Back in the first floor.
Edian just entered the building after
paying a lot of pure energy stones. He
suddenly realized how fast for a poor
super being like him to be run out of
energy stones. "Well, now I know how
important a currency is. Better stock as
many as I can in the inner world for my
future use." The man is talking to
himself when:
Edian heard the word and hurriedly went
to look for the creature they call it a
Zombie. He also want to see what they
really look like but how come there's
nothing in the place that looks like a
Zombie. The man thought someone
made a joke, ignored it and about to find
a good spot when everyone's whispers
made his ears moved.
*It is rare for a Zombie to
come to a place with so
many people.
*So this is what a Zombie
looks like. I heard that the
best super being in this
field is from the creator
race. There are rumors that