Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 50 - The Deal To Win! Sports Festival On The Way!

Chapter 50 - The Deal To Win! Sports Festival On The Way!

During lunchtime, Shiori and Hikigaya approach Mr. Goda while he takes a bite of his sandwich as a bench. He stops chewing and stares at them as they just stand there looking at him with mischievous smiles on their faces.

Goda "Can I help you?"

Shiori "No. But I think we can help you."

Goda "Look, I'm trying to enjoy my lunch, the only time I have away from you lazy brats here. Besides, you two definitely don't need extra credit, you're at the top of the class."

Shiori "No, that's not-"

Hikigaya "We've come to make you a proposition."

He lifts an eyebrow at Hikigaya before taking another bite of his sandwich.

Goda "Alright, shoot."

Hikigaya "We know you're planning on having us lead the class in the sports festival because you want to win, specifically, beat Emiko Armada for the first time ever. Now we are not opposed to this, however, we would like something in return."

Mr. Goda looks interesting in their words.

Shiori "We would like for you to take this to the Helper's Club and make it a job for us to solve there."

He looks confused for a second.

Goda "The… Helper's Club?"

Hikigaya "It's our club we made and we need to achieve a certain amount of completed jobs before the new year in order for it to stay an official club."

Shiori "Exactly, so if you take it to us there and we say we'll help you complete your goal of winning the sports festival then not only do you get us as your leads but we also get a check mark down our list. It's a win win."

Mr. Goda sits for a moment contemplating in his head as he takes another bite. After a moment of silence he gives his answer.

Goda "Alright, you've made a good point and there's really no harm in helping out this Helper's Club. I'll do it but your training starts tomorrow, got it?"

Hikigaya "Our… training?"

Shiori "Isn't that what we've already been doing? With you pushing us hard like that?"

Goda "Are you kidding? That was just the warm up! Now get out of here, I got a sandwich to eat! Move it, move it!"

He points away from him as he shouts with a smile on his face while they scramble to their feet and run away.

Hikigaya "Man… more training? What even for? There's no way she's gonna be stronger than us."

Shiori "Yeah, I agree but it's not like we could use our powers at the festival or anything."

Hikigaya "I guess so… this sucks."

He says all droopy while they walk away.

Later, in the Helper's Club club room. The group all get in their seats and begin their meeting as Tsuki walks through the door. Hikigaya gets an upset look when he notices him.

Tsuki "I hope I'm not too early."

Shiori "No, I guess you're not. We were gonna have a meeting about a few other jobs we have but if you have come with another request for the club, go ahead and let us hear it."

She says with an unenthusiastic tone.

Tsuki "Oh, no I don't have a request for help but I did have a question. How about I join the Helper's Club?"

He asks with a smile on his face. He looks around as they all stare at him blankly.

Lucy "Yeah, we're not looking for anyone else on our board."

Hisana "Thanks for offering though!"

Tsuki "Oh okay… so where should I sit..?"

He asks, genuinely surprised at their answer.

Hikigaya "If you insist on staying, you can sit with our satisfied customers."

He motions to the corner of the room where Suiyoubi is sitting happily. She waves to Tsuki as he sighs. He takes a seat next to her and stays quiet.

Shiori "Alright, let's get down to business."

As they begin discussing club work, Tsuki sits and watches Shiori. After a moment, Mormo climbs out of Suiyoubi's bag. He then stares at Tsuki for a moment before Tsuki notices. He looks at Mormo for a short second before looking straight ahead again, being shocked by the moving teddy bear.

Mormo "Hey."

Tsuki pauses for a moment before answering.

Tsuki "H-hey.."

Mormo "Listen, I know what you're trying to pull."

Tsuki looks at him confused.

Tsuki "What?"

Mormo "I know you're trying to get all close and be buddy buddy with Suiyoubi here but listen, that ain't happenin'. There's only room for one toxic parasite in her life and that's me, got it?"

Tsuki "Oh, stuff it."

He rolls his eyes and shoves Mormo back into the bag. Mormo complains as he does.

Sugawara "So the big delinquent of our class is going to be coming here?.."

He asks slightly nervously.

Chizuru "Yeah but he's not a bad guy! He's just.. Misunderstood."

Haru "I can see that. I mean, it's not like I've ever seen him do anything bad."

Kitaro "Yeah, we used to play games online together in middle school. I guess he got bored of them cause he stopped playing once he got into high school."

Hisana "I'm so excited! Such a handsome boy coming to us for help. It has me all silly inside!"

Shiori "So we should keep that on our minds, he will be coming to us soon and we will help him make more friends and become a better communicator! Now, next up is-"

As soon as she says this, the sliding door swings open and the doorway is blocked by a towering man.

Shiori "That."

Mr. Goda then steps into the classroom. The others are surprised to see him here but Tsuki is surprised to see him at all. He is shocked and leaning back in his chair.

Tsuki 'This guy is huge! Who is he?'

Mr. Goda takes a seat in the chair in the middle of the room. He crosses his arms and sits in silence.

Kitaro "Mr. Goda, cool to see you not yelling at us for once."

Goda "Hmph."

Hikigaya "So, Mr. Goda. You have come to us, the Helper's Club seeking support in your goal. What might that goal be?"

Goda "I wish to beat my apprentice for the first time in this Sports Festival and be the winning class amongst all other classes."

He says intensely, still in the same position. Ryuji looks at Sugawara next to him who just giggles a little.

Shiori "Your request is reasonable, no doubt, but let us see what the rest of the board has to say."

She looks to her right. They think for a moment but happily give thumbs up. She looks to her left. They give thumbs up except for Kitaro who gives a thumbs middle.

Lucy "It seems one of the members has a concern."

Kitaro "Yeah, does this require all of us to be so physically active or…"

Sugawara elbows him as he smiles.

Kitaro "Okay, okay."

He turns his thumb up. Mr. Goda smiles.

Shiori "Mr. Goda, your request for help has been approved. We will help you achieve your goal of beating your apprentice and winning the Sports Festival."

Hikigaya "We will discuss amongst ourselves the best way to handle it. You need not worry anymore."

Goda "Thank you all for your time."

He says with a big smile on his face. He gets up and turns to leave the classroom. As he leaves through the door, he covers his mouth trying to hold in a small laugh and hide his smile. Chizuru then starts giggling to herself which Haru joins. They all smile about it.

Ryuji "It's somehow funnier when it's an adult than another student."

Chizuru "I love how he played the part!"

Lucy "I didn't think he had a silly bone in his body but I guess I was wrong."

Shiori "Alright alright, that's enough. We have to get down to business."

She says while trying to fight her laughter as well. She clears her throat before continuing.

Shiori "Okay, so we got two new jobs on the table. Once we accomplish these, we should be cleared to stay an official club."

Sugawara "I say we start with Mr. Goda's since the festival is coming up and Touma himself hasn't come and requested our help yet."

Ryuji "I agree."

Kitaro "I guess I have to agree even though Touma's would be easier."

Shiori "Well, let's get started on how we're gonna win this year's Sports Festival."

Everyone "Right!"