Taking a gander at how they encompassed, Balto cast terra clipeum for protection. Maaza moves forward to assault the orcs. "Dearest ocean goddess Amphitrite, I humbly seek for your enlightenment to perish the enemy before me, νερό λεπίδα", Maaza recites her incantation while rushing head on to the gathering of orcs.
Ocean-blue pentagrams show up on both Maaza hands. She spread her arm aside. Fluid stream from her shoulder to her arm. Gradually the fluid comes to take the shape of a blade. Astonishingly a crystal-like transparent blueish Greek shape sharp edge shows up in Maaza hands.
With fast-movement casted by Kaan, Maaza swiftly advances to the orcs, cutting each orcs in her way at their vital point. Maaza assault looks so elegant as though she was dancing and sliding on the ice arena.
Balto then again, supported Maaza with his terra mitten, shooting orc on Maaza vulnerable side simultaneously ensuring the safety of Cassavetes and Byzantium.
During a similar second, Kaan noticed the Demon Spider lifted up a tremendous stone on top of it's head then, at that point, threw it to Kaan and the Rankers area. Promptly Kaan lifted up his right hand and quickly cast a thick dome show up on top of them blocking the stone. The stone shattered to pieces upon contact with Kaan's barriers.
In a rush, Kaan barely managed to heal his right thigh injury. Kaan then at that point, cast his fast-movement twofold the current speed for him to acquire speed and increment his velocity. As he gets close to the Demon Spider, Kaan kicks at the Demon Spider lower abdomen then he pulls back. He rehash similar expositions and once more, assaulting a similar spot of the Demon Spider over and again.
As Kaan rapidly assaulted the Demon Spider, one of Demon Spider's legs landed a hit at Kaan abdomen. With the speed Kaan is at currently, making Demon Spider hit multiplied its weight. Kaan flew not many meters past the Rankers area. Kaan coughs blood as he flies and lands hard at the orcs.
Kaan gets amassed and stomped on by the orcs. Kaan strengthened his body strength to endure the stomp by the orcs.
At the point when Kaan looked up, he saw Maaza doing somersaults then, at that point, spinning her head descending with her arm spread to the side. All the orcs inside Maaza attack range have chopped down their head and their body dropped dead close to Kaan who's lying on the ground.
Maaza landed with her left knee stooped and her arm spread to the side. Kaan stood up with the assistance of Maaza. "You get the Demon Spider. I'll deal with the orcs here", Maaza makes her intersection sword position.
With the obligation to protect the Rankers, Kaan rushes towards the Demon Spider as lightning and simultaneously pounds the orcs head all the way.
Focussing the Demon Spider abdomen, Kaan saw a crack. It is due to Kaan's previous repetitive attack at the same spot.
In Kaan head, he envisioned his clench hand going through the Demon Spider hide. As he gravitated toward the Demon Spider, Kaan made a powerful punch at the Demon Spider abdomen. His clench hand broke the Demon Spider hide and it went through.
Kaan then, at that point, cast an explosion at his palm. Lights spotted inside the Demon Spider abdomen and it's getting more brilliant.
Blast brushed off Kaan's palm and made a tremendous opening at the Demon Spider abdomen. The Demon Spider at long last collapsed because of the attack. Kaan made a move to recuperate his injured left arm so he can move it around.
At lightning speed Kaan returns back to the Rankers. With two hands enforced with an explosive fist, Kaan takes the opportunity to utilize his fast-movement velocity. The impact from Kaan explosive fist and fast-movement speed shattered the orc's attacked area which makes instant kill possible.
Balto made an encircle terra clipeum (earth shield) to protect injured Cassavetes and Byzantium in the meantime Maaza is making an effort to hold off the amassing orcs.
With their physical injuries, Cassavetes and Byzantium still gave their best to assist Balto and Maaza. Cassavetes use his lumen deceptione (blinding light) to daze the orcs and Byzantium cast Taciturnitas (silence) to eliminate sound so that the orcs can't hear movement from Balto and Maaza attacks.
Kaan showed up at the Rankers area and started to provide assistance to Maaza. She has been battling the orcs constantly. Kaan sees Maaza is getting tired, so is Balto who is doing double casting the entire time.
Kaan doesn't have the option to heal everybody at his current status and he needs to think fast.
The orcs are amassing at them and it seems there is no ending to it. During the uproar, another Demon Spider showed up. This Demon Spider is not the same as the one that Kaan battled.
In terms of size, it's greater than the previous Demon Spider. The upper body area is dark instead of looking pale. It even has a red stripe descending from both shoulders, meeting at the chest and directly to the belly. It shrieked so loud when it saw the other Demon Spider not moving on the ground.
Taking a gander at the circumstance, Kaan understood that they wouldn't have the option to survive the ordeal assuming the Demon Spider began assaulting them.
With the given responsibility, Kaan needs to secure the Rankers at all costs. "Rankers, gather around. I will get us all out of here", yelled Kaan to the Rankers.
Maaza, who is battling the orcs, closing her distance nearer to Balto and the others once she heard Kaan's instructions.
As Maaza is in Balto's terra clipeum, Balto yells at Kaan, "Everybody is here!".
Kaan blink quickly to the Rankers and begin to project his thoughts as everybody is linked by their contact with one another. During the projection Kaan envisioned him and the Rankers blink at the entrance of the dungeon.
At the point when they are going to teleport, the Demon Spider sees them and shoots it's thread at Kaan. The thread pierced Kaan from the back and it penetrated Kaan's body slightly left from his spine, slightly underneath Kaan's heart.
The Demon Spider thread direction was slightly off in the nick of time Kaan blink with every one of the Rankers.
Since it's the first time Kaan blinked other than himself, the second they showed up at the dungeon entrance, every one of them appeared as though they had been tossed. Every one of them rolled to the ground and Kaan spurted out blood from his mouth because of the injury.