Literature is often a reflection of society as seen through the writer's eyes. In his works, the author usually tries to convey an idea, his understanding of a particular problem, or the entire worldview. Sometimes, the path of fiction leads the author far back reassessing all his life experience and creating a long narration full of drama, humor, controversy, and philosophy. The same path carried Milton Murayama as it led Tolstoy, Bradbury, Hemingway, and many others before him. The novel Plantation Boy continues the author's book cycle about the hardships of a Japanese family in Hawaii focusing on Toshio, an ambitious young man, who resents the life conditions he happened to be born into and tries to force his way into the brighter future. His path and the misfortunes he and his kin experience mirror the similar tensions that are happening across the globe, which is why it is crucial to make sense of every piece of knowledge on the topic.