You woke up on the day of your date with Peter and you rushed out of bed and jumped down the stairs.
"Morning!" you shouted cheerfully.
You decided to have something different for breakfast, besides toast. You make yourself some pancakes and add fruit and syrup on top.
You answered your phone, "Hello!"
"HEY! You excited for your date today?" Gwen exclaims
"Yeah, of course! Can you come over soon, I need you to help me sort my outfit out. I need it to be PERFECT!" You explain excitedly.
"I'm 10 minutes away, relax, I'll make sure your outfit is spectacular!" she says
"OK, Thank you so much, Gwen" you thank
You wriggle in your seat from excitement and carry on eating your pancakes while watching your favourite show, FRIENDS!
*Ten Minutes Later*
Gwen knocks on your door and you answer. She's standing there with a bag full of makeup and another duffel bag full of clothes and accessories. Your eyes widened when you saw how much she had brought with her.
You two rush upstairs and try on all of the outfits she had brought with her.
Finally, after 2 hours of brushing knots in your hair , trying on outfits and adding makeup, your outfit was finished and perfect.
You were wearing skinny jeans, an off-the-shoulder crop top, black boots and a sliver chain necklace.
"You look absolutely FABULOUS! HE WILL LOVE YOU!" Gwen screamed and she ran up and hugged you.
"Thank you" you smile and then the doorbell rings.
You took a deep breath and ran down the stairs, answering the door. You opened the door and there he was... standing in his navy jeans, grey t-shirt and his jacket to finish it off. His hair looked amazing and his eyes sparkled in the sunlight. His eyes widened when he saw you and a smile crept onto his face.
"Woah, Y/N, you look... amazing!" he says politely.
"Thank you, you look really nice as well!" you say shyly.
You and Peter walk out of your house and you decided to walk to the Café. You walked through meadows of flowers and down next to a glistening, clear stream full of wildlife. It was beautiful. You chatted along with each other, learning everything about each other. You found out that his parents died after their plane crashed and now he lives with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. You finally got to the Coffee Shop, sat down and ordered drinks.
"I'm sorry about your parents, Peter" you say quietly.
"No, it's OK. It happened a long time ago" he explains.
"So, where did you live before you moved here?" you ask, changing the topic.
"Well I used to-" he started but before he could finish, you heard gunshots and people screaming. You look around outside and looked back to Peter but he wasn't there. You were very confused but everyone around was panicking so you had no time to think.
You ran out side with everyone else but kept getting shoved. You heard cars screeching on the road next to you. Your head whipped towards the road where a young boy stood there in fright. The cars and trucks speed towards the child, not slowing their speed. Your adrenaline kicked in and you sprinted for the boy and covered him from the oncoming vehicles.
Suddenly, you were being lifted up above the road by a web. You and the boy looked around, scared and then someone grabbed you two and lowered you down onto the footpath.
You look up and it was Spiderman.
"Are you two OK?" he said out of breath.
"Yes, thank you." you thank
"Wait... SPIDERMAN! YOU'RE MY HERO, FANK YOU!" the boy exclaimed with a joyess smile on his face.
Before you could look at the hero, he was gone. The child's mother cries as she ran and hugged the young boy. She thanked you over and over but you repetitively told her that Spiderman saved him, not you.
After a while, the streets had calmed down and the criminals where defeated. Your first instinct was to go home but before you moved, you grabbed your phone and called Peter.
"Peter! Where did you go? You freaked me out. You left me. Are you OK? Are you hurt?" you screamed down the phone.
"Yeah, Y/N. I'm sorry, I panicked and ran. I'm OK but my Uncle Ben was... shot. H-He died on the sidewalk!" Peter muttered over the phone. You could tell he was crying
"Oh my God, I am so sorry, Peter! I can come over to yours if you want." you ask sadly.
"No, it's OK, don't worry, I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye Y/N" he said quietly.
Your heart hurts for Peter but you have to get home, it was getting dark. Hopefully, Peter's OK.