"Lords Melven and Kodin have arrived. You have only just restrained the beast, you should not get into any tasking activity yet, I will let them know you cannot see them today." Lucas suggested in concern.
Lucas was deeply worried that Askel was still too unstable, an hour ago, the beast was still in control and Askel was not himself.
Now, Askel had regained control but that did not mean that the beast was completely suppressed, it was not so easily overpowered.
Lucas knew it was prowling right on the surface, seeking a chance to overpower Askel again and it surely would, at the slightest opportunity.
"Zariah?" Askel asked instead.
"She will be returning to the Ethereal Palace today." Lucas reported.
"I need to see her." Askel asserted.
There was nothing more to be said beyond that, Askel had not laid eyes on Zariah in three days, not since Caedmon Grey had made his unreasonable claim.