After finishing his story, Edian asked to
leave because these beauties start to
talk about women stuffs. How can a big
boy like him have the guts to stay and listen
to their topics that is scarrier than a horror
story. The man after setting up several
defensive and offensive formation, found
the old place where he used to practice.
He is a super being to practice for the
third time so it just a piece of cake to do
it again. Sitting cross-legged like a fool on
a tree, run the formula to absorb the pure
and abundant energy in the mountain.
" Woosh! " The man is like a black hole
sucking the energy around. No other super
being can absorb as fast like this in the
whole universe without exploding. This
man isn't just a falking normal talented
super being anymore that in just a few
minutes, the energy in the place as thick as cumulus cloud have been dried up. Edian
notice this and immediately stopped the
formula. If he choose to continue, the