Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 25 - Secrets Of The Barraged Facility. Frontier V. Fullsky Climax!

Chapter 25 - Secrets Of The Barraged Facility. Frontier V. Fullsky Climax!

Alarms and flashing lights are going off as Watchdog makes his way through the facility, stopping any members he can find. As he runs around, he eventually comes to an ominous room. He stops and peers inside.

As he slowly walks in and looks around, he notices on one side of the room there are cages. He gets closer to them only to find most of them are empty. The farther into the room he goes, however, he eventually finds a few cages with different small animals in them. Cats, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, small animals of the like.

They just seem to be looking forward not making a sound but clearly awake. As he gets closer, they slowly turn their heads toward him as if to acknowledge his presence but are not startled nor seem to be bothered in any way. He snaps his fingers at them a couple times with no reaction. He then notices that their eyes glow slightly green in the dark.

"What in the..?"

He goes to the farthest cages and when he looks inside he quickly covers his mouth and turns away.

"Oh god! What did they do?"

He slowly looks back at the decomposing corpses of animals in the cages. Glowing green liquid oozes from the bodies as the muscles still twitch ever so slightly. He notices how it looks like they were being destroyed from the inside out as their fur and skin are still mostly intact.

After giving a horribly disgusted look, he turns and looks around the room for more information on what this facility is about. He looks at some of the boards and papers around but most of the room is scattered and messed up due to the invasion. 

"Something inhibitors?.."

He couldn't make out what the first part of the name was due to the paper being ruined. Something then catches his eye. He turns to see a glowing green vile, a single one, in a tube carrier. He goes over to it and picks it up in his right hand. He looks at it closely only to be confused as to what it actually could be. 

"It doesn't look like anything I've seen before… Is this what they're after?.."

Before he could look at it too long, there is a loud bang as bullets come flying towards him, destroying the vial and shooting through his hand at the same time. This causes the green liquid to spill all over his now heavily open wounded hand. He freaks out for a moment about that but is quickly focused on the woman who just shot him.

"Watchdog! I'm gonna kill you here and now!"

She shoots a few more rounds at him as he disappears from her view. 

"Huh? Where did he-"

Before she could finish her thought, Watchdog punches her in the face, sending her smashing into the wall behind her. He walks out of the room and looks around for a moment before taking a look at his right hand. There is a good size hole closer to his wrist as well as his index and middle fingers are missing.


He gets an irritated look before clenching what is left of his hand and continuing onward.

"That couldn't have been what they're after. I gotta keep looking." He thinks as he runs further into the building. 

There is a large boom outside as dirt and debris fly everywhere. Frontier is sent crashing into the ground as Fullsky follows up fast with a heavy blow using her wings as a mallet, slamming them deeper into the ground. Frontier is on one knee under the heavy attack, struggling hard to stay mostly upright as Fullsky struggles to push them down.

Frontier gives a loud shout as they burst out a heat wave forcing Fullsky back. Before she can fully gain her composure, Frontier uses a gravity grab and pulls her in close while their other arm glows with heat once again. Fullsky can't escape the grasp and is clotheslined hard enough in the face to cause a small shock wave. She slams against the ground by quickly rolls on her front.

As she lifts herself up from the ground, blood pours from her nose. She looks up to see Frontier's hand of their Pulse Arm open with their palm to her face only to repulse her aggressively, causing her to smash through multiple trees. She tumbles across the ground but manages to get her footing under her. As she stands up, she sees Frontier walking towards her slowly with both hands and eyes glowing the orange red color. 

"What's the matter Fullsky? Not your day? This can't possibly be the same person who gave Keeper so much trouble. Don't tell me you're holding back."

They give an evil smile while Fullsky wipes the blood from her nose giving a cocky smirk back.

"You'd like it if I were holding back, wouldn't you?"

Frontier just smirks in response before rushing her fast enough to disappear for a moment and appear right in front of her. Before Frontier's open palm heat attack could land, Fullsky bends backwards incredibly fast and lands a double rabbit kick to their face.

This causes them to fall unconscious for just a moment but long enough for Fullsky to make her move. As Frontier's eyes come back to front, suddenly Fullsky jumps up and places both her hands over their eyes, a blackish smoke-like effect coming from them. 

"Never see the light again."

She says. Frontier freaks out for a moment before a heavy force is shot into them. They yell out in pain and exert a large heat wave causing Fullsky to let go. Frontier folds forward and stumbles while holding their face in their hands. 

"Ahh! Erg, what did you do?!"

They scream as they look up with their eyes grayed out. Before they could make another word, Fullsky smashes them in the face with a solid punch sending them packing over themself. Fullsky follows up quickly with a heavy gut punch, causing Frontier to puke a bit before taking another punch to the face, then to the side, then an uppercut to the jaw.

Fullsky lands a barrage of blows to their body and face. Frontier then tries to fire a Repulsion attack but completely misses and is kicked headfirst into the ground. 

'Focus… Focus… I am a Hexed! I can't lose!'

They think as they are repeatedly struck by Fullsky, but not going down. As she pulls back for another punch, she swings, but Frontier leans back and it barely misses them. Fullsky's eye widens for a moment but without hesitation follows up and lands a wide kick to their side, then a palm strike to their back, sending them flying forward.

She charges at them to follow up once again as they stumble forward. Before she could strike them however, they spin away from the attack and place their Pulse Arm on her back and use Repulsion to send her flying into the air, coughing out blood from the impact. Frontier straightens up and turns in her direction as Fullsky hits the ground hard. They start walking towards Fullsky, who is coughing and trying to recover from the hard hit.

"You certainly have a variety of abilities, but none of these tricks will help you. I am a Hexed, elite soldier of the Devil's Syndicate, and I will move you out of our way."

Fullsky looks up at Frontier, who points the Pulse Arm at her. A large ball of energy begins to form in their palm. Before they can fire, Fullsky laughs a bit. This catches Frontier off guard.

"You're laughing right now-"

In that single moment, Fullsky slashes Frontier across the chest with her wing. 


They stumble back and place their hand on their chest then feel the blood coming from them. 

"It took me a second to understand how you were reading my movements despite being blind, but I get it now."

As she stands and steps toward Frontier, the grass around her feet begins to freeze slightly with each step.

"My wings don't produce heat of any kind. I'm not even sure what they're made of to be honest, but since they don't, you can't see it." Her hands sparkle as small ice crystals begin to floating around them in a bright mist. "This 'Hex' of yours just gives you better heat control, including reading it. So if I lower my temperature enough…"

Frontier stands with an intense look, getting ready for anything as Fullsky steps right up to them, only centimeters away from their face.

"You can't see me at all."

Frontier freaks out for a moment as Fullsky stomps their head into the ground. She jumps back as Frontier lifts themself up a bit.

"No… no no no…"

They're then hit in the face by Fullsky's wing and sent tumbling back. Fullsky then jumps up and throws herself down to stomp with both legs onto their stomach. They cough up blood but get no time to dwell on the pain as Fullsky begins pounding their face with a flurry of punches into the ground. After a solid moment of the assault, she stops and grabs them by their collar. 

"Now, tell me what the Syndicate wants with that serum!"

Severely injured, Frontier remained unresponsive for a moment before spitting blood onto her face. Fullsky lets go and stumbles back a bit, taken aback by the act. Suddenly, Frontier's eyes widen as they get up and fire up their fist. Fullsky is shocked as a heat punch hits her across the face, sending her stumbling back a bit, reeling from the strike. Frontier looks over and sees three heat signatures in front of them. 

'Her fists… my blood..!' Using the Pulse Arm, they charge and put their palm on her stomach. 'I have to kill her with this before the heat cools!'

They then use Repulsion on her again, with an overcharged Pulse Arm spitting sparks and small bolts of electricity. It vibrates heavily and glows with heat from the surge. It blasts heavy damage into Fullsky, sending her into the sky above. A long trail of blood pouring from her mouth and nose, leading into the air where she floats from the blast. Her vision goes fuzzy for a moment struggling just to stay conscious. Frontier pants heavily and waits for the sound of her body hitting the ground. It never does. Fullsky falls for just a moment before her wings come out and she catches herself. She stares down at Frontier on the ground with blood coming from her mouth.

"That one.. hurt." 

She says with an aggressive tone. Frontier grits their teeth hard and yells loudly. They then point their open palm of the Pulse Arm at Fullsky's direction. They then grab an energy bolt from the arm and rip it off completely. This piece being broken off then sends the Pulse Arm into a frenzied overdrive, blue electricity and energy begin to pour from it.

"I don't need to see you if I just blow away the entire area!!" They scream. 'I'm sorry Doctor, I know I said I wouldn't do this to your first design but she's leaving me no choice!'

They think with a slightly ashamed tone. Fullsky's eye widens as she pulls back her fist and it begins to glow with a silver hue. Using her wings, she then pushes herself fast and hard at Frontier, swinging her fist down. Frontier shouts as they release the large blast, hitting Fullsky right before she could follow through with the punch. This doesn't stop her, though.

She pushes harder and harder against the force Frontier is making. They shout as Fullsky pushes and grits her teeth. As they push against each other, bit by bit Frontier is pushed back and down until they have to use their other arm to keep themself from hitting the ground.

The longer Fullsky stays in the blast, the more cuts start to open up on her face and arms and the more fractured her bones become. She then shouts one last time as her wings begin to change. Another set of wings, slightly smaller than the first, comes out that pushes her harder down until her fist collides with the Pulse Arm. They resist for a moment before she pushes through and completely shatters it.

Frontier is shocked for a moment before Fullsky's fist hits them in the face and smashes them into the ground one last time with a large burst of energy. As the flash of light disappears, officers begin to pull up with lights and sirens blaring. Chief immediately jumps out of his car and observes the situation. He sees the mess made in the surrounding area, a few unconscious members lie around, and civilians running out of the building. He sweats a bit as he thinks quickly. 

"This looks like Syndicate work, so proceed with extreme caution! Main priority: protect the civilians! Get everyone out as fast as possible and help the injured! You are cleared to use deadly force to protect yourself and the civilians, go!"

He commands. Everyone moves out on his command with heavy armor and weapons hot. He takes a couple of steps toward the facility before stopping when he notices something in the distance. Looking towards the treeline covered in clouds of dust, he sees someone walking out towards him. His eyes widen when he sees who it is. Fullsky steps out dragging an unconscious body behind her. 


He calls out. She tosses Frontier next to his car, their right arm missing. Chief looks at Frontier for a moment, then back at Fullsky.

"The criminal, Frontier, has been apprehended."

She gives a secretly proud look to Chief, who nods and restrains the hand of Frontier before placing them in another car and sends them out. He then comes back to Fullsky who is standing by his car. 

"Man, you look like shit. They really got that strong, huh?"

"You don't even know." She rolls her eyes in exhaustion as Chief nods.

"What's going on here? What does the Devil's Syndicate want with this building?"

"They're trying to get this serum of some kind. I don't know how much or what it does. Frontier wasn't too keen on telling me." She says with a frustrated but worn out tone.

"Got it. You good? Should I get medical here for you?" He asks with a concerned look.

"No, I'm alright. Just gonna.. Sit here and rest for a sec. Watchdog's got it…"

She leans against the car and slides down until she's sitting on the ground then immediately passes out. Chief gives her a look for a moment, then turns towards the facility. 

"He's here too. Good. Let's get this mess cleaned up." He says before heading inside.

Back inside the facility, the members are running around but dropping in numbers greatly. Watchdog is making his way through their group with relative ease. Few groups remain but one small group of three members finally come across a large pair of metal doors with heavy security. 

"This has got to be where they're keeping it."

"Big and green, let's go."

He nods at the third member, who nods back. She pulls out a small device roughly the size of a phone and a dongle comes out of the top. It then ports into the user computer at the door and a security breakdown prompt appears. She begins trying to unlock the door when they hear a noise behind them. They quickly turn to see a shadowy figure in the dark slowly make its way towards them. The two members guarding the third ready themselves, one with a small automatic pistol and the other with two large Bowie knives. As the figure comes closer into the little light they have, they notice it's another member who is bloodied up and struggling to stay upright, lumbering towards them with a scared look on his face. 

"He's… here…"

He chokes out then collapses as Watchdog stands behind him. The others freak out as he charges them but before they could respond or he can attack, a large fist punches his head into the cement wall. Watchdog is stunned for a moment by the heavy surprise attack. The members look up to see one of the Hexed from before, panting and slightly bloodied.

"Get in there and get the serum. I'll deal with him."

He cracks his neck as Watchdog, who is on one knee, holds his head for a moment. He turns and looks up at the Hexed.

"Ah, glad to see you're doing okay."

The Hexed puts a finger up to his ear and cocks his head to the side over so slightly.

"Come to my position and protect members three, six, and thirteen. We found it." He says, not removing his gaze from Watchdog.