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ORIGIN: How it all BEGAN

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HELLO! This is still in an on going process and editing so it wont be going out to the world for the mean time. I'm a new aspiring author so dont expect much. Note that I do not own the cover and it is still temporary. Anyway, Hope it all ends well. THANKYOU!! So Here is the 1st draft of the synopsis... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis: Have you ever wondered as to how the world came in to being? Or how the univers was formed? To answer that, now, let me tell you a story... Once upon a time uhhh... there was no time, yes the concept of time did not exist at first, do you know why? well, I dont know too... Everything was dark beyond darkness known as darkness-sama *ahem*... known as [The Void Of Darkness] The [The Void Of Darkness] extends its ummm... darkness in to all spaces and corners there is and it is still expanding... But then one day, with a leap of fate, everything changed when within this ever- growing Darkness, a small... a pretty small spark of light flickered as if the darkness, where light cant even dream showing up, flickered and flickered itself with untamed perseverance... How bold of you flickering light-chan, darkness-sama is angry....*ahem*... Anyway.. Follow us and dive in to this world uhhh... a world wich is technically still not existing... and see for yourself how everything changed from one thing to another... ORIGIN, and how it all BEGAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there it is! so how was my synopsis? its my first time making something like this so if you got better a way to write it, please do help me THANKYOU!!

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Beginning 1.1

It was dark, there was nothing everywhere but pure darkness threathening to cover anyting with nothing but pitch black. One might even be able to say that not even light itself would be able to outmatch such pure and ever-expanding darkness.

It had always been like this, yes, always... Darkness...

Suddenly, unbeknownst to anyone or anything, there was a sudden flicker... A very tiny, spark of... Light?? I know I said that even light might not even be able to exist here but yes, there was a light. It was so small to the point that it was almost non-existent but there it was flickering from time to time.

This tiny light continued to flicker itself until... hmmm... Maybe the darkness could no longer tolerate something invading its territory that it decided to engulf this little mole that keeps itching its skin.

Then the beginning of the struggle for survi... Wait, rather that struggle, it was more like a onesided play where the darkness tried to extend its... Well darkness, to the flickering tiny light in an attempt to influence it or to swallow it whole to become part of its wonderfulness.

But the tiny light was resilient, no... I was wrong again... It was... Hmmm... Shit I got to reboot, my brain is overheating for thinking so much!




Well the light was uncaring, it stood there... Oh, more like in floated there unhindered as it continuously flickered as if mocking the darkness for being so weak as to not even being able to touch its mighty self!

Haha come on! I challenge you! (A/N: ofcourse nothing like this really came out from the light but hmph, who can stop me from imagining it? Bite me!)

Ahem... So continuing on with my story... The small and mighty light continued its flickering ritual unhindered as the darkness continued trying its way with the tiny... Object? To no avail... Hence it decided to not care about it completely and stop its eating attempt?... Uhhh... Sucking? Swallowing?... Hmm, that did not came out right... It almost sounded as if the darkness-sama was... (A/N: ugggh! Happy thoughts~ Clean thoughts~ Happy thoughts~ Clean thoughts~)

Well... As author sama was doing his... Hmm... Thought cleaning ritual, I flicker-chan, the one and only shall continue for you....

Hey! Shooo, shooo! Go on, stop disturbing me, you go back to being a part of the story, i got this, Go away!... Ahem... Sorry for that, i got somewhat distracted... *Cough*... Anyway, as I was saying... Where was I again?... Oh yeah...

As the darkness stopped any of its attempt to the small, flickering bitc... I mean light, the bitc... Ahem... Light was finally able to do its thing, and that is flickering.

As time passed... Uh... Well, the concept of time does not exist...but, oh well... Anyway, the light grew over time, presently, it was already a ball of bluish sphere of light with small globes of similar light but much smaller orbiting around it... I thought it was a bitc *ahem*... A something, it was actually just a sphere! Mwahahahaha *cough* *cough*... Water... Need... wa..ter... WATER!!

(A/N: well, evrything in the above where not actually the darkness and the flickering light talking or fighting each other, it was just me messing aroung with the narration hehehe peace!)

(Well to explain the above mentioned, here is an anology. Imagine an endless sea, nothing around but endless sea when suddenly and island grew out of nowhere... The sea is the darkness while the island is the flickering light... As the sea expands and rises, we would think the island would be engulfed by the sea, but what happens is that the island rose along with the sea, with the sea not being able to engulf the island no matter how it expands and rises, same as to what happened with the darkness not being able to engulf the flickering light no matter what... hope that was helpful)

In the darkness, the flickering light continued to flicker... And flicker... And flicker till it turned in to a something similar to a single grain of sand then continued its thing, flickering here and flickering there, here a flicker, there a flicker, everywhere a flicker~ oh Mc donal... *Ahem* sorry, i got distracted once again...

Anyway, alone in the void of darkness, the small light, continued it thing for a long, long period of uncountable time ( once again, time does not exist here at this point )...

The lonely lights' existence was a complete mystery as it changed from being only a simple spark, to a grain of sand, to a pretty, small pebble buy a far bigger than a grain of sand, then from a pretty small pebble, it changed into a small marble to a big marble then once again changed to a small ball in to a big ball until it finally changed into a sphere of light... (You can imagine how big the sphere of light yourself as long as its bigger that a big ball used in basketball)

All this changes happened for an unknown period of lengthy time since the process was really, and i mean extremely slow that if there was a concept of time there, it must have summed up to millions, if not, billions of years for it to finally reach its current form.

From a small flickering light and now to a sphere of light, also had small but identical globes of light orbiting around it. The globes of lights' size was only a fraction to that of the sphere of light but was enough to be seen by the naked eye as it orbits around the sphere of light... But ofcourse, there where no eyes to see it... How did i know it was big enough to be seen if there where no eyes to see it?... I just know so stop bitchi... *Ahem* i mean, i just know it...

Anyway, in the lonely void of darkness, the sphere of light, might have developed a spark of will and by instinct, it felt as if it was a mistake for it to have been born, that it should not have been here in the first place, it was not a though but only an instinct from the tine spark of will, but it was enough for it to feel obliged to create something to fix this small instinctual issue. ( A/N: But of course it did not have the ability to think or to feel)

Using a tiny fraction of power that essentially came from it as a source, which happened to be the globes of light orbiting around it. The sphere of light instinctively willed it to be molded in to something that will be able to devour its own self... Yes, devour... Not destroy since upon the developement of the spark of will in it, it instinctively knew that the moment the sphere of light first appeared in this void of darkness, it became something that cannot ever be destroyed... Ever...

The tiny, and almost non-existent will of the sphere of light proceeded to separate a single globe of light from its own... Yikes! It must have hurt so much, thankfully it does not feel pain, imagine taking one of your balls *ahem* *ahem* never mind, i suddenly felt the chills from almost imagining it...

The spark of will from the sphere of light molded the small globe of light by following only its instincts. It did not know what outcome it will do and it did not care, it only felt the duty to complete this mission out of instinct... And the process once again, if the concept of time existed, took many, many years...

Through this period of molding, this tiny globe of light slowly grew and changed and by the time the spark of will from the sphere of light ( which by now also grew a bit, like a one day old infant turning to a 2 days old infant) finished the process of molding, the tiny globe of light now changed in to an identical sphere in terms of appearance but its color was now shiny black with a darker shade instead of being bluish light while its size was only a little bit bigger than when it was a globe of light before it was molded...

you wanna ask why it bothered molding the globe of light when after it finished the result was only a little bit of change and color?

Well, that was because the will of the sphere of light molded it down from its very core changing its characteristics separating its connection with itself because remember, its goal was to creat something that could erase it completely.

The black ball of darkness was finally a single entity of itself completely separate from the sphere of lights' influences and what more amazing was that because its source and molder already had a will, the moment it was created, this dark ball of shiny darkness also received a tiny spark of will and ofcourse half of the reason it awakened its own will was because of the one that molded it

It is quite retarded right? it was finally born and when it developed a flicker of will, it decided to erase itself... yeah, pretty retarded... maybe it felt lonely? or was it scared of the [Void of Darkness]? or was the will that awakened in the sphere of light a kind of will with suicidal tendencies?... who know, only it knows its reason even though it still doesn't have any consciousness capable of reasoning... but I think its probably the last option, yeah... its retarded...

Now after the deed was done, the new molded black ball of shiny darkness has to take responsibility... wait... no, that did not came out right... how silly of me...

within the will of this dark ball of shiny darkness, there was a compelling desire for it to 'devour' its creator, ofcourse it doesn't really have the feeling of desire, how could it have desires when it was just a will, like a program... it was more of an instinct implanted to it by its creator to devour... its creator... (A/N: could the creator be considered as an M, or an extreme M? a super M?)

the imprinted will of the will of the sphere of light to the will of blackie.. *ahem*..

of the dark ball of shiny darkness was compelling and prompting it to do its job..

and so it did...

Blackie... no... the dark ball of shiny darkness, which we will now refer to as the [devouring darkness] then proceeded to suck on the sphere of light starting with its balls... wait... noooo! that really did not come out right this time! but it was accurate (¶ x ¶) (A/N: kekeke... silly me)

The [devouring darkness] sucked on its creator as it was willed... but it was a job that it was hard for it to do in the meantime since it was just born and was still so small, it was only bigger that its creator's balls... so it sucked on its creator slowly, but surely...

But the problem was that, its creators very being was continuously growing along with its power so the [devouring darkness's] sucking power was not able to outmatch its creator's growth rate thus the sucking continued for an unknown period of time

(So let me once again explain everything of the above by creating another anology..

imagin a device, it doesnt matter what kind of a device it is as long as it is a device..urrghh... no, just imagine a computer, now, this computer suddenly awakened its system that runs it, but then this stupid system actually deemed itself as a virus thus it created an anti virus to erase itself...

But unfortunately, this system only relied on its instinct or just randomly created the virus with only one specification of devouring itself and nothing else so the virus is bound to have some defects or bugs, and it is unknown whether this unkmown.defect or bug is a good thing or nor... but thats another story for later)


So hey guys, Author here, its my first time writing, literally my first time so I dont know what problems of mistake I might encounter while writing this so I hope to have you support and help and do correct me from time to time if you noticed some errors in my writing...

I do admit that I am not that good in english as I have limited vocabulary as English is not my primary language but I will do my best!

another thing is that I am only writing using my imagination alone so it will be limited as my imagination is pretty lacking in terms or creativity and innovation so do leave some suggestions!!

Anyway Thankyou!!

Author out!
