You rest first, girl!" asked the father.
Sofia nodded noisyly, the woman did not rest. She walked to the middle of the forest to look for medicinal plants.
No matter when rumors say if there is a tiger in there, the most important thing is that he gets medicine for the father who began to be sickly in her old age.
"Just now, it was so hot. Why, suddenly cloudy like this?" muttered Sofia as she wrapped up the knot of her clothes that almost came off.
Lucas terkejut, ia hampir saja menjatuhkan buku yang ia bawa untuk Sergio. Ia datang pagi-pagi dan mendapati ketiga kakak beradik yang saling memeluk satu sama lain. Dengan Renata dan Cecylia yang penuh lebam. Tetapi yang paling parah adalah Renata.
"Rena, kamu kenapa?" tanya Lucas panik dan langsung menghampiri kekasihnya.
"Hey, kalian kenapa?" Lucas melepaskan pelukan ketiganya, semuanya tidak sedang baik-baik saja. Mereka menangis.