I won't bore you with the granular details of the following few years, but I'll attempt to summarize it for you. In my haste, I had tried to find a time in that previous "loop" of the universe where both humans existed and technology seemed to be at a glance at least something somewhat recognizable to me. If I was going to jump through that portal, I had wanted some semblance of a chance of blending in and surviving. Even still, technology was different, language was different, and even (as I would come to find out) some understandings of the laws of physics were different…or perhaps not the understanding, but the laws themselves had subtle differences…Regardless, I was found wandering by some passerby and after getting tossed around by various authorities to various facilities, I found myself at some high level government facility where I spent the next few years. They spent quite some time bringing in linguists and professionals to help communicate with me. I wasn't stupid enough to tell them the truth of what had happened only to end up in some psychiatric facility - or worse kept hostage by the government for the rest of my life if they did believe me. So I made up a story of how I had been trapped for many years by some mysterious kidnapper and then let go. They clearly didn't buy it given the language I spoke was quite different than any known language they had, but after some time of realizing I had (or wouldn't share) any valuable information with them, they decided it was better to give me a new identity (my new name would roughly translate to "Rhea" in our world), get me on my feet, and teach me basic understandings of their language, culture, and so on and then release me.
Of course, I still had a "handler" whom I would occasionally have to check in to (or would check in on me), and they were no doubt surveilling me much more frequently than that discreetly. Yet, after around 5 years I was more or less "free" with my new identity, new clothes, some money and belongings, a place to live, a mode of transport, and a low level government job (to no doubt better keep tabs on me). More importantly, I could reasonably well speak the local language by then, had some understanding of the local culture and…had been taught a basic understanding of what I could only reasonably describe as "magic". Or it would seem to be "magic" had it been in my time of origin, but in this "loop"of the universe the laws of physics were slightly different. Here it was not called "magic" as it was completely normal (if somewhat rare). Perhaps there were far more differences to the laws of physics than I would ever come to know, but one difference was the conservation of matter-energy was not as strict here. Or, if it was as strict, then matter or energy was somehow able to be conjured with relative ease from some other dimension (if not from thin air), or in some cases destroyed (or perhaps sent to some other dimension). It would have taken me lifetimes to research the way "magic" worked here, but without really knowing how it did, I had to come to accept that it simply did. What was most curious, however, is that few were magically "attuned." Perhaps only one in four or five hundred could even mentally detect the "energy" to draw upon, much less use it. Even fewer would be able actually train it to any level beyond simple parlor tricks. Even amongst those who could, very few had the capacity for very high levels of competency, and the very few who did typically only attained those levels with great training and assistance. So, by and large, society functioned not all too severely from my past world given its rarity. However, despite this rarity, and having come from an entirely different "loop" of the universe's existence, I was apparently "attuned" (for reasons I would only partially ever understand, and of course only much later). Even more intriguingly, I was rather quite adept at it. I think, if anything, this was the majority of the reason the local government spent such time and energy on me. They had even hired me a private tutor who would continue to train me in language, customs, and "magic" a few times a week. I spent around 3 years at that government job all the while continuing to learn all that I could about this world between my own efforts and from this tutor's instruction. Nothing too interesting happened, honestly, during this time. It was simply a daily grind…except… My progress with "magic" was so remarkable, that after having spent about 8 years in this world the government decided I might be of "use." That's really when these tales began...