Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 73 - Making Cookies! Another Crazy Valentine's?

Chapter 73 - Making Cookies! Another Crazy Valentine's?

As the group makes their cookies, Lucy comes around and observes. She first makes her way to Touma, who gets nervous once he notices her watching him.

Lucy "What kind of cookies are you making?"

She asks as he stirs a bowl of ingredients.

Touma "S-sugar cookies…"

Lucy "The dough looks kinda pink."

Touma "Yeah I a-added dye to it…"

Lucy "Ohho! Let me guess, they're for Chizuru?"

He panics and blushes a little bit but doesn't answer.

Lucy "Say no more! I'll leave you to it."

She pats him on the back before walking to Hisana.

Lucy "Who are you making cookies for?"

Hisana "I'm thinking of giving them to Kitaro!"

Lucy "You really like him, don't you?"

Hisana "Oh yeah. I've been asking him out for years now but he always turns me down. I'm not sure why?"

Lucy "Well, here's to better luck this year. What kind of cookies are you-"

She stops when she sees a dark, not so pleasant smelling, dough in her bowl.

Hisana "White chocolate macadamia nut cookies! They're his favorite!"

She gets a look of disgust before turning away.

Lucy "Right… Well I hope they taste better than they look…"

She leaves and sees Ryuji already putting his cookie shapes on a tray and in the oven.

Lucy "You always finish first."

Ryuji "I do cook and bake the most."

Lucy "That's because you're so talented!"

She gives him a big hug as he blushes. On the other side of the counter, Shiori, Chizuru and Tsuki work. Tsuki follows instructions on his phone intently as he works.

Tsuki "These have got to be perfect for my lovely Shiori!"

He says under his breath as he makes heart shaped cookies on his tray. Shiori rolls her eyes as she rolls out little balls of dough. She looks at Chizuru who happily makes her cookies.

Shiori "Do you have a special someone to give cookies to, Chizuru?"

Chizuru "Huh? Oh no, not really. I'm thinking about giving some to Alice, or maybe Touma."

Shiori nods softly as she continues, then Chizuru gets a playfully mischievous smile.

Chizuru "Or maybe I'll give them to Hikigaya."

Shiori snaps her head in her direction with a shocked look.

Shiori "What? Why?"

Chizuru "Oh, you know, he's just so nice and we've been friends for so long. I just can't help myself around him sometimes. I think I might even have feelings for him!"

She says as she blushes and acts innocently shy. Shiori blushes and gets upset before looking away.

Shiori "O-oh, well if that's how you feel then go ahead. Not like I care at all!"

Chizuru pouts and jumps on Shiori.

Chizuru "Oh come on! You have to have feelings for him!"

Shiori "I don't have to have anything! Get off of me!"

Chizuru "Just admit it! You have a crush on Hiki!"

Shiori "No I don't!"

Chizuru "Then who are you making those cookies for?"

She stops and backs off of Shiori for a moment as Shiori pouts. She then looks down at her cookie dough and realizes.

Shiori 'Who am I making cookies for?.. Could I have been making them for him?.. No no no! Never!' "I just… wanted to make some cookies with you guys! And if I give them to him then whatever! It's not like they mean anything anyway!"

She says as she turns away from Chizuru. Tsuki snaps a wooden cooking spoon in anger after hearing them.

Tsuki "Damn that Hikigaya..!"

Touma "Hey, the spoon."

Chizuru sighs, realizing she won't admit anything. Lucy then gets a surprised look on her face while looking at her phone.

Lucy "Hey guys, I think we overlooked the fact that Valentine's Day is on a weekend this year."

Chizuru and Tsuki get upset and whine.

Lucy "Yep. Looks like no one is giving anyone anything at school this time."

She shakes her head as Shiori gets an idea.

Shiori "What if we all meet up somewhere instead?"

They look at her and smile.

Lucy "That's a great idea!"

Chizuru "That way no one has to miss the holiday!"

Hisana "But where will we go?"

Shiori thinks for a moment before getting a smile on her face.

Shiori "How do you guys feel about amusement parks?"

They stare at her for a moment before getting very excited looks.

Soon after, the entire group is back together and inside an amusement park.

Haru "Woah! I haven't been to Four Flags in so long!"

Hikigaya "I haven't been ever so."

Shiori "Me either."

Chizuru and Haru rush in and jump around, looking at all the rides and attractions. Sugawara seems a little nervous as does Touma but they come along with them anyway.

Chizuru "What should we do first? Should we do a big ride? Or maybe the big swing? There's so many things to do here!"

Haru "We totally have to go on the coasters first!"

Shiori "Everybody, just make sure we meet back here by five, okay?"

Everyone "Right!"

Chizuru grabs Touma's hand and pulls him along.

Chizuru "Come on Touma, let's do the big swing first!"

He blushes as she drags him along. Lucy takes Ryuji's hand and follows Chizuru.

Tsuki "Whatever. I'm sticking with Shiori."

He turns around to see Hikigaya and Haru pulling Shiori and Sugawara along, running away from them. Tsuki sweats.

Tsuki "Hey! Wait for me!"

Suddenly, Alice grabs his shoulder and turns him around.

Alice "Looks like you're stuck with the cool kids today."

She gives him a thumbs up as Hisana and Suiyoubi smile at him and Kitaro and Mormo laugh at him. He sighs as they head off.

Group A: Chizuru, Touma, Ryuji and Lucy.

Group B: Haru, Sugawara, Shiori and Hikigaya.

Group C: Hisana, Kitaro, Suiyoubi, Alice, Mormo and Tsuki.

As group A comes to the large swing, Touma slows down and sweats.

Touma "That's a large swing…"

Chizuru notices him getting nervous at the sight of the large swing ride. Chizuru thinks for a moment before getting an idea.

Chizuru "It's okay Touma. Let's sit together. They have double seats on this one."

Touma looks at the seat she makes her way to and calms down a bit as she sits.

Chizuru "I'll be right here."

She says warmly as he nods. Lucy sees the double seats too and gets excited.

Lucy "Come on Ryuji. Let's do one of those double seats!"

He nods and gets in with a soft smile. A ride helper comes by and clips the lap bar down on Touma and Chizuru's seat as he begins to shake nervously. Chizuru notices and gets a concerned look.

Chizuru "You really don't like big rides, do you?"

Touma "I've just… never been on one…"

Chizuru "I promise it'll be fun. Trust me."

She says with a smile as she places her hand on his arm. He nods nervously as the ride begins to lift. He slumps back in his seat and closes his eyes as the ride begins to move.

Lucy "Here we go!"

As the ride begins to spin, Chizuru laughs and smiles as Touma holds on tightly to the bar with his eyes closed. After a moment, he slowly opens his eyes. He looks around at the other people smiling and laughing as well as the nice view of the entire park from up in the swing. He then turns and looks at Chizuru who is smiling happily with her eyes closed. He stares at her and blushes thinking about how pretty she looks. He then begins to smile and laugh. Chizuru hears him and looks at him as he lets go of the bar and lifts his arms, enjoying himself. She smiles warmly and does the same.

Lucy "Aren't they so cute?"

Ryuji nods happily as they look at Chizuru and Touma laughing.

With group B, they are in a fun house. Sugawara and Haru run through the twisty tube and into the inflatable batons while laughing.

Sugawara "I love this way more than the rides!"

Haru "I knew you would!"

They say as they make their way through the room and up onto the next floor. Shiori then comes through the twisty tube and to the inflatable batons. She looks at one of them and gets an idea. Hikigaya then comes through the tube and looks into the room before being smacked in the face by one of the batons. He falls on his butt and holds his face for a second. Shiori laughs as he looks at her.

Hikigaya "That's not fair!"

Shiori "Then get good!"

She says before turning and running to the second floor entrance. Hikigaya smiles and follows quickly. There, they find a mirror maze. They can see Haru and Sugawara in different places within the maze so Shiori goes rushing into the maze as Hikigaya follows. She laughs as she tries her best to get through as fast as she can.

Sugawara "Haru, over here!"

He calls. Shiori sees Haru make his way out and rushes over to follow but realizes that it was a reflection and not quite the exit. She turns to see Hikigaya rushing after her.

Hikigaya "I got you now! I'm gonna win!"

He says before running straight into a mirror as she walks away. He bounces off the mirror wall and falls on his back with swirly eyes. Shiori crouches down and pats his head.

Shiori "Maybe try not being so dumb."

Hikigaya "Shut… up…"

She smiles before getting up and making it to the stairs to the final floor. As soon as she gets up, she sees Haru sliding down the slide to the exit. Once outside, Haru gets up and high fives Sugawara as they giggle.

Sugawara "That was so fun!"

Haru "I'm sure it was easy for someone as small and nimble as you."

Sugawara blushes and smiles.

Haru "So, what's next?"

Sugawara and Haru look around then see a romance themed river ride for two. They look at each other then smirk.