Standing right in front of a large window in a very luxurious office was a woman who stared outside the window enjoying the dazzling view of Newyork city.
Her gaze held a look of pure fascination at what her eyes were staring at, the Sun glowing down against her skin like it was praising her scared ebony skin which dazzled in the sunlight embracing its warmness.
Her eyes were like an ounce of black mixed with Hazel, Her lashes long yet scanty shading her eyes from the bright sun, eyes small and alluring. Underneath her eyes were bags she had ever since she could remember.
Scanty eyebrows and was barely completed, her eyebrows weren't arched and full but scanty and short but it complements her beautiful feature. Small nose with full lips which were a bit cherry and full she was nicknamed [Ponmo mouth] from birth due to her old habit as a child.
Recalling the name she busted out in laughter, head tilting back laughing to her heart's content. As she watched the cars move, people on the street doing one or two things, buildings looking small from where she stood. Her eyes glistened with moisture when it finally came to her again for the second time that week that she missed her home country.
Nigeria was a home she had wanted to escape from, a past she didn't want to remember but she had no choice afterall the rest of her family still dwell there. Nigeria is no place like home yet a country filled with heartbreak and sorrow a country unable to recover from disaster.
While the whole street in NY was neat and filled with good-looking people dressed in elegant wears and living a peaceful life, A smile on her lips she began to recall what the street of Ikorodu her birthplace would be like at this moment.
Hawkers on the busy street, so many people jam-packed in a lane on the walking road, you know not who is a thief, killer, or innocent one among them, everyone just tries not to knock into each other at the same time avoiding skin contacts.
Cars on the road cause huge traffic just because they aren't patient enough to wait for the traffic light to do its work. Most ignore the traffic laws entirely like it's a waste of time but who could blame them? The government never once brought it to their notice and it wasn't like they used it before it was suddenly installed. What they liked was their patrol team who controlled the Traffic.
The markets were long but too closed together, the left side had different sellers who couldn't give each other breathing space which goes the same for the right side. The middle which was meant for customers to walk through is also being shared with motorbikes[Okada] giving ni form of space.
She could also remember how they disobeyed the rule of not going through the BRT BUS lane but it went in one ear and out the other. Children stealing phones from passersby, made her remember how her phone got stolen in the same sense.
When it happened, she began to feel paranoid and didn't want to live the house, it was the first time it has ever happened to her, she remembered how much of an insider she was, knowing she wasn't an outgoing person but due to her IT being important that was the only reason why she left the house.
The day of the incident still makes her Shiver anytime she recalls it. Ikorodu Road was bad, the streets has holes in them, she could remember how those big trailer would spoil their road with their gigantic weight. They usually carry sand, gravel, cement, and so many building products but they were destroying their road and causing inconveniences. So many memories and stories, so little time.
She turned away from the window upon hearing the doorknob turning just in time to see her Husband someone she never expected to marry. He was her first true love and their health issues made them incompatible yet here they are.
°Hope, Iyawó mì, òlòri-ádé mì! (My Wife, My crown! )How have you been? Called your number a few times but you weren't picking up, is everything okay?° He praised her upon entry while asking
°It's nothing° She responded her tone quiet
°Ireti! Dove? Answer me now, I can see that you've been crying, what's the matter!?° He asked once again wanting to know what had caused his wife's sadness.
°Shiver I said its nothing just leave it be!° Hope responded getting tired of his questions already
°You do know I would still figure this out later right!? You know this is what you do almost every time it comes to me confronting you!?° Shiver said his voice raising an octave he was getting angry.
°And you very well know that I don't like being forced to talk when I ain't ready to say what's on my mind! Why are you still this way? After so many years you still can't be patient when it comes to me not ready to give you a response when I'm not ready!° Hope yelled banging her fist against the glass table her nails were previously digging into her palm to control her anger blood began to leak from her palm to the table her fist was still on.
°Fuck! You hurt yourself again! I'm so sorry Dove, I'm sorry, I caused you to lose your anger again. I'll get the first aid° He rushed out panicking while apologizing. Before he could leave, she pulled him to her hugging him.
Crying she began to apologize °I'm so sorry I shouldn't have blown things out of proportion and just told you no matter how embarrassed I might feel°
°It wasn't all your fault either, we both were at fault this time° He whispered giving her a loving look. °Anyway, what was the embarrassing thing that made you overeat!?° He asked
°Hmm... It's just I was thinking of Home you know?° she responded shyly hiding her face on his chest
°What!? Just that!? I always knew you were dramatic! But this!!? Hahahahahhahahhaha!° He couldn't control his laughter giving her a peck on the cheek he cleaned her injured hand before putting her to sleep after she took her medication for that afternoon.
°I Love you° He whispered before leaving the building heading home for the day.