Ediana and her loyal sisters were
expecting to be scolded but didn't
expect for their tigress aunt to just;
*Go back to your post and
never leave again when on
*Yes Eldest auntX10!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't know why they were spared but
these nieces had took the opportunity
and left quickly after acknowledging.
Among the things that Khristeine got
used to it, one is the childishness of
Ediana; that sometimes, she become
lazy to scold.
After a few rubs on her temple, went to
look at the four new nieces and said;
*Don't mind that little sister of
yours fooling around. I'm sure
she'll behave once again when
her father wakes up. Anyways,
I brought everyone here to try
a food called seven-flavored
icecream. Even if we're in the