Chereads / Drettonus / Chapter 30 - Mythbird

Chapter 30 - Mythbird

An hour has passed since the beginning of the walk. Vektor and Hisami are following a trail through the forest to the Ancient Temple. The two are forced to face several wild monsters along the way. One thing Vektor notices is that Hisami is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat and with bladed weapons, similar to him, perhaps even superior in some aspects.

The two finally arrive at the entrance to the Ancient Temple. Due to the monsters, however, it took them an hour longer than planned. They decide to take a break to rest while preparing themselves for the unknown danger that lurks within the temple.

During this break, they end up eating all the supplies that Hisami's father had stored in the backpack, that Vektor hands to Hisami while saying:

"Here, take it. There are only accessories inside now, and I don't know how to use any of these things your father gave me, but they might be useful to you, so I think you'd better take them."


"It'll be a problem if we fight right after eating, so let's rest a little longer."

"Didn't you have a time limit or something? Where's that impatience of yours from yesterday?"

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I may be in a hurry, but I also know that my time limit won't mean anything if I die here."

The two then spend about half an hour in this post-walk break. After a few minutes of pure silence, Hisami decides to start a conversation before resuming the journey:

"So... Since this is going to be kind of our last conversation at least for now... can I ask you a few questions?"

"Oh, sure, ask whatever you want."

"It's just, well... I have no idea of how's the life of an Etykiran..."

"I'd say it's pretty normal... In my case, I don't even live on Netern Island."

"What do you mean? Shouldn't the 5 families all live on the same island?"

"Well, when I was born, my parents had already moved to a continent, far from the other 4 families. From what I got, there was a war or something, but my mother never got to tell me that story properly, and I never bothered to ask either."

"Hmm, maybe they were exiled or had a disagreement with the other families..."

"I find that hard to believe. The last time I visited the island, everyone there treated me with respect."

"What about your daily life? Do you do anything hidden from other people that only an Etykiran can do? Things like rituals or customs?"

"Nah, I just play games and watch anime like everyone else my age, nothing special."

"...You're quite disappointing."

"Sorry for being just a normal teenager, I didn't mean to break your expectations. If it's any consolation, my mother has witchcraft as a hobby, I think that's pretty unusual."

"So your family holds onto traditions... Could you tell me more about them?"

"Well, I don't have much to say, I just live with my mother. According to her, my father died on a trip when I was still very young."

"Oh... I'm sorry... for reminding you of that, I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry, I just said it was a long time ago. I don't even remember my dad's face, and I can't feel anything when I try to think about him."

"What do you mean you can't?! That's not natural at all!"

"You think so? Well, I've always had a reputation as a weird kid, so I won't try to defend myself."

"If your father died, then...!"

"No, I'm not Master Drenn. That's my brother, at least officially."

"Oh, you have a brother?"

"According to my mom, yes. But then again, I don't remember anything about him, so I have no idea who he is. As far as I know, he's been missing for years, but he's most likely alive."

"So you'll remain an apprentice until they find him?"

"Well, I can become a master if I have fully mastered my powers and turn 18 before he is found."

"So that's why you are here?"

"No. Like I said yesterday, my mom was taken hostage. I'm not really the type to go around traveling without a good enough reason."

"I see..."

"Once again, sorry for breaking your expectations. I bet you'd like to hear about great adventures or something like that."

"No, that's okay, I needed that. In a way, I'm even relieved. And to think that all this time, the legendary beings I've been waiting so long to meet, in the end were human beings like me... Thank you, Vektor."

"I don't really know what I did, but... you're welcome."

"Well, how about we proceed now? We can't keep your mother waiting."

"You're right, we've had enough rest. From now on, we'll go all out until the end! ...I mean, first we have to think about how we're going to open this huge gate... I don't think I can break it."

"From what my father taught me, only Etykirans are capable of opening it."

"Oh yeah, I remember, the temple opens in response to my energy... Right...!"

As he touches the gate with both of his hands, Vektor feels as if his energy is inexplicably being pulled out of his body through his arms, a sensation similar to when he uses his sword, only this time it is involuntary and instantaneous rather than voluntary and constant.

After a few seconds of contact, Vektor's energy causes the gate to react, slowly opening.

"Okay, get ready. This is where our real challenge begins."

Vektor and Hisami finally enter the Ancient Temple. The place consists of only one large room with 5 doors, each with the symbol of one of the 5 Etykiran families drawn on top. However, only one door is open: the one with the drawing of the Scarlet Tulip, the symbol of the Drenn family.

Vektor takes his first steps towards the open door, until he is stopped by Hisami, who holds his shoulder and says:

"Wait...! Be careful, I can feel that something very powerful is waiting for us in that room."

"What's going on? Scared now? I'm warning you that it's a little late to run away now that we've come this far."

"I'm serious! I can detect any living being on this island, as well as sense the life energy of each being."

"Wait, you had that power this whole time and only told me about it now?"

"This isn't any power, it's just my special ability!"

"(No, that's definitely a kind of power.)

So, you're a Unique? I have friends in my world with abilities like that."

"What do you mean, what's 'Unique' about that? Everyone on this island has one of those skills, it just changes the type."

"Oh, I see...

(An island inhabited by only Uniques? That's the first time I've heard of something like that.)"

"Perhaps these doors are sealing the presences of this temple, but when opened, this door...!"

"So basically there's a boss waiting for us up ahead... Well, let's prepare as much as possible. Can you tell me what accessories are in that backpack?"

Hisami searches through the backpack and finds:

"An arrow shooter, a smoke bomb, a monster repellent, and a dagger."


(Apart from the arrows, I could use all of that without any problem, her father was really smart. However...)

I don't think I could coordinate using this while fighting..."

"Right. Then, I'll give you support and you just take care of the offense. That way, no one will feel overwhelmed. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a good plan. So let's not waste any more time..."

"Let's go in!"

After the two enter the room, the door automatically closes, and they then encounter a large sleeping monster, which awakens a few seconds later. The monster in question is a giant bird with the physical stature of a medieval dragon. However, despite having wings, for some reason the monster is unable to fly.

Awakening from its long slumber, the monster slowly looks around until it finds Vektor and Hisami, who are positioning themselves for battle. Without wasting time thinking, the monster also positions itself for a charge.

"...It's coming!"

The moment Vektor says this, the monster lets out a ferocious roar and quickly rushes towards the two invaders, who are running in opposite directions. The monster then attacks the air with its large, sharp claws, and somehow the nearest wall is scratched without being hit, leaving claw marks on the door that also receives part of the attack.

Due to the two being in different locations, the monster has the choice to attack either of them at any time. Knowing this, Vektor quickly wields the Slasher Platinum and uses his power on the blade in an attempt to draw the monster's attention. The plan works, and Vektor becomes the target of the next attack, but he manages to dodge the first attack and use the Slasher Platinum to defend himself from the continuous attacks following the first.

Taking advantage of this moment of distraction, Hisami throws the bottle of repellent, which breaks on the monster's back, which is irritated by the smell and gives Vektor an opening to escape the attack. The monster then loses control and starts attacking in all directions while running aimlessly.

Hisami shoots an arrow to the monster's chest, which screams in pain and stops running and attacking to pull out the arrow, completely opening its guard. It is finally time for the counterattack. Hisami wastes no time and throws a smoke bomb near the monster to disorient it. Vektor then charges at the monster while using his power in the Slasher Platinum and jumps towards the monster's chest, intending to deliver a fatal slash.

After pulling out the arrow stuck in its chest, the monster quickly dispels the smoke with the strength of its arms. But it is too late. Vektor is already in front of it, ready to deliver his final blow, a powerful flaming slash with all the force his two arms can apply.

Without giving the enemy time to react, Vektor attacks...!


"...I- It broke...? Slasher Platinum... The legendary sword of the Drenn, which has lasted for generations, the Slasher Platinum... broke?!"