One day, Kubukimaru decides to leave his hometown and go on kemomagi mountains to train himself for the battle.
He tells it to his grandparents, his grandma says"Kubukimaru you're only my child please don't go if you died by Yasuko so who will take care of us please don't go,please don't go". Then Kubukimaru leaves. He walked through the hometown to the kemomagi mountains.
But he don't knows someone is waiting for
him. Who is he? he was an old man he was in trouble because evil king soldiers were killing him but kubukimaru uses his sword and attack on the soldiers.After all he defeated the soldiers but he was also injured,the old man take kubukimaru at his house and started doing treatment of kubukimaru. After 2 months kubukimaru open his eyes and started going from there then only the old man come and say"Mr. I don't know your name but thank you for saving my life. kubukimaru said"by the way my name is Kubukimaru".oh kubukimaru you are still injured don't go now go after when you recovered"said the old man.