- Very clear, sighed the young woman. And so, how is he in real life I mean.
- Because you've already seen his picture in a newspaper ?
- No, I haven't.
- I thought not. Well, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that this man is the kind of man you should never make an enemy of.
- And I'm probably supposed to feel intimidated and humbled !
- You," said her boss, raising an ironic eyebrow, "would be asking too much. I'll just ask you to take care of the process of this purchase.
- And to think that this was the emergency.
- Yes, because a car is coming to pick you up in a few minutes and this man's name on our client list would really be a career highlight.
- I am happy for you. Well, I'd better hurry up because it's clear that the royal carriage is coming to pick me up to go and serve the lord and master of technology.
- Wonderful that you have understood it. Ah, your carriage has arrived, the boss informed her when she answered a call.