After Eliza was done with Mary. She was a hot mess. She was in disguise as Mia Stein and the biggest sin one could do to her conservative supporters was the fornication of the same race. You could be anything but a drugged-out woman who fornicates with the same sex? Now that is horrible. It may sound absurd, but people have this somewhat awful obsession in their 'pure' and 'chaste' beliefs and its members who follow the good old law as God intended them to do.
Eliza couldn't care less. If anything she wasn't the one who violated Mary. The one who did was Mia Stein. Ah, who by the way, is someone who is rather controversial among the celebrity circles for being… obscene. If anything she was making use of this to stay out of trouble and at the same time blackmail Mary Lyn into playing with her.
Removing the strap-on. Dressed only in her underwear. She sat on the comfort chair next to the bed and looked at me with unbothered eyes. Perhaps, it was the lighting, but she looked even more devious than ever.
"Enjoyed the show? No, I don't think you even got hard."
She shot a look at my crotch. I was floating in third-person over my shoulder so my body had no reaction to whatever it was.
"Is this how you do things?"
"Not usually. Before the pill we used to do torture. But since capturing a target is quite… hard. It was better to try and bed them, blackmail them, and they'll usually talk and cooperate. People tend to react much more to their privates getting exposed. Please, I know it's immoral and vile."
"That so?"
"Please, I don't want to hear any self-righteousness from a man who recorded the action here. You're a competent man. You only did this because you are morbidly curious and that you have your own self-interest. Ah, she's waking up."
Eliza got to work. I placed the video camera on the side and waited outside while they had a quiet discussion on what will happen next. After fifteen minutes of discussion, and sobbing.
Eliza invited me in. Mary Lyn got her composure but there was something destroyed in her that made her look at us with this awful hatred. The minimap however told me something else. She was in orange. She didn't hate us. But was still an ally despite having done something wrong to her.
"This is my partner, Alexei."
"Did he touch me?"
"He didn't. My partner is a decent human being."
"Not decent enough to stop you."
"Agreed. I'm glad that you are quick to understand your situation."
"All of this… so that you can get news internally. This would have been far more easy to accept if you just wanted a cut of our profit or informed you of our stocks."
"That can be guessed. But internal problems are locked."
"My people won't let me give me your blueprints. I don't have that right. I may own most of the shares, but they will go for my head the moment I try that."
"I understand that. But we just need your cooperation."
"You people violated me."
"I know. But it's how things are. Technically, you still are a virgin, you never lose yours to a man, but to an object."
"THat doesn't make it better."
Mary Lyn had this depressed feeling in her voice. She spoke and acted like she's just tired of everything. Something broke in her that barely held her reasoning. Doesn't help that the one who made a mess of her was unapologetic and monstrous.
But who am I? I'm just the one who recorded them doing this dirty act. Apathy is evil, even the one who tries to say something deserves more than those who did nothing.
Eliza wanted internal news. She could have done something less awful, but she chose this path without a fucking care of how the other will feel. She is objective-focused. Made me think of why she was working in the Solomons in the first place.
But I always hated that I was allowing myself to be used. Yes, it will benefit me in some way, getting her to do what she wants. But can I be assured that she will agree? Seeing Eliza's face made me realize that I may have agreed to this rather quickly.
I drew my pistol quietly from my inventory and then quietly pointed the pistol at them.
"What are you doing?"
"Assurance. Since we're already here. I might need something that will allow you to keep your word."
"Are you kidding me?"
"I'm not."
"Fine, she snorted. She pinged me something in the transponder she gave me and then added a communicator on it. The only contact was Eliza. Not to mention that she was giving me a level of access now that the job is done.
"Glad that you understand."
"You have become paranoid, Alexei. Or are you jealous?"
I didn't entertain her and just folded my arms. I returned my pistol back to my inventory. She grinned at me evilly.
"You managed to hide that from me. How outstanding. As expected of my partner, she would have shot us both here."
Mary Lyn shot a stare at me. She gave me a look that clearly said why I was involved with her in the first place. Eliza can sense my inquiring gaze and asks about the memorandum and how it will affect the states. Mary Lyn felt uncomfortable and she probably had signed many documents regarding the operation that involved her and her company.
But when she did explain to us some details of the operation. It made me wonder if it's the advancement of technology or their lack of sense that made them twisted. This woman can get angry and disheartened, but when it comes to business she is colder than ice. All the pity that I had was melting like ice. And from the last sentence she spoke made me truly think that she somewhat deserved this.