I don't know about Astieme's, but I know that he didn't write me in his will. So stop your malicious insinuations.
- Too bad for you, isn't it...? You hate...losing, I'm sure, I always recognize this trait in others.
A dull anger began to spread throughout his being.
- I don't understand. Not to lose in what way?
- You would not have my heart, be sure Miss Venezia. You're wasting your time trying to find your way to him. Not someone like you. Teaser, greedy for jewels and comfort, all that I despise.
- How can you assault someone you don't even know, is that politeness for you. All women, whoever they are, even if they love wealth so much, cannot stand it.
- You are probably referring to Amy. You cannot understand. You who cared little for the feelings of others as long as your desires were satisfied.
- You don't know anything about me. But I am sure of one thing, you deserved to ...