Chereads / A Spark's Life That Shines / Chapter 75 - The Reunion Part 2

Chapter 75 - The Reunion Part 2

The Science Teacher was reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee while the kids were working on their quiz papers.

Most of the students were able to answer correctly while some struggled to try and get the right answer. Among those who were struggling to answer correctly was Miko who was struggling the most. The stress was gaining on her since she had a hard time finding the answer. And when she started to look at Tai, who had no problem answering all of the questions in the pop quiz. When Tai started to look at her, he gave her a thumbs up. It was a way for him to wish her good luck.

Miko blushed a bit and started to move a teensy bit of her hair, a sign that she was nervous yet happy that someone believes in her despite what a certain person thinks. When Miko saw that Jack was moving his head as if he was saying 'oh brother', Miko sticks her tongue out at him to tell Jack that she doesn't care what he thinks.

"Oh brother…" Jack whispered while shaking his head.

"I hope this doesn't get worse when we leave the school." Raf whispered worriedly.

"Me too." Emily whispered while not looking up from her paper.

Jack started to ignore Miko's childish attitude and tried to focus on answering his paper correctly so that he could get the average note but for some reason there was something distracting him and that something was Sierra.

Jack couldn't help but feel awed by her beauty. Both of them make eye contact which makes Jack nervous. To avoid any sort of weirdness, he acted as if he was working. This made Sierra laugh silently, in a way she thought that Jack's reaction was cute.

"Maybe you should try and focus on the exam and not on Sierra." Raf whispered as he glanced at him.

"Yeah, I know that. I wonder if that laugh she made earlier was something good. What do you think?" Jack whispered hopefully as Raf gave him a confused look.

"Why do you ask me? I'm no expert in girls." Raf whispered but stopped when the spoke.

"Quiet. No talking during the exam." The science teacher said.

The Science Teacher had heard the students talking and reminded them that talking is not allowed during a pop quiz. After getting warned, the whole class kept silent. Meanwhile outside, the Autobots were waiting for the kids to come out.

"The kids sure are taking their sweet time." Arcee said as she checked her chronometer since the kids were supposed to come out a few kliks ago.

Bumblebee beeps in agreement since Raf and the others should have been out by now. Bulkhead was unusually quiet, knew that there was something about today but can't remember.

"Can someone remind me what day we are?" Bulkhead asked.

"Uh, Wednesday?" Arcee asked as Bulkhead hummed.

"Wednesday. Hmm, there's something about it. Let me think. Hmm…" Bulkhead hummed as he went into thought.

"This is gonna take a long time. If his brain overloads while trying to think too much, we should call Ratchet for a ground bridge." Arcee said as Optimus spoke up.

"Bulkhead may not be the most clever of our elements. But his value and his intelligence must not be put in doubt. A team is more than cleverness." Optimus said but he was as well curious why the kids were taking too long to come out of their school.

"Try working with him on a mission." Arcee grumbled as she was referring to the Polarity Gauntlet incident.

"Guys, I think I just remembered something. On Wednesday, the kids have science as their last class. From what I've been told, the teacher loves giving the kids a pop quiz." Bulkhead said as he remembered what the day was and what they were doing since he overheard Miko, Jack, Raf and Emily talking about it.

"A pop quiz? What's that?" Arcee asked in confusion.

"Miko says it's sort of a surprise exam the teachers make the kids do. To see if they're studying hard to keep up." Bulkhead said as she hummed.

"Hmm, so I take it Miko will come up with another zero since she rarely studies. But wait, what does any of this have to do with what day we are?" Arcee said before she asked why it had anything to do with today.

"Well, you see..." Bulkhead said nervously and Arcee would have facepalmed. The reason why the kids are taking too long to come out was...

"They're having a pop quiz." Arcee said with a deadpan tone.

"Yes..." Bulkhead answered.

"And you just remembered now?" Arcee asked as Bulkhead answered again.

"Yes… and Miko also told me that sometimes the teacher's pop quiz can continue even if classes are over." Bulkhead said nervously.

"You big brainless lugnut. You could've told us earlier." Arcee said angrily.

"I'm sorry I forgot." Bulkhead said in defense.

"I can see that. Sometimes I wonder what's inside that big brain of yours." Arcee said as Bulkhead bristled slightly at that.

"Oh yeah? Well my big brain is telling you to mind your own business, miss mama bot." Bulkhead told her.

"You call me that again and I'll start teaching you some manners." Arcee warned him.

"I'd like to see you try." Bulkhead challenged but they were both stopped by Optimus.

"Autobots, settle down. Whether or not, we have to wait for the kids to come out. We must remain silent to conserve our cover. From now on, we maintain total silence. Am I understood?" Optimus said as both Bulkhead and Arcee both stopped.

"Yes, Optimus." Both of them said and Optimus let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Good, now let us be quiet and keep up appearances." Optimus said as everyone kept quiet after that.

Meanwhile inside the science class, there was a huge silence. All of the students were working quietly. Whether it was the stress of passing this test or the fright of getting scolded by the Science Teacher, no one made a single sound.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the pencil being used by every student in the class. The fear and stress was everywhere, that pop quiz had everyone nervous, they all knew that failure would mean extra class and even worse extra homework. Some didn't seem to have any trouble.

Jack and Raf seemed to do great, and the same could be said for Emily. As for Miko, despite her being nervous, she was doing what she always does. Do her best and hope that it goes well. So far she was able to stay calm, mostly because she had an amazing view on the guy she liked a bit. She started looking at him for a moment. Emily saw her doing so and started to touch her. She then started to make a heart sign with her hands.

Tai saw them both doing something weird and started to look at them. Miko noticed that he was looking at them and urged Emily to stop doing that by tapping on her hands and by doing so she made a bit of noise.

The Science Teacher heard that and started to check who made that noise. She didn't see anything suspicious so she decided to return to her reading, but before that, she wanted to remind the students that those who fail or don't finish their paper will end up having to extra class and extra homework

"Quick reminder, everyone. If you fail to complete the exam or answer some questions incorrectly, you will get a few hours of extra class and you'll get double the homework. I do hope everyone here has to study hard to stay on track. If not then, you better hope that you get it right. Either way be afraid, very afraid. You may continue." She reminded them and made most of them gulp nervously.

After that terrifying message, the students resumed their albeit more stressed than ever.

"The teacher sure knows how to make a pop quiz look like a pass or fail exam." Jack whispered.

"No kidding, I had to study twice just so I could get the average note. If I fail this one, my mom is gonna kill me." Raf whispered with a nervous gulp.

"Same with my mom." Jack whispered.

"Oh man… I'm gonna fail this pop quiz…" Miko said while letting out a silent groan.

"Calm down, just do what you can." Emily whispered in a reassuring tone.

"Easy for you to say. You're really good at all this science thingy stuff. Right now I would rather dissect a frog than facing a pop quiz that's gonna give more extra work. Bulkhead is gonna lecture me again about studying hard, blah, blah, blah." Miko whispered in a grumble.

"Too bad no one told you that you should work a bit harder. Oh, wait, someone did. Bulkhead, Jack and me. Perhaps if you did what you were told, maybe you wouldn't get in trouble." Emily whispered to her in a matter of fact tone.

"Not you too, Ems." Miko groaned quietly.

"Who's talking?" The science teacher asked as she scanned the class and making both teens freeze and continue their answering m

At the moment the Science Teacher asked who was talking, Emily and Miko stopped talking and resumed their work on the quiz. Seeing how she didn't find anyone talking, the Science Teacher resumed her reading of the newspaper. When the coast was clear, Emily felt like she should reassure her friend that everything is gonna be okay if only she does her best.

"Do what you can and if you get extra work because you failed, I'll help you out. Now be quiet." Emily reassured her as Miko sighed softly.

"Okay, thanks." Miko thanked her.

"No problem." Emily just smiled at her.

After she successfully reassured Miko, both resumed their work in absolute silence. The time was passing by fast and most had finished while others were still struggling.

Outside the school, the Autobots were keeping a very low profile while waiting for the kids to come out. Miko, who felt like she might get the wrong answers, did what she could as best as she could. Jack and Raf had finished and were waiting silently for the Science Teacher to tell everyone to put their pencils down.

Just like Jack and Raf, some students had already finished their paper and were waiting quietly. After he put his paper aside Jack started looking at Sierra who did the same. She looked at him with a beautiful smile which made Jack a little nervous.

Emily, who had finished, saw how Jack became nervous and found it kind of cute as she giggled quietly. Miko, who was almost at the end of her paper, was about to answer the next question when suddenly the Science Teacher looked at her watch and realized that there was only 30 seconds left to finish the pop quiz. She had to tell those who haven't finished yet that they should pick up the pace.

"For those who haven't finished their paper yet, you only have 30 seconds left. Answer your questions well and be sure not to answer too quickly." The science teacher said and those who didn't finish panic.

The time limit began to stress everyone who didn't finish out, including Miko. She had finished the question and turned to the next page. The question was a bonus one.

If she answered it well, she would get a lot of points. The question was a True or False situation about a science fact. She didn't remember the answer, she was stressed and scared that she wouldn't finish her paper on time. The other students had finished with only 15 seconds left and Miko is the only one left.

"15 seconds left. I suggest you finish your paper now, Miss Nakadai." The science teacher said.

"Yeah, yeah, I will. He he he…" Miko said nervously as she tried to find the right answer.

"This doesn't look good." Jack whispered in concern as he and the others watch her worriedly.

Miko became very nervous and with only 10 seconds left, she had no choice but to answer the question by guessing. When she did, she breathed a lot better since she had finished just as the timer dinged.

"There, I'm done. Phew…" Miko said with a sigh of relief while leaning back on her chair.

"Very well, Miss Nakadai. I do hope that you answered your questions correctly. Everyone, grab your paper and form a single file. You will all give me your papers one by one. I shall review them later. Those who have failed shall have to do the extra work." The science teacher said just as the bell rang signalling the dismissal and everybody started to get up and was about to leave the class.

"Hold on a minute, young people. You still have to give me your papers. Now form a line and don't push. Tomorrow you will know if you passed or failed. I suggest you prepare yourselves for the incoming extra work." The science teacher said and every one put their pens or pencils in their bags.

They all grabbed their paper and formed a line, just like the teacher told them to do so with their bags in hand or slung on their backs. When Jack got in the line, he was in front of Sierra and her friend, Katie. Raf was behind him with Emily and Miko. As luck would have it, Miko was right in front of Tai. When she looked at him, she turned around fast and began to blush a bit and began to panic as she tugged on the sleeves of Emily's light red jacket.

"Oh my gosh, Ems. He's right behind me. Do I look okay?" Miko asked in a panicked whisper.

"Well, I didn't want to say it but your hair is messed up a bit." Emily whispered while glancing at her slightly as she decided to mess with her a little.

"What, where?" This got Miko to get nervous.

Miko, who got nervous about her hair looking bad, started to touch to see what was wrong with it. When she touched her hair, she noticed that her hair was fine and that Emily just teased her who was trying not to laugh.

"Hehehe. You fell for it." Emily snickered quietly.

"Very funny." Miko grumbled with a pout.

"So how did it go?" Tai suddenly asked as Miko turned to him in surprise.

"Huh? What? Did you say something?" Miko asked in confusion while fighting off a blush.

"Yeah I asked how it went. Did you do well on your paper?" Tai asked curiously as he looked at her.

"I, uh, think so. Ah, who am I kidding? I failed for sure." Miko said as she looked at her paper in slight dismay. Her host parents are going to ground her if she gets another zero.

"Hey, don't talk like that. If you start thinking that way, you'll get a zero. You gotta tell yourself that you did great and you'll pass. You're a smart girl." Tai said in a reassuring tone as that lifted Miko's spirit up a little as she couldn't help but smile.

"Wow... thanks. That's sweet." Miko said shyly.

Jack,who heard Miko and Tai talking, could not believe what he was hearing as he tried so hard not to face palm.

"You gotta be kidding me." He grumbled softly but apparently Sierra was also listening to the new kid and Miko.

"It's cute." She said as Jack looked at her in confusion.

"What?" He asked in confusion as she looked at him.

"Your friend, it's cute to see how she's getting along with that red head guy. They seem to be good friends." Sierra said as she motioned her head to Miko and Tai having a conversation.

"Yeah maybe. So, uh, how did you do in your paper?" Jack said before asking as Sierra looked at him in confusion. Why was he changing the subject?

"Are you trying to change the subject here, Jack Darby? You don't like talking about sweet stuff?" Sierra questions him while raising an eyebrow.

"No, no, that's not it. I just wanted to know how you did in the pop quiz." Jack said as he was a little nervous.

"You really are trying to change the subject." Sierra said with a knowing look.

"No, I was just wondering how it was for you." Jack said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Okay, well, it went great. Unlike you, who got it bad." Sierra said as Jack looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean? I studied really hard. I'm sure I got the average note." Jack said but Sierra shook her head.

"No, I mean, you got this bad. This whole conversation, I mean. You ask me how I did on my paper just so we won't talk about sweet things." Sierra told him while looking at her shoes.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to." Jack said as he looked upset but Sierra reassured him with a smile.

"It's okay, I guess not all boys like to talk about that kind of stuff." Sierra said

"No, no, no. I do like talking about it. I can assure you 100% that I'm not like those other guys who don't like talking about sweet stuff with girls like, I mean, I'm not the kind of person who's insensible with girls. I mean, uh, what I'm trying to say is that I'm not good at this stuff which I'm making my case look worse than before right?" Jack said as he tried to explain before covering his face in embarrassment.

"Honestly speaking, I've seen worse. You're different from the other guys." Sierra said with a soft smile as Jack looked at her.

"Is that a good thing or bad?" He asked with hope in his tone as she just giggled.

"I would rather not tell you, at least not yet." Sierra said with a smile as he smile back.

Without realizing it, Jack was the next student who would give his paper and talking with Sierra had distracted him. Luckily Raf was there to tell Jack that it was his turn to give his paper so that the others can give theirs too.

"Jack, it's your turn now." Raf said as he tugged on his shirt.

"Huh?" Jack blinked in surprise as the science teacher was looking at him with a raised brow.

"Mr. Darby, I hope you intend to give your paper before next year." The teacher joked as some students snicker and giggle.

"Oh right, my paper, so sorry. I got a bit distracted." Jack said in embarrassment.

Sierra laughed a bit at what Jack said. After that Jack started walking to the teacher's desk and gave his paper, Raf was next but instead he let Sierra go first as a sign of respect to which she smiled.

"Thanks." She said as Raf returned the smile.

"No problem." He said.

Sierra walked toward the teacher's desk and gave her paper. Raf was next after her and then it was Emily's turn. After her, it was Miko's turn.

"Miss Nakadai. Miss Nakadai." The teacher called her but got no response.

The Science Teacher had called Miko twice but so far she wasn't moving because she was too distracted looking at a certain guy so the teacher had to call out loudly.

"MISS NAKADAI!!!" The teacher shouted.

The Science Teacher's shouting scared those who hadn't given their paper to their core while some students who were outside the classroom jumped from it.

"Yes, miss?" Miko said after blinking in surprise.

"I am waiting for you to bring your paper. Unless you wanna add another zero." The science teacher said as Miko got nervous.

"No, miss, I'm coming." Miko said as she walked toward the teacher's desk very quickly. She gave her paper and walked to the door where the others were waiting.

"I hope you did well on this pop quiz, Miss Nakadai." The teacher said and her words made Miko nervous as she nodded.

She kept wondering if she had failed. After her, Tai was next, he gave his paper and ran out of the class to catch up to Miko.

"Hey, Miko, wait." Tai called out as she turn around.

"Huh, is there something you wanna tell me?" Miko asked curiously as he nodded.

"Yeah. I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't worry. And don't listen to what the teacher says. I'm sure you did well on your paper." Tai reassured her as Miko blushed.

"Oh... Thanks. I really appreciate your support." She said before they were both interrupted by a certain silverhead.

"Tai!" Silvia called as the two looked in her direction.

"Yes?" He asked.

"You coming?" She asked while tossing his bag to which he caught.

"Sure. See you tomorrow." Tai said before turning to Miko with a smile before running off to catch up with Silvia.

"Yeah... tomorrow..." Miko said with a soft sigh and a smile.

Even though Miko was happy that Tai believed in her capacities, she wasn't pleased at Tai's friend who interrupted their conversation. As soon as Tai left, Emily walked towards Miko who watched their two classmates leave.

"I don't like saying this. But I'm really starting to hate this girl." Miko said while puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms.

"Sure you aren't a bit jealous of her for being close to the guy you like?" Emily asked curiously as this caused Miko to blush pink like crazy.

"No, I'm not. I'm just... shut up." Miko said while pushing Emily which made her laugh in amusement.

"It's not funny." Miko whined while Emily looked at her in amusement.

"You? Saying that something isn't funny? I must've landed in a different dimension or something." Emily joked but only for Miko to cross her arms.

Miko let's out a tiny grunt and doesn't say anything after that as Emily's amusement disappears to concern.

"You're still worried about your paper huh?" She asked gently as Miko glanced at her. Was she that obvious?

"It's not that obvious. Is it?" Miko asked nervously with a worried look in her eyes.

"I think it's pretty obvious that you're really worried. And that proves that you didn't study very well like we did." Jack said as he approached with Raf beside him.

"Mind your own business, loverboy." Miko said while sticking her tongue out at him playfully.

"What does that mean?" Jack asked in confusion.

"It means that I've heard your conversation with Sierra. Oh, look at that. Mister Jack here said that I don't study yet he's surprised that I overheard his conversation. Just so you know I sometimes pay attention." Miko said as she pointed out some facts as Jack crossed his arms loosely.

"If that was true, you wouldn't get a zero all the time." He said with a teasing tone.

"I said I sometimes pay attention. But only to stuff that interest. And seeing you get burnt all by yourself is interesting. Even worse, you got burned twice. This time by me." Miko said as she grinned victoriously at the look on Jack's face.

Miko starts to walk away with a victory smile on her face while Jack tries to answer back but he was completely speechless by what she said.

"I... I... Are you serious? Is she serious?" Jack questioned as he turned to Emily and Raf.

"No idea." Raf said as he shrugged before Jack turned to Emily.

"Tell me, Ems. Did I do that badly with Sierra?" Jack asked as Emily was hesitating to answer that.

"As your friend, I feel like it's best to not answer that question. But if you want my opinion as a girl, I'd say that you didn't do bad but you didn't do bad either." Emily told him honestly while patting his shoulder.

"That doesn't help much." Jack said with a sigh.

"Maybe what Emily is trying to say is that it's not as bad as you think it was." Raf said as he fixed his glasses a little.

"Yeah, and besides it's not your fault. We all know that when she's around, you start going crazy." Emily teased him as he looked defensive.

"No, I don't." Jack denied it.

"Hmm?" Emily said while raising an eyebrow with a look that Raf recognized from Optimus during that street racing incident with Smokescreen.

"Okay, maybe a little." Jack said with a small grumble.

"Let me give you some friendly advice. Stop worrying, it will only make things worse. If you try to be yourself, things will be okay for sure." Emily said with a comforting look.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I gotta stop worrying too much." Jack said with a smile as she smiled back with a playful glint.

"No kidding." She said with a giggle.

"Hey, we should go, the bots are waiting for us." Raf said excitedly yet quietly when he spotted Bumblebee outside the windows.

"Come on, guys, let's go." Miko said as she waved at the two..

"Okay, we're coming." Emily said as she started to walk.

"No need to rush." Jack said as he followed them while Miko ran ahead.

"I think she wants to get out quickly before the Science Teacher starts throwing her a whole bunch of work." Emily said as they neared the doors with Raf.

The group comes out of the school. The bots see them coming their way and they're happy that classes are finally over. Bumblebee beeped to ask Optimus if it was a good idea to see how the team is doing.

"I don't know Bumblebee. I can only hope for our team to prevail. It is important for us to stay united and not fight with each other." Optimus said with a reassuring tone.

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