Looking above him, he was left stunned by her sudden appearance in the trees.
"You were there the whole time?!" He hissed.
Dropping down with relative ease, she flashed a grin at him. "This is my safe haven with the vegetation, of course I would be here to clear my thoughts, but I didn't expect you to be stupid to pick up a flower you know nothing of and at this hour of the day."
Lotus circled a still Luna and clicked her tongue, "and she has lunar abilities."
Suddenly she burst out laughing, turning around and glaring at Obsidian. "Be thankful for my presence."
Sensing he had made a huge mistake, Obsidian eased his once heavily guarded demeanor and mellowed in his approach. "What is wrong with her?"
This question only seemed to amuse Lotus even further with another outburst of laughter.