Atiche clapped his hands once as a crisp 'pa!' rang once, the calm blue saucers unable to hide their amazement. "This is very joyous," he said, "We can now try and finalize your Slumbering Ladder before establishing your Wondering Ladder."
"But what about the Component?" Atiche pat his back after hearing Bie ask the question, answering just as steadily as ever.
"It's better to worry about it later, as the usage of magic will require you to understand a couple more concepts that I will unfortunately have to leave to the Mad Hatter that escorted you here. The best I can do before you taste your first experience as a Guide it to better prepare what you already have, I'm afraid. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience, please forgive me as I have other matters to attend." Atiche really did look apologetic, even though to some his expression could be seen as having frozen completely over his countenance. His voice was more than authentic enough to be genuine and credible, however.
"It's alright, mister Atiche. Please instruct me." Bie had already thanked him profusely in his mind, not directly expressing his gratitude as grand gestures seemed to bother the young looking man greatly. Atiche's cold, carefree smile was as refreshing as the spring breeze as he accepted Bie's request, beginning his instruction.
"Progressing through the Ladders is an endeavor in expanding the scope of your cognition, which in turn strengthens the overall soul. As your soul develops, it'll connect more with your body in an attempt to refine it, so that it does not outpace your body and cause it to self destruct. First, to awaken the concept of 'thought' in your soul, we will go over the basic structures in your Inner World.
"The well is known as your Inkpot, where your Ink is stored as it fuels both your soul your body. You do not possess a constitution that relies completely on it, probably because of your nature as a Gem of the Undead, but please note it's importance."
"The fireplace as well as the band of light are the Torch and the Sconce, respectively. These two things are the crux of us Guides, and we can do many a thing with them. Think of the Sconce as the fuel and container of the Torch, while the Torch itself is the apparition that can be molded, used directly, and do all sorts of things. One of its most important functions is to open Paths, which you will soon experience, and to aid in both the combat of Seers and serve as a focal point for Conception, Coagulation, and Manifestation, which you will come to know by its abbreviation of CCM."
"These are the structures you will come to understand deeply, though the information of what they are should affect you. Please, take a look at your Ladder and tell me what you see." Atiche's lecture ended as he inquired about the circumstances of Bie's Inner World, aware of the changes that were occurring as Bie's aura started to surge. It peaked shortly thereafter before receding back into his body, though to Atiche, his presence seemed to become stronger.
Inside Bie's Inner World.
The Slumbering Ladder shook before it sprang into the atmosphere, its previously dinky appearance becoming a looming colossus. The yellow tiled floors crawled with black scrawls, which then laid themselves peacefully onto the terrain before matching its color. The Sconce shout out a beam of light towards the right of the finished Ladder, and a ravine emerged from which two long poles and ten tubes emerged from.
One tube throwed itself on the fireplace, the Torch, as white healing sings enveloped it while heating up the edges. It then bound itself tightly on the bottom part of the small Ladder, becoming its first Rung.
Bie described these changes as they were happening to Atiche while his Inkpot expanded deeper, the Ink in his body and soul dancing with joy as they now had more space to roam around in. The speckles of light dimly flashed as the concentration of energy became stronger throughout the space, and even the Bridge effigies were lit aglow.
And a floating imprint of a hand axe traced the confines of the original thing as it softly hummed, resonating with the changes that had transpired as it became able to uplift itself, before it clattered on the ground.
Lastly but not the slightest bit least, Bie's pupils became white crosses almost exactly alike to the markings along the Sconce and the symbol laying in the middle of the campfire. It lasted for quite some time as it dissipated like it was prone to, remaining for a full two minutes as Atiche's hair fluttered up as he was surprised again.
"You have traces of Conception? Interesting...I hope it will show itself to you very soon," said he, now completely believing the message he received about Bie being quite important. Although feats like these have been achieved before, the last time he heard anything similar was from the mouth of the King of the Backstreets, a Guide he had grown up with personally.
Unfortunately, while he would like to see more of what Bie could do, he had helped him increase his realm and now had to send the boy along. He and Bie both stood up, Atiche offering his hand and walking slowly compared to before, so that Bie could become accustomed to his new physique.
The pressure in the air hardened considerably to Bie, as if he was a newborn child breathing for the first time. He could feel the raucous Ink clamoring for the more abundant energy lingering in the space around him, though he knew he would have to get used to the pressure first. Thankfully, Atiche seemed to cloak the world in silence as well as stave the Ink away from his body, giving him more time to adjust as they left the limits of the cathedral, arriving once more at the square he arrived at.
Lapil's whole body shivered as the area's sound was snatched from his ears, before the noise slowly cascaded as Atiche's form vanished. In his head was a mental transmission from the Grand Inquisitor himself, instructing him on what to do next.
-Descend down the Cadreht Hill, and bring Bie into the Caderian City. Do not stop at any of the levels and descend down the spiral staircase, and then bring him to the Crossroads. After that, you will lead him to the Gate Sil assigns him and keep watch for two days. In the event that he does not leave after twenty-four hours, you will go in and rescue him. Inform him of the time dilation.
Lapil dared not disobey, as he hurried away from the empty square while Bie traced his footsteps, really taking a look at the garbed Guides as he walked from the hill and started to descend down the slope. His yellow topaz eyes were sparkling as he took in each and every raiment.
'They're so cool...I'll dress like them one day.' He had already sworn to himself that he would get better clothes, remembering Amitha's advice to get another hobby aside from training.
The taste of stew lingered along his tongue as they arrived before the spiraling span of steps, each alternating between rich hues of purple, shining shades of golds, and shimmering colors of grey.