This last one also very famous, a writer if I am not mistaken.
At this information, Ariadne's heart stopped beating.
"Not that," she thought, a deadly cold invading her whole body, "not her, no, I beg you, everything but that! No! Not that!"
- Venezia Wright.
This time Ariadne lost her breath. She emitted a hoarse, almost inaudible sound that seemed to be the last. Without strength or reaction, she looked at the dreadful Vera, who was so immersed in her story that she did not notice the state of her interlocutor. On the stage, a cheerful magician created a huge pink balloon with light spots, before bursting it and scattering countless rice and confetti. Absorbed by this attractive scene as well as by her memories, Vera did not see that Ariadne had dropped a glass and a bottle which rolled on the floor.