. Lets shit on EA for a hot minute.

So EA, The game industries Disney. You know it god bad after 2015 but you still buy what they put out hoping it will be good. Only to get your spirit crushed and your excitement boner flacid.

They suck man. They haven't put out a good game in actual years. The only thing I can think of is Apex Legends, Burnout, and Call of Duty 1 - 4. No not ghost, ghost was bad. Sue me

Even the good things they made are like a good loaf of Rye Bread. It's really good, but leave it too sit too long make's it stale. I swear they learn how to make everything bad. They made Plant's and Zombie's a pay too win


How in the 7 Hells of Christ do you manage to take a messiah of the 2000's gaming industry and turn it into a money loving dumpster whore. You stupid fucking cock loving money grubbing monkeys. I swear too god, my childhood is ruined.

First they Ruin Call of Duty by turning it into a P2W, then they turn the game I LITERALLY Grew up on and skin the fucking thing alive.

I swear whats up next. Gta4 - The Difinitive Edition. Where they turn Niko into a country Red neck that got lost in new york and doesn't know where his meth is?

Man I hate games nowadays. The only good studios are the ones that make games every 5 years, like Bandai Namico, or Square Enix, or Platinum Games, FromSoftware. Those studios could make a joke and put minimal effort into a game and make better stuff than Blizzard or EA has done in the past 5 years.