The calm night is disturbed by a bright flash of white and a great noise as a man smashes into the ground making a crater water flows into the hole as the man stands he looks down and sees his face he looks closer noticing his shoulder length white hair and piercing ice blue eyes that look as if they could freeze you he stands up and notices a ball of light in the sky, covering his eyes with his hand he notices a small black square on his hand he then rubs it as small transparent water like slat pops up smacking his hand in surprise but then he sees a face in the water as a voice comes out " Hello this is a introduction for about what you are and what is going to happen now, well first you are a amortal being so you can die and your purpose is to act as a moderator for this world's "bugs" or problems you will receive notifications from this mark as it , as it shows his hand , and we hope that you will deal with the problem quickly, ah I forgot to say but your physical body is emiting a mutagenic of sorts it will slowly male the world more magic and when the world has enough energy to make its own you will stop emitting the mutagenic I hope this has been helpful to you and best regards " " Ps You have a shut down mood where you can hibernate for years to wait" the screen then disappears and the man is left standing there very confused about this whole situation because he has only be around for 30 minutes. Deciding to find something he starts to walk in a random direction.
I don't really know where I'm gonna go with this but it's gonna go somewhere so if you want to suggest something comment
thanks if you read this.
Ps I am also write another story as well which is still only 11 chapter so eh.