[Mr Zou, I am Abigail Meng. My grandfather gave me your personal mobile number.]
[Is there a problem Miss Meng, or should I say Madam Wu?]
[it is Miss Meng. I do not want to use the other until I know what I want.]
[That is fine Miss Meng. I am suspecting your grandfather would not have given you my personal mobile unless you needed some help, so can you tell me what the problem is.]
[How can I know if I can trust you to help me?]
[Your grandfather gave you my number, so that means he believes I can help you. You just must trust his judgement that he believes that I can help you solve the issue. But I give you my promise except for telling either your grandfather or your husband, if I believe they need to know to help you, I will say nothing.]
[Not Daniel. I do not want him involved.]