Above Johan and Elara, the stars sparkled like heaven and earth, conversing quietly. But beneath the moon's beauty, Johan's heart raced, each thump a reminder of the danger nipping at their heels, a tension that refused to dissipate.
Johan finally broke the silence, his voice barely louder than the rustle of the wind through the grass. "Yo, Princess. Just a quick question."
"What is it?"
"Where are you taking me?"
Elara's lips curved into a soft smile as they moved silently through the field, gesturing for him to keep quiet.
"Be patient. If I tell you, it'll ruin it."
Though her reply was vague and not one Johan wanted, there was confidence in her body language.
Elara moved with grace. She was like someone who knew each step she would take before she took it. Despite the pressing urgency of his situation, Johan found his eyes lingering on her.
There was something about the way she carried herself. It was an elegance, so effortless it was almost hypnotic.
Maybe it was because she was royalty?
Daughter of the old fart or not, Elara's beauty was tempting. Dangerously so, but right now wasn't the time for Johan to get lost in the appeal of soft curves and sultry smiles. Not when so much was at stake.
He had a kingdom to escape, and he was already battling more than just a stiff neck.
A sudden chill skittered down his spine as they approached a quiet clearing. He froze, instinctively stepping closer to Elara as figures emerged from the shadows, their bodies barely visible in the moonlight, causing his breath to hitch.
Were they foes or friends? Was this a trap Elara set up? Every instinct screamed at him to prepare for a confrontation. His heart leaped into his throat before the figures stepped closer, revealing familiar faces beneath their hoods.
"Johan, you're alright!" Chris exclaimed, gripping his shoulder with relief.
"They didn't do anything weird to you, did they?" Jake quipped with a grin. "No, like, poking and touching you in odd places?"
Johan rolled his eyes. "As if I'd let that happen." He shoved Jake playfully, and the trio shared a brief laugh that lightened the night's toll.
"Welcome back," Sarah said softly, her smile warm as she and Maya rushed into his arms.
"We were so worried..." Maya whispered, appreciation swelling within Johan's chest as he returned their hold, wrapping his arms around them.
"I'm okay now, thanks to the Princess," Johan said, gesturing toward Elara as she stepped forward. Her expression was more serious now, her eyes scanning the group.
"I hate to interrupt, but we can't delay. My father's men have already begun making preparations for Johan's execution. Time is of the essence."
Her words settled over the group like a heavy mist, choking the relief they had just shared. Silence stretched between them, and their gazes darkened with worry.
"Then we should go with him, right?" Sarah suggested, but Elara shook her head, her eyes somberly locking with theirs.
"No. The four of you need to remain here. If you leave now, my father will grow suspicious. When he learns of Johan's escape, he'll stop at nothing to hunt down those who helped him. If you're gone, he'll point fingers at you."
"Princess, I understand what you're saying, but we can't abandon him. We're not going to let one of our friends go off on his own, especially in a world we know nothing about," Jake protested, and the others nodded in agreement.
Moonlight soaked the clearing, casting formless shadows over their faces while the city lights twinkled in the background as Elara stood her ground.
"Again, if you leave now, it will unravel everything. You four are the Heroes of Prophecy."
Maya stepped forward, her voice trembling with emotion. "But he's our friend... We can't just leave him."
"I understand," Elara began, her voice quiet yet commanding. "I understand your desire to stand by his side, but we must consider the implications of his escape and the distrust it may cast if you, the Heroes of Prophecy, were to go missing alongside him."
The group shared anxious looks at the seriousness of the situation, each heartbeat echoing the fear of what lay ahead.
"We cannot risk arousing suspicion around you from my father and his men," Elara continued. "I'll be fine. He would never suspect me. But if he deems you four had any involvement in this, it could jeopardize everything. Nothing will stop him from publicly executing you before reaching your full potential. Sadly, his ego is much more important to him than the fate of our world."
Maya interjected, desperation lacing her words. "But he's our friend and needs us—how can we just stand by and watch him leave?"
Sarah nodded. "We've come this far together. We can't turn our backs on him now."
Elara's gaze softened. "If you truly want to help him, you must remain here. Commit to your roles and help save Eosdadalon."
Johan knew the princess was in the right. He wanted nothing more than to keep his friends safe but couldn't allow their loyalty to lead them into danger.
This was a burden he would bear alone.
"She's right. I'm not like you guys. I'm not one of the four heroes. You stay here and learn everything you can about this world. I'll be fine, don't worry."
Chris frowned but nodded. "...Fine, but promise us one thing, Princess—make sure he gets out of here in one piece."
"I swear it on my honor as the princess of the Raignald Kingdom," Elara vowed. "Heroes, please say your goodbyes. We must leave here."
Chris placed a hand on Johan's shoulder, his expression as composed as ever, but beyond his glasses showed otherwise as the sadness in his eyes gazed upon Johan.
"Remember…" Chris began, pausing to glance around as if searching for something familiar in this strange world. "Remember when you got stuck on that dungeon quest, and I had to navigate you to the boss room like a pro?"
"How could I forget? I spent five hours roaming around before I asked you for help."
Chris gave a slight, helpless shrug. "I don't have a cheat sheet for you this time. No shortcuts. So please, Johan. Take care of yourself out there, alright?"
"Got it," Johan replied, smirking as he leaned in slightly. "I've always been the solo player of the group. No map, no skills, no nothing. But don't worry, if I hit a dead end, I'll charm my way out of it."
Jake slapped Johan on his other shoulder, a bittersweet smile dancing on his lips. "You better... And make sure to keep that anger of yours in check. Just lay low. We'll find you once we get the king out of our hair."
Sarah's eyes sparkled with unshed tears as she whispered, "Don't do anything stupid until we find you, okay?"
Maya embraced Johan tightly. "You've always been there for us, Johan. You're not just a friend. You're family. I'm sorry we're of no help now."
Though Maya fought to keep her composure, tears spilled from her eyes along with Sarah as she clung to him. Feeling her trembling heart against his chest, Johan held Maya in his arms, offering her the little comfort he could.
Johan released Maya, wiping the tears from her and Sarah's eyes. He could feel their emotions; they were as clear as the moon in the unclouded night sky.
"Come on, girls, don't cry," Johan said. "You'll ruin your tough, badass reputations. Besides..." He paused, his smirk faint but visible as he glanced between the two, his tone taking on a teasing warmth. "Who else will keep me in line if you two fall apart? I can't count on those two morons. I need you strong when we see each other again, alright?"
Johan's shoulders slumped, and a heaviness settled in his chest. They had been through so much together, and now they stood on the ridge of a new chapter, and unfortunately, this chapter would take him away from them.
"Hey, don't look so down about this. It isn't a goodbye," Johan said to his friends. "I'm sure we'll see each other again. I'll figure out more about this world from the outside. You guys do the same from within."
Each exchange felt like a dagger to his heart, knowing the risk he was about to take.
What if this was indeed the last time he would see his friends?
Great, just what I needed—a one-way ticket to danger, minus my trusty sidekicks, Johan thought before Elara placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with tenderness.
"It's time," she said softly, nudging his friends to leave. "Return to your chambers before my father's men find you. I'll ensure Johan's safe travels beyond the walls."
The others disappeared into the darkness, their cloaked figures blending seamlessly into the night, like wraiths slipping through the shadows. Johan could only listen with one last lingering glance as their footsteps faded softly.
Sadly, Johan knew this was the only way to guarantee their safety in this new and foreign world. Turning to Elara, he offered her a grateful smile.
"Thank you, Princess," he said earnestly. "They wouldn't have let me go alone if you weren't here."
Elara returned his smile, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight with zeal.
"You don't need to thank me, Johan," she said politely. "It's as I told you before. I truly feel like you are the missing piece in saving our world from the Penumbra. So, thank you."
"But how can you be so sure?"
"I'm not," she admitted, her gaze drifting to the horizon. "But it's a feeling that tells me you're more than you appear. It's hard to explain, but something tells me you're different and exactly what this world needs."
"Woman's intuition, huh?" Johan repeated. "I guess I can't disappoint."
Elara let out a soft chuckle. "Do your best not to," she replied as the two vanished into the gloaming.