Chereads / The boys and the demons / Chapter 7 - Episode 7

Chapter 7 - Episode 7

(The episode opens with Grey, Adam, Luke, Jay, Don, and Den reuniting)

Grey: Well, it seems this demon realm is kinda normal

Luke: Too true

Don and Den: So, in reality we didn't learn anything

Adam: Except maybe it wouldn't be bad to stay in the demon realm

Don, Den, Luke, and Grey (shocked): What?

Adam: I mean this place is perfect for us

Grey: Perfect how, they torture people, (whispers) humans (points to all of us) like us

Luke (whispers): We're not demons, and if you want to stay a demon, we have to go

Adam (whispers): But…

Grey (whispers): We can't stay any longer

Adam: What if I don't wanna go yet

Sazgon: I wouldn't mind it, human

Jae: Yeah, we all wouldn't mind if you stay

(Jae, Sazgon, Tae, and Dev look at the boys with glowing eyes and their wings up)

(The boys head for the door)

Dev (looking at Grey): You were going to leave me?

Grey: No, you could come back with us

Dev: I can't stay in the land of the humans forever (red eyes) so, you can't leave

Grey: Now, Dev, be reasonable; keeping me here won't help me like you

Don and Den: Back off

Jae: Tae their legs are their strength

(Tae zaps Don and Den's legs)

Don: I can't feel my legs

Den: Me either

(Don and Den fell to the ground)

Grey: You may think you got us, but you don't

Sazgon: Adam, you said you didn't want to leave

Adam: Yeah, but this is different, we aren't demons, we belong in the human realm

Luke: Guys, duck

(Luke throws a white bomb)

Jae: Guys that's from the weaponry

(The white bomb releases a white aura)

(Luke helps the boys escape)

(The screen switches to the boys in an empty room)

Don: I feel weak

Den: And defenseless

Luke: Now, we need to find a way to escape

Grey: I have it

Adam: Great

Grey: We must go to the torture room

Everybody: What?!

Grey: It's the portal, that brings humans here, so if we reverse it, we can get there

Everybody else: Oh!

(The screen shows them making across to place where it looks like a hallway)

(A bunch of screams)

Grey (glasses): It's straight ahead

Adam: Great

Luke: And not a demon in sight

Don: Then, let's go

(Don, Den, Luke, Adam, and Grey run into the torture room)

(The door closed behind them)

Adam: It's dark

(The lights turned on)

(The room has a electric chair, a bed that has a sword above it, stakes, chainsaws, etc)

(Luke is in Adam's arms)

Don and Den: Let's go before we get caught

Grey (glasses): If memories serve right, it should be (points to his right) here

(The boys turn around to see a mirror with that has spikes on it)

Grey (glasses): That's it

Adam: Great, let's go

Luke (seeing a trap door): Wait

Adam (stepping on the trap door): Why? (Looks down)

(A giant scythe came)

(Don kicks it and it hits the wall)

Den: Good job.

Don: Thank you

Adam (looking Terrified): I almost got my head chopped off

Luke (holding Adam's hand): It's okay, you'll be fine

(They all run through the mirror)

(The screen switches to Luke, Grey, Adam, Don, and Den land in a empty bathroom)

Adam (looks around): We're back (smiles) we're back

Luke (smiles): We're alive!

Don and Den: What a relief, I never want to go on any more adventures

Adam: Well

Luke, Grey, Don, and Den (angry): Hell no, we are not going back

Adam: Okay, I'll just stick with our lives on Earth

A voice: Or so you think

(Grey, Luke, Adam, Don, and Den turn around to see Dev, Jae, Tae, and Sazgon)

Dev: You should've known that the mirror works two ways

Grey (glasses): I did, which is why I got something special

Sazgon (backs up): You wouldn't

Grey (glasses): Try me

(Grey reveals a cross necklace)

(The demons hiss)

(Grey throws it to Don and Den)

(Don and Den grab the cross necklaces, then fight with the demons)

(The demons go through the portal)

(The portal closes)

(Luke and Adam puts the cross necklaces on)

Adam: I guess that's the last of our adventures

Grey: Great, maybe we should finally find regular boyfriends and meet every week

Don and Den: That probably would make things easier

Luke: True

(The boys laugh)

Grey: Seriously let's go back to class

Adam: Right

(The episode ends with the boys walking out the bathroom)