Chereads / The Celestials Prison: Envoy of the Damned / Chapter 14 - Act 1 - Chapter 9

Chapter 14 - Act 1 - Chapter 9

Chapter 14: Alexander; Shauran 20th, 344SR; 20:00

"Jack!" Alexander lunged forward frantically.

The panicked noble was met with the sight of fresh green grass, lit by the setting sun behind him. The wooden rocking chair he stood from creaked as it shook back and forth. The orange sky made him feel an abnormal sense of serenity. 'What the... Where am I?!' There was a spade stabbed into the ground in front of him. A gentle breeze washed over the field of vibrant flowers, it cooled his skin from the warmth of the sun. Alexander listened to the sounds of his breathing, recalling the battle he had lost.

"Dear?" he heard a woman's voice.

Alexander's demeanor flipped, alerted by the voice behind him, but upon seeing the person who spoke, he felt comfort once again. 'Huh...' He was fixated on the woman before him. He felt something inside him, something he hadn't felt in a long time. 'What is this... What is this place... Am I dreaming? Am I... Dead...'

The woman hurried forward, Alexander's heart beat quickened. 'Who are- Agh!!' Alexander's head suddenly hurt. It felt like something was squirming within his head, piercing different parts of his brain. 'What is this?!' He couldn't raise his head, he could only see her toes in the grass under her lime green dress. Her frail bare feet quickly stepped forward, but Alexander could barely focus on her as it felt like his head would split in two. Her white shirt came into view. When Alexander saw her stomach, he felt something click in his head, and the pain drifted away. 'She's... Pregnant...' The woman carelessly descended the steep hill and embraced him. Her forehead gently rested on his chest, one hand on his shoulder, another on his face. Alexander felt perplexed, but wrapping his arms around her gently was the first thing he thought about doing.

"Dear? Is everything okay?" the woman asked with a worried tone.

She was shorter than Alexander by a foot, her head rose and she looked right up at him with bright blue eyes. Her gaze was full of concern. Her smooth pink lips slightly hung open, her breath slightly uneven. Her thin brows furrowed tightly, causing her big forehead to appear wrinkled. Her long blue hair swayed in the wind as the gentle breeze returned. She closed one eye as the wind blew strands of hair in front of her face. 'Lavera, that was your name...'

"What's wrong? You look pale? Does your head hurt? Do you feel ill?" Lavera asked quickly.

"I'm- I'm fine... I just... I feel like I woke up from a long dream," Alexander sighed.

"Oh... What was the dream about?" she smiled softly.

Alexander looked up, there was a cabin made from logs in the middle of five tall trees. It looked like the houses in Logos. All around the field of grass were stumps of cut down trees, there were hundreds for as far as he could see atop the hill. Directly southwest from where they stood, down the hill at the base of the mountain was a sight that perplexed Alexander. 'Huh...' A massive kingdom made of white stone bathed in the last rays of the daylight. The citadel was undeniably bigger than Helios, and far more majestic. A Celestial stood tall behind the citadel, rooted just beyond its outermost wall. 'Is this Helios... No, it can't be...'

"I was... Trying to..." Alexander explained with a confused tone as he looked at the Celestial, still trying to piece together everything he was seeing. "Where is Helios? Lavera where is Helios?"

"Helios?" Lavera tilted her head, she seemed confused as well.

"Over there, don't you see it?" Alexander pointed up at the kingdom.

"That's... The Kingdom of Logos? Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"Kingdom of- of Logos?!" Alexander shook his head in disbelief. "What?!"

"Yeah? The Kingdom of Logos? That one over there, how could you of all people forget about it?" Lavera laughed.

'Kingdom of Logos? What... what's- wait... Where am I... I was fighting that... Off-worlder... Ajal... But, what is that castle, where did it come from?!' The massive citadel in the center of the valley had a circular outer wall surrounded by smaller settlements. Four massive overpasses made of stone stretched over the buildings within, evenly dividing the kingdom into four parts. At the other side of the valley was a forest of tall trees which looked too big to be real. Between the mountains and the forest was another city nestled into the valley. 'If the Celestial is there... Than... To the north is-' Alexander looked north, and his eyes widened as he finally saw something he expected. 'The... Cerulean Sea...' As he let go of Lavera and turned his head back to the kingdom, he suddenly froze. Far off to the west, was a second Celestial. 'What... Why is there... Why is there two?' Lavera tilted her head, his bewilderment made her worried again. Alexander stepped forward, and then and started sprinting along the path down the mountain.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going?" Lavera called for him.

'That overpass looks like the quickest way to the citadel! I must find out what's going on, is this a dream? It has to be... What else is this?!' Alexander blinked once, but as his eyes opened, he was shocked to see the citadel directly in front of him. He was suddenly much closer.

"What..." Alexander looked around frantically.

He turned around and looked back at Lavera, but instead he saw the peaks of the hills he stood on in the distance. He now stood on the overpass he looked at earlier. The stone rail was patterned with strange symbols of trees, vines, and leaves. Down below the overpass were buildings made of stone and brick. On the peaks of the highest rooves, Alexander noticed a symbol of a triangle within a circle. There were people in the city, but they all stood still with their hands outstretched to the sky for some reason.

"What are they doing?" Alexander whispered to himself.

'Who are these people... Who was that woman... What was I doing... I came here... To- To find out how the fuck Logos turned into this!' Alexander conjured his greatsword in his right hand. He turned back to the citadel, facing a gate that stood at least three stories high. He started to run and gripped his blade with both hands. Flame engulfed the greatsword as he jumped towards the gate and swung. The metal cracked and jeered as he cleaved through it effortlessly. He landed in front of a staircase that lead into the citadel. Along both sides were the statues of robed women, however, each lacked a face. 'How long was I out... Did that off-worlder do this?!'

"Who is the lord of this citadel!" Alexander screamed. "Show yourself!

Alexander ran towards the first stairway, but as he took the first few step upon it, he suddenly found himself at the last. He was already at the top. 'Again?! What is that... I know I didn't just climb these stairs?!' Alexander peered down the flight of stairs, he was at the bottom just a second ago.

He turned to face a massive door, at both sides of it were cross shaped figures. Two sticks were tied together, for some reason there was a sack on the top of it. It was fixed into the ground, but something about it felt out of place. Alexander walked past them, and placed his hands on the massive door. 'Why would anyone need a door this big?' He pushed the heavy slabs, shoving the entrance open. A stream of light flowed into the dark room, split by Alexander's shadow.

"Lord of this kingdom! Show yourself!" Alexander yelled ferociously.

It was too dark to see anything. As Alexander walked in he noticed the light from the sun disappear. 'Who closed the...' He turned, only to discover that the door was gone. Alexander shook his head as he blinked repeatedly, then faced forward.

He proceeded through the large hall. To his left and right were evenly spaced pillars, and at the other end of the hall was a throne. Alexander squinted at the throne, another one of the strange cross shaped figures stood in front of it. He continued underneath an oddly shaped archway, it was made of a different material than the rest of the citadel. Above the throne was a dark green banner, it had the symbol of a tree and a pattern of golden triangles along the borders.

The silence made him anxious, the only other noise was from his breathing and footfalls. As Alexander got closer to the throne he noticed something about the cross shaped figure. A golden tiara sat on the top of the sack, it had a single green gem embedded into its center. 'A... Person?' The way its sticks jutted out, almost looked like someone with their arms raised. 'The people in the town... The guards... Are these things supposed to be people?' Alexander turned around and was startled to see the massive hall filled with these stick figures.


"Druids of Logos! My loyal vassals!" a woman called with fierce discipline, her voice echoed across the massive room.

Alexander turned around and looked up to see a woman in front of the throne, wearing the crown that was originally on the stick figure. The throne was at the top of a short set of steps. Alexander looked up at her, his heart beat rapidly. 'Where the hell did she come from!'

"Release your envy! Release your righteous will!" she commanded.

"Rah!" a crowd behind Alexander exploded with excitement.

Alexander whipped back around to see the room full of sticks was now full of ghoulish soldiers with pale green skin. They were dressed in dull metal armor or dark green robes. Alexander looked across the pale faces of the soldiers. Many of them were simply skeletons, however even those still had chunks of flesh hanging off their bones. One lacked an arm, another an eye. He glanced in the other direction only to see a headless soldier in gold armor. Alexander turned back to the throne as he started to hyperventilate. 'Who... Ah! Aaagh!' Alexander fell to his knees as a random jolt of pain caused his head to throb again.

Alexander couldn't see a single piece of her body, she was clad from head to toe in armor. What was the strangest of everything he had seen, was the white mask that covered her face, it had nothing on it. No holes for the eyes, nose, or lips. Just a faceless mask. She was dressed in silver leggings and gauntlets, wearing a breastplate with the design of a tree pressed into it. A long white skirt reached past her knees. Small roots slipped out of the cracks in her armor.

"Druids! Rise! Those below the mountain seek to usurp our providence! We, the Ammonians! We who blessed this world with Xenia's Strength! We who brought unity to the purebloods and the druids! We, the druids! We protect the land from the Hydronian waves. We blessed the filthy Lithonians, bringing order to their race of savages! We will give cause to their envy!" Her last word was filled with intent, she stood and walked toward the crowd.

The woman was at least six feet tall, on the raised platform she towered over everyone else in the room. Alexander curled up even more, every time she spoke it made the pain in his head worse. 'Ah! Stop! What's... Happening?!' Alexander writhed in pain, it hurt far worse than anything he had ever felt.

"The bite of our noble steel will split their skulls!" She shouted at the crowd.

"The bite of our noble steel will split their skulls!" The crowd repeated together.

"Repenting fickle envy on hands and knees, their sight shall not be blessed, and mercy will not save them!"

"Repenting fickle envy on hands and knees, their sight shall not be blessed and mercy will not save them!"

"With the strength of Oaraun, on the graves of our fallen!"

"With the strength of Oaraun, on the graves of our fallen!"

"Ahagh!" Alexander felt another intense wave of pain.

"My subjects! Release your will upon the faithless! For not even their Celestial will save them!"

The crown shouted even louder than before, Alexander turned and looked at the army that seemed oblivious to his presence. 'What the hell is going on!' His heart beat rapidly, but something caught his eye he hadn't originally seen. The archway he had walked under earlier shifted in place, just enough that Alexander knew he saw the structure move.

The noble couldn't move or even think as he looked up at what he thought was an archway this whole time. Only to discover they were two giant legs. He looked up to see a creature seated on top of the doorway into the room. It had long arms that hung down to its knees, a skinny upper body, and its face was too hard to see from that distance. It looked like a person, but far, far bigger. Alexander looked up to its eyes, and he realized the towering titan was looking back at him.

* * *

Alexander's eyes shot open as he gasped, he lifted his face from the dirt, breathing heavily as he regained consciousness. He tried to raise his head and felt strands of blood on his cheek drop into the dirt. A black coat that covered his body slid off his back. He looked up at multiple angels clad in white, running frantically around the field, and assisting anyone injured. He rolled himself onto his back and looked up, the sky was pitch black, and the Celestial stretched high above the clouds.

"He's awake!" Alexander heard someone in the distance.

He tried to sit upright but felt something strange under his chest. 'Huh?' He didn't feel pain, but something felt off. He touched his stomach and felt a smooth texture, dragging his hand on it until he felt his skin. Alexander looked at his stomach and noticed a triangle shaped green crystal. It was in the exact spot where he was wounded by Ajal.

"Sir!" Vivian ran forward and dropped to her knees in tears.

Vivian only wore a white shirt and black pants, Alexander looked down at the coat that slipped off earlier and realized it was hers. She rushed to Alexander and fell to her knees in tears. 'I was dreaming... But... Why did it feel so real...' The sun had gone down, and most of the flames within Logos had dissipated over the ashes of what were once houses.

"I thought you were dead!" she cried with a worried look on her face, Alexander stared at her blankly.

"Vivian... What is this?" Alexander asked as he looked down at his own stomach.

"Huh?" she looked at the green crystal. "I'm not sure... Should I request a doctor from House Pendragon to analyze-"

"No," Alexander immediately declined as he got to his feet.

"Wait! Are you alright sir?! Should you be moving?" Vivian tried to caution him.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." Alexander squinted at the gem in his chest.

'I feel lighter... But... That dream...' Alexander grasped his head to Vivian's confusion. He rubbed his short green hair as his expression turned to confusion. 'What was I dreaming about... I just had it... I can't remember anything now...'

"Alexander," a stern voice addressed him.

Arid Lightbringer approached, his blue robes drifted behind him. It was the robes belonging to Helios's school of magic. He had short stubble in place of a beard, discipline emanating from his expression. Most of House Pendragon's medical staff. as well as lieutenants from House Rover had arrived to the scorched battlefield. However, as Alexander looked around, Arthur was nowhere to be seen.

"Arid, what's the situation-" Alexander was cut off as Arid handed him a clean white shirt. "Thanks..."

Alexander pulled the white shirt over his shoulders, threaded his arms into the sleeves, and buttoned it up halfway.

"Alexander Rael, I only gave Logos back to you yesterday, and I arrived to see green flames burning it to the ground," Alexander's heart skipped a beat as he heard that voice.

Alexander immediately bowed and put one hand over his chest.

"My lord. I deeply apologize," He could only look at Lucifer's feet as he bowed his head.

"I heard from Arthur that you had gone on a rampage to stop the mysterious being. Is this true Alexander?" he questioned.

Alexander's teeth clenched before he took a deep breath and looked up at the king of the angels. He wore long robes that covered his legs, it made him look wider than he was. At his waist was the legendary sword known as the Lightbringer. The brooch on his right shoulder was a golden two-leafed clover, one of the leaves was hollow, the other solid. The braids on his head acted like a hair band for the lord's long blonde hair. His clean-shaven face was devoid of imperfections.

"That fool Arthur is behind this... I know it... He was here before this entire attack. And even when we all fought he didn't move a muscle, the pansy should have his status ripped from him!" Alexander vented.

"House Pendragon has been loyal to the Lightbringers for generations, Arthur is no different-"

"Sorry Lord Lightbringer, I have to stop you there..." Rolo Kivan walked into the conversation with his hands in his pocket, and his clothes slightly torn. "The Pendragon's may be one of the original noble houses, but Alexander is right... Arthur didn't do anything... He watched us all lose... If Arthur helped... Logos would be in a very different shape right now..."

"Don't you dare disrespect our king, or the noble houses you filth," Arid squinted at Rolo.

"Huh?!" Rolo reared his head back. "Where did that come from? Arthur had his thumb up his ass for that entire battle!"

"You'd know, wouldn't you? Your entire clan is experienced in being filthy savages who practice it all the same. Don't let Vala's kindness get to your head brat, one wrong word and your entire race may end up starving again," Arid mocked.

"I'm trying to tell you someone could have died?!"

"Unfortunately, you didn't..."

"What was that?!"

Rolo gritted his teeth and took his hands out of his pocket. Arid raised his hand. The two of them glared at each other, as Lucifer rolled his eyes and sighed. Rolo twitched as a hand slapped him on the back of the head.

"What do you want, Avery..." Rolo turned and gave her an unamused look.

"I'm telling Vala you fought with the nobles," Avery snickered.

"What? Hold on- I didn't even start this?!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Avery laughed as she pulled Rolo away, but even her gaze was sternly locked on Arid.

Riva was a short distance away from everyone else, sitting on the ground with her legs crossed and facing the houses. Her blue robe was pulled down, her cracked and battered chest plate to her right. She looked down as she rested her sheathed sword on her shoulder.

"We need to get back to Andurill and report what happened here to the queen," Avery spoke to Rolo and Riva.

"Noble clan leaders, please allow Angela and Arid to assist your pursuit of this so-called... Divine being," Lucifer uttered the title with contempt. "Who was this man, do you know? Did he say anything during your fight?" Lucifer asked Alexander.

"They called him Ajal... He said he was from a different planet," Alexander explained.

"What..." Lucifer uttered under his breath, his expression suddenly turned to shock.

"Our texts say nothing regarding the existence of worlds other than Grelt. He stated he was from the planet Imperion," Alexander explained.

"An off-worlder..." Lucifer uttered and Alexander nodded.

"This... This is... An unprecedented opportunity..." Lucifer's whispered to himself as his expression changed to a grin.


"An opportunity... Yes..." Lucifer continued to consider something.

'An opportunity? Is he insane?'

"Why did this... Why did Ajal engage in combat?" Lucifer asked.

"Lord Lightbringer... With all due respect-"

"With all due respect, answer the question Noble Rael," Lucifer demanded to know.

Alexander looked down in thought. 'That's right...' He recalled seeing Jack before and after his fight with Ajal, and the words they exchanged.

"He was working with a non-unified slave, I believe the same one discussed at the meeting. Jack... Jack Eldritch," Alexander confirmed.

"What... This Jack, he was here? And you're sure, he worked with the off-worlder?" Arid asked in disbelief.

"He was the slave in Logos responsible for sealing the mines, his parents before that. Now he has the assistance of a truly powerful ally, Murdok's words may mean more than we thought!" Alexander warned.

Lucifer looked up in thought.

"We must capture this divine being- this off-worlder... Ajal," Lucifer ordered.

Alexander felt a dread within him grow.

"My lord, he defeated two of the hybrid clan leaders and me... This man is a threat to the Celestial itself. Forget capturing him, he needs to be eradicated!" Alexander tried to reason.

Lucifer turned and looked up at the Celestial.

"When Abaddon marches his armies down the streets of Helios, they will be a threat to the Celestial itself. This off-worlder, he holds knowledge beyond this planet's reach, and if he truly is that powerful, he'd make a magnificent spearhead to plunge into Abaddon's heart," Lucifer explained.

Alexander knelt on one knee.

"I understand, I apologize for my foolishness. I will not fail you, my lord... I will make haste for the off-worlder and capture him immediately-"

"No, not you," Lucifer declined. "Those orders we're for Arid."

Alexander turned and saw the black-haired man on his knee.

"Relay this information to Angela, and try to convince this Ajal to join us, Arid..."


"Please Lord Lightbringer, allow me to join the-"

"You are in no condition to pursue the off-worlder, you burned Logos to the ground, and failed in capturing him to begin with. All of House Rael should be ashamed," Lucifer interjected Alexander once more.


"You will remain on the continent of Kamino, and rebuild Logos from the ground up," Lucifer ordered.

"What..." Alexander uttered.

"Now, Arid. Inform me about the anomaly Arthur told you about," Lucifer turned around.

"Yes, it has to do with the report I received from Freiya at the meeting," Arid mentioned, the two of them walked off as they continued to discuss an important matter.

"Stay... On Kamino?" Alexander repeated to himself.

Alexander's mind filled with rage, and he conjured his greatsword in hand. 'Huh...' Alexander looked down at his hand, his fingers tightly gripping the greatswords handle. 'Why did I?'

"Noble of House Rael," Lucifer called. "What is the meaning of drawing your weapon?"

Alexander looked at Lucifer with a blank expression, he stared back at his hand to see the greatsword he gripped tightly. He loosened his grip, and it vanished from his hand.

"I apologize for my mistake, Lord Lightbringer. I harbor no ill will or intent," said Alexander.

Lucifer stared at him for several seconds, he took his hand off his sword. "Good," he turned around and continued, "I want Logos rebuilt before the chill of Hemhir falls."

Alexander stared at the ground with a blank expression. Vivian approached while Lucifer walked away, she'd been too nervous to earlier.

"Sir, I went back to the outpost and found Bruno, he had a report ready for you in regards to what happened during the night. I believe the individual we encountered was this Ajal-"

"Shut up," Alexander ordered.


"I don't want to hear it right now..." Alexander put one hand over his face.

'Arthur... This is your fault... You delayed me from killing Jack for an entire year... And now you've delayed me once more!'

Alexander looked around at the rubble and debris of Logos. 'And this excuse of a Lord... Rebuild Logos?! He was chummy that whole time for information he wanted, and he threw me away like a rag the moment I gave everything up. And then to discuss important matters with his loyal dog right after without me... What are they not telling me...'

Alexander clenched his fist, causing wisps of green flame to release from it. 'What the?' Alexander looked down at his fist, he had conjured the flame without his sword. The green flames he produced were much more vibrant and wilder than before. Alexander looked down at the gemstone embedded in his stomach. 'What the hell is this thing? Is this the Celestial's work? What is this strength I feel...'