I have been on drips and injections, under the scrutiny of Doctors. They have been around me all the time.
"Hello" I looked to my left hearing the feminine voice.
She is the one who introduced to me herself as a therapist a few hours back and tried to make me talk to her.
"Miss Warla, don't force her if she is full" the Therapist added.
"She doesn't even eat, if young girls of her age won't eat, how are they going to remain energetic? When I was in my early twenties, I used to have a whole buffet. If she doesn't eat, how is she going to gain energy? She will have many responsibilities further" Marie went on saying.
"Miss Marie, it's okay she will gradually work over that" the Therapist took my side, I think that's what they do to win our trust.
"She should eat well or else she won't have enough energy to give birth to babies, how is she going to breastfeed them?" Marie asked looking at me as if that is the most general question to ask.