For the second time in barely a month, Zariah found herself being shoved into a cell once again.
The very moment the Sea King had arrived the Northern Seas, the Northern barrier had been erected and all escape routes were shut off.
While the Sea King had been escorted into the Northern Sea Palace, the rest of the procession were completely surrounded by hundreds of battle mers.
As Zariah had directed, they put on a brief display of resistance and then succumbed to the Northern battle mers, allowing themselves to be arrested.
Although it had been part of Zariah's plan, she found she truly did have terrible luck with the Sea Kingdom.
The sooner she was able to get out, the better it would be for her and Zariah counted the seconds till she could take action.
Already, Lord Imain's treachery had spread all through the Sea Kingdom as he had taken the Sea King custody the moment they arrived the Northern Sea Palace.