Chereads / A Spark's Life That Shines / Chapter 63 - A Rebel in love Part 7

Chapter 63 - A Rebel in love Part 7

Hot Rod's shield was starting to come down but since MECH had hit a wall they had a window of opportunity to get as far as they could before MECH caught up to them again.

"Shield is out. And so are we." Hot Rod said as the shield gave out.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler knew that they had to get away as far as they could.

"Alright, team. We don't have a lot of time. Let's follow the rest of the plan." Agent Fowler said and Optimus agreed to that.

"Autobots, time to drive at maximum overdrive." He ordered as the Autobots all drove at full speed.

Meanwhile in the tunnel, MECH was recuperating from that crash as Silas got back up with a small groan.

"What's our status?" He asked one of his men as he got up and saw the damage via computer scanners.

"The vehicle is slightly damaged, sir. Nothing major but the convoy is getting away." He informed him.

Silas then got up and pushed the driver off the driver's seat as he sat down on it.

"Move." He said as he started up the black bus.

Silas starts backing up to get out of the wall and starts driving to try and catch the convoy before it gets away.

Meanwhile, Emily and Miko along with their new friends were facing a critical situation as they were recovering from the crash.

"Oh man. That was some crash." Emily said as she groaned softly.

"My head feels a little fuzzy." Miko said dizzily as she held her head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Green Wolfpack shouted in dismay.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Miko asked him in confusion.

"Look at what they did to my baby..." He replied and if Miko and Emily were seeing things, they could have sworn that he was crying up a fountain.

"You called this thing your baby?" Miko asked incredulously.

"Hey, I built this thing so it's basically my baby." Green Wolfpack said in defense as Silver Flame groaned and held her head from the crash.

"How much damage did we suffer?" She asked.

"From the locks of it. I say the Mobix has served its purpose and it's no longer functional." Emily said as she unbuckled her seatbelt with them.

"Let me run a diagnosis." Green Wolfpack said.

Green Wolfpack then activates the scanner to see the extent of the damage caused to the Mobix.

Meanwhile, Silas was driving the black bus to try and catch the Autobots.

"Where are they now?" He asked.

The MECH soldiers then use the scanners to try and see where the DINGUS is now but there's been a lot of interference since they were inside the tunnel.

"Unknown, sir. There's too much interference. We need to get out of the tunnel if we want to find them." One of them said.

"As luck would have it, the exit is just ahead." Silas said and just when they came out of the tunnel, they saw many civilian vehicles along with trucks carrying trailers.

"A hide and seek game. Well played, but pointless." Silas said as they started to look for their targets.

Somewhere between the civilian vehicles, the Autobots were playing low so they wouldn't find them.

"You think they're going to find us?" Smokescreen asked as Bumblebee whirred that there was a high possibility that they would be found.

"I still think we should hit them back." Cliffjumper grumbled.

"And hurt the people around us?" Arcee deadpanned.

"Patience Autobots. Our time to strike will come. For now, we must keep our heads down." Optimus said as he hoped that they'll be able to escape from MECH.

Inside the black bus, the scanners picked up the signal of the DINGUS but it was faint.

"I'm detecting a signal from the DINGUS. It's faint but it's definitely here somewhere." He said as Silas smirked.

"All we need to do is to find out. Come out, come out, wherever you are." Silas said with a smirk.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots were keeping an eye or optic out for MECH.

"How long before we come out?" Cliffjumper asked as he was getting a little impatient.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler was just as nervous and wanted to get back at MECH.

"Not long. Hang in there. We're almost through." Agent Fowler said and hoped that he was right.

In the tunnel, Green Wolfpack was still running diagnostics on the damage.

"Well, how bad is it?" Silver Flame asked.

Green Wolfpack then checks the scanners and the screen says that the damage is catastrophic which was a bad sign as he gulped.

"Very bad." He said.

"We gotta get out of here." Emily said as she started to look for a way out.

"The door is locked." Green Wolfpack said grimly as everyone was shocked by what Green Wolfpack just said.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots were still hiding, waiting for Fowler to give them the signal to split.

"We're almost there, guys. Just hang in there a little more." Agent Fowler said.

Inside the black bus, the scanners were showing that they were getting closer to the DINGUS.

"Sir, our scanners indicate that the DINGUS is just up ahead." One of the MECH soldiers said. Silas could almost taste the sweet taste of victory.

"We finally found you. You fought well but not well enough." Silas said as they accelerated forward.

Outside on the highway, Bumblebee saw that MECH was just behind them and beeped to warn the others to hurry as they were nearing an intersection.

"Wait for it. Now." Agent Fowler said as both teams quickly split up as the Autobots took the right intersection of the highway.

Inside the black bus, the scanners have detected something weird. Two DINGUS as this confused them all.

"Sir, our scanners have picked a second DINGUS." A MECH soldier said in confusion as Silas was confused and shocked. A second DINGUS.

"What? How is this possible?" Silas questioned.

"I don't know, sir. Maybe there's something wrong with the scanners." The soldier said but Silas had a theory. Pretty clever but not clever enough to escape him.

"Or maybe an Autobot trick." Silas said slowly.

He then starts imagining how it is possible that two DINGUS have been detected and that's when he found out the answer. The Autobots hid between the many cars and trucks around him and his men and one of those trucks was in fact a military cover and that Fowler gave them something that could imitate the DINGUS' signal. So that when the convoy would come out of hiding, the scanners would pick up the signal of two DINGUS. A way for MECH to follow one so the other can get away.

"So that was their plan. Very impressive. Let's follow this one." Silas said as he pointed to the one going to the intersection.

"Sir, why are we following the one with the Autobots?" One of his men asked.

"If you want to protect a powerful nuclear weapon, you call those who have the ability to protect it." Silas said.

"What if it's a trap?" He questioned again.

"Never let the enemy outsmart you. Send in our men to follow the second DINGUS." Silas ordered.

"All vehicles follow the truck going West." The soldier repeated the order.

Silas turns the black bus to the right to go East while his men went West and tried to follow the second DINGUS.

Meanwhile in the tunnel, the kids were trying to figure a way out of the Mobix.

"What do you mean the door is locked? Can't you unlock it?" Miko asked.

"It's jammed." Green Wolfpack said as tried to get the door opened with no success.

"You mean we're stuck here?" Miko questioned.

"Not precisely. The Mobix has an eject sequence in case of emergency." He said just as the scanners started beeping.

Green Wolfpack checked on it and was confused. Was it just him or his mind playing tricks cause he's seeing double.

"What the?" He muttered in shock.

"What is it?" Silver Flame asked.

"I must've gotten hit in the head. I could swear I'm seeing double here." Green Wolfpack said as Silver Flame went to his side.

She looks at the broken screen and cannot believe what she's seeing. He was not seeing double.

"I don't think you're seeing double." She said in confusion.

"What is it?" Emily asked as she came to them.

"The scanner says that the two DINGUS are going separate ways." Silver Flame said as she pieced it together.

"Great. So this means the team is following the plan." Emily said with a smile.

"What plan are you talking about?" Silver Flame asked.

"Simple. We were gonna use the E.S.S that could release the same signal as the DINGUS to lead MECH in a trap so that way the convoy could get the real DINGUS to its destination." Emily explained and Silver Flame felt her heart stop. Oh no...

"Oh no, no, no. This is bad. This is really bad." She starts to mutter to herself in worry.

"Okay I'm confused. How come it's bad? Our plan it's working." Miko said as Silver Flame clutched her head.

"No, it's not. You can't outsmart Silas. He's a former Black Ops. So he's always a step ahead." Silver Flame said as Miko and Emily realized the mistake.

"Oh man. We have to get out of here." Emily said in worry.

"On it. I'm activating the eject sequence." Green Wolfpack said as he started to type some codings.

Silver Flame then sits down at her place but when she does, she sits in a front position which confuses Miko.

"You do know you're not sitting on the right way right?" Miko said in confusion.

"I know. That's the point." Silver Flame said as three seats came out.

"Take a seat." She said as Emily complied though she was confused with Miko.

"Okay." She said as she sat down on the second one.

When Miko was about to grab the last seat, Green Wolfpack stopped her.

"I'm going to the front. Trust me it's best if you sit behind me." Green Wolfpack said as he sat down.

"That's just weird." Miko said.

"Well, you can always stay here and try to get out of here on your own. I should probably tell you that there's an oil leak and the Mobix will get blown up if we don't get out fast." Green Wolfpack told her and made her nervous as she sat down behind him.

"Here, put this helmet on." He said as he handed her a motorcycle helmet.

"A motorcycle helmet?" Miko asked as she put it on.

"You'll get why in a few seconds." Green Wolfpack said.

"Alright, everybody, get ready." Silver Flame said.

Silver Flame turns two yellow levers with black stripes to activate the ejection sequence as the seats start changing as handlebars start to appear in front of each seat as Miko held onto Green Wolfpack as she was a little freaked out.

"Uh, what's happening? This is getting freaky!" Miko exclaimed in slight panic.

"Hold on tight and close your eyes. Everything is gonna be fine." Green Wolfpack reassured her.

"It's kind of shaky." Emily said as she held onto the handlebars.

"Wait 'till you see what comes next. Get ready. 3... 2... 1." Silver Flame said before she pulled out two levers.

After she does the seat eject from the Mobix, it turns out the three seats were motorcycles as it launched the three vehicles from the Mobix.

"Ahhhhh!" Miko let out a shriek in surprise as Emily held on and quickly got her control and rode beside the two.

"I never saw this coming." Emily said in surprise as she got comfortable and revved up the engine.

"Think you can handle it?" Silver Flame drove up beside her as she glanced with a smirk.

"You bet." Emily smirked.

Miko is holding onto Green Wolfpack as tightly as she can while keeping her eyes shut.

"Am I dead?" She muttered.

"Open your eyes and see for yourself." Green Wolfpack told her.

Miko slowly opens her eyes and sees that she's on a motorcycle.

"Wow. That's so cool. Now I get the whole motorcycle helmet thing." Miko said with a small grin.

"Alright, everyone. Let's pick it up. We cannot let MECH win." Silver Flame said as the trio started to accelerate to catch up to the convoy.

Meanwhile the Autobots are driving all the way to the base as they are followed by MECH as Hot Rod saw their pursuers.

"Guys, I think the plan didn't work." Hot Rod said.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler got nervous.

"Oh no. If they realize the second signal was a trap, they'll figure out who has the real DINGUS." Agent Fowler said nervously.

Outside on the highway, Optimus heard it and knew that they had to drive faster.

"Then we must drive faster." Optimus said as Optimus and the others drove as fast as they could to escape.

"You cannot escape the inevitable. Fire our missiles at them. But do not hit the trailer. If the DINGUS gets hit, that'll be it for all of us." Silas said as his men started activating the missiles.

"Activating missile launchers." One of them said, pressing buttons.

The MECH soldiers start activating the missile launchers and start shooting some missiles at the Autobots.

"Look out!" Arcee exclaimed.

The Autobots start moving in zigzag motion to avoid getting hit by the missiles.

"They're shooting missiles again." Smokescreen said.

"This is getting better by the minute." Cliffjumper said sarcastically as he avoided a missile.

The missiles hit some lanes and sidewalks as the explosions were starting to hurt innocent people who screamed and tried to get away.

"Prime. We have to stop them from shooting those missiles. They're hurting civilians." Agent Fowler said as he was worried and concerned for the civilians and Optimus couldn't agree more.

Outside on the highway, Optimus had to agree with him as he was concerned for the civilians.

"Autobots. We must draw their fire. Protect the humans at all costs." Optimus orders as the Autobots start drawing MECH's fire.

At the West side, the MECH vehicles catched the second truck. Some of MECH soldiers started coming out of their vehicles and started shooting grappling cables with their guns. After checking that the cables were perfectly hooked to the trailer, they started climbing out and onto the roof. After they were there, they started taking out the gear to make a hole in the trailer. After they created an entrance, they started taking a look inside and they were surprised at what they saw.

"Sir." One of them started through the comm link.

Inside the black truck, one of his men turns on the comm-links.

"The second truck doesn't have the DINGUS. It was all a set up." He said as Silas just smirked.

"Looks like we have chosen the winning truck. Tell our men to retreat. We will take care of this." Silas ordered.

"All troops. Retreat now." The soldier repeated his order.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots were able to draw MECH's fire but sooner or later, they would have to fight back before any more humans could get hurt.

"Optimus, at this rate, we won't last long." Arcee said and Optimus knew it was time to counter attack.

"Autobots, the time to fight back is now." Optimus ordered.

"Finally. Let's put a dent into that guy." Cliffjumper grinned excitedly.

"Lead the way, Cliffjumper." Smokescreen said as he was already looking forward to this as Bumblebee whirred in agreement.

"Time to hit them back." Bullhead said.

"Arcee and Hot Rod, you stay with me. We need to keep the device away from MECH at any cost." Optimus said as both Arcee and Hot Rod got into position.

"Roger that, Optimus." Arcee said as she got into position.

"Let's do this." Hot Rod said.

While Optimus, Arcee and Hot Rod were protecting the DINGUS, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Bumblebee were about to hit the black bus before it hurt more people.

"Sure you can handle this, fleshy?" Bulkhead asked Agent Fowler.

"I was on the Army Rangers once, BigFoot. I can handle it. Just do me a favour and hit them hard." Agent Fowler said as he held on tight.

"That's the plan." Bulkhead said with a smirk.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots are surrounding the black bus on both sides to start their counter attack.

"Bulk, care to do the honors?" Cliffjumper asked as Bulkhead wasn't needed to be told twice.

"With pleasure." Bulkhead said before he hit the black bus first and followed by Cliffjumper, Smokescreen and Bumblebee.

"Sir, the Autobots have pinned us down. Do we shoot them down?" One of the MECH soldiers asked.

"No. Let them think they're winning. They'll weaken themselves sooner or later and that's when we will hit them back." Silas said with a smirk.

Meanwhile on the highway, the kids were driving their motorcycles at full speed, passing by the vehicles and driving around them.

"Whoa..." Miko breathed in awe.

Feeling that this experience might be a bit too much for her, Miko grabs onto Green Wolfpack's waist while closing her eyes.

"Okay, okay. Don't look." Miko muttered to herself.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the thrills?" Green Wolfpack couldn't help but ask.

"This is both thrilling and terrifying." Miko said quickly.

"How far is the real DINGUS?" Silver Flame asked as she rode up beside them.

Green Wolfpack then checks his screen to see how far the DINGUS is.

"A few clicks from here." He told her.

"We'll never catch up to it." Emily said.

"Then we'll grab a shortcut." Silver Flame said before activating the guns on her ride and shooting at the fence by the road to the shortcut.

"Follow me." Silver Flame said and took the shortcut.

"You've got to be kidding me." Emily muttered before she followed.

"Get ready. Things are about to get dirty. You might wanna put your visor on." Green Wolfpack said as Miko nodded.

"Okay." She said as she lowered the visor of the helmet over her eyes as Green Wolfpack followed the two girls.

Meanwhile the Autobots were protecting the DINGUS, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Bumblebee were hitting the black bus as hard as they could so the others could escape.

"That's it, soldier. Keep hitting them." Agent Fowler cheered while holding on.

Outside on the highway, Bulkhead kept on hitting the black bus to make MECH for what they almost did to Miko.

"This one is for Miko." Bulkhead said as he slammed on the black bus again.

"Not so tough now huh?" Smokescreen taunted but Bumblebee noticed that this was too easy and told them.

"What do you mean too easy?" Smokescreen asked him.

Inside Bulkhead, even though Raf wasn't present, Agent Fowler knew that Bumblebee was saying that the fight was too easy.

"Muscle car's right. It's too easy." Agent Fowler agreed with him.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots could tell it was but they needed to keep MECH from getting to the convoy.

"Easy or not, there's no way we're stopping." Cliffjumper said.

Inside the black bus, the vehicle rocked from the constant attacks from the Autobots but the shields were holding up.

"Our shields are holding for now. Should we attack now?" A soldier asked but Silas needed to be patient because he had a plan in mind.

"Patience. If you want to defeat your enemies, you must destroy their weakest link. For now, we must be patient." Silas said as his men nodded and waited for his signal.

Meanwhile, Emily and Miko and their new found friends were driving on the shortcut that they had found to catch up to the convoy.

"Okay, so what's our plan?" Emily asked.

"We must stop that huge vehicle that MECH has." Silver Flame said.

"How? Our weapons are not powerful enough to take out their shield." Green Wolfpack said.

"I've got a plan." Silver Flame said.

"Based on what I just saw earlier, I'd say it's risky." Emily said with a wary look in her eyes.

"It is risky but it's the only way to stop them. For that, we need to get in front of them." Silver Flame said as Miko gave her a look.

"Are you crazy? If we get in front of them, we'll certainly get shot." Miko said in worry.

"Which is why me and blondie here will be the ones to take this risk while you and G-Pack protect the DINGUS. Now all we need is a way to get in front of them." Silver Flame told them as Green Wolfpack checked his scanners.

"The scanners have detected some sort of cave up ahead that will take us back to the highway. And with any luck, it will get us in front of them." Green Wolfpack explained and Emily could see it up ahead.

"There, I see it." She said as she pointed to it.

"Uh, you guys, the entrance is blocked." Miko said as she pointed to the wooden planks that were blocking the entrance.

"Then we'll have to unblock it." Emily said before she pressed one button and activated the weapon system on her motorcycle and shot at the wooden planks, breaking it in the process so they could enter the cave.

"How did you figure out how to use the weapons?" Silver Flame asked in surprise and shock.

"I didn't. It was a lucky guess." Emily said with a shrug.

"Are we really entering the old cave?" Miko asked warily as she held on tighter to Green Wolfpack.

"I'm afraid so." Green Wolfpack said with a soft sigh.

The four kids then enter the cave at full speed.

Meanwhile back at the highway, the Autobots were still protecting the DINGUS from MECH but Silas' patience was running thin.

"This has gone far enough. Start shooting one of them down." Silas ordered.

"Which one?" One of them asked as Silas smirked. What better way to hurt them is one of the Autobots who's a female.

"The motorcycle." Silas said.

The MECH soldier starts activating the missiles again. He then starts aiming at Arcee and when he has her in his sight, he shoots. The Autobots all saw that a bunch of missiles were heading for Optimus and the others.

"Guys, look out behind you!" Smokescreen warned them quickly.

"Break formation. Get clear of those missiles." Optimus ordered.

Arcee, Hot Rod and Optimus quickly broke their formation to try and avoid getting hit by a missile but none of them were heading for Optimus or Hot Rod and it turns out they were heading for Arcee and fast.

"Hey, those missiles are heading for Arcee. What gives?" Cliffjumper said as he was getting worried for Arcee.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler quickly realized what Silas was planning.

"They want to take us down one by one." Agent Fowler said in shock.

Inside the black bus, Silas ordered them to launch the missiles.

"Shoot those down too." Silas ordered as the MECH soldiers all started shooting at the Autobots that were hitting them.

"Get out of range!" Agent Fowler exclaimed.

Outside in the highway, the Autobots quickly broke formation as the others quickly sped up to the others.

"Autobots, retreat now. Get clear of those shots." Optimus ordered.

Arcee starts driving fast to avoid getting hit. She successfully avoids the two missiles but the third hits her hard on the back.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She let out a pained filled shout as she was forced to transform and went off the road before hitting the ground pretty hard as she went unconscious.

"Arcee!" Cliffjumper yelled in fear and shock.

"Cliffjumper, go check on Arcee. Make sure she's okay." Optimus told him and he doesn't need to be told twice.

"Got it." Cliffjumper said as he made a u-turn and started driving to where Arcee fell to check if she was okay.

"What do we do now, Optimus?" Smokescreen asked.

"Now, we must stand our ground." Optimus said as he prayed to Primus that Arcee was okay.

Bumblebee whirred to say that things weren't looking very good right now.

"I agree with you there, Bee." Smokescreen couldn't help but agree with him and hoped that Arcee was okay.

Meanwhile in the cave, the kids are still driving and around looking for the exit as fast as they can to help.

"This place is a true labyrinth. There doesn't seem to be a way out." Emily said.

"We have to keep looking." Silver Flame said.

"I'm gonna call my friends to check on them." Emily said before activating her com-links to check on the others and what's their status.

"This is Emily. Does anyone read me?" She asked and hoped for an answer.

Meanwhile at the highway, Cliffjumper drove quickly to check on Arcee to see if she's hurt or anything. He's able to find her laying on the ground and on her back but she wasn't moving. He quickly transforms and runs toward her as dread was settling in his spark.

"Arcee." Cliffjumper breathe in worry.

After he reaches her, he grabs her in his arms as he was worried for her. He can't lose her when he just came back from the dead days ago.

"Arcee, are you okay? Come on." Cliffjumper said in worry and fear.

CliffJumper uses his digits to check for a pulse or anything trying to find any signs that she was still alive and okay.

"Wake up, Arcee. Please don't do this to me." Cliffjumper said as he almost felt like crying but he almost dropped Arcee in shock when she stirred.

"Cliff..." Arcee started weakly.

"Yes, Arcee?" Cliffjumper asked.

"Can you..." Arcee said as she blinked her optics slowly.

"Yes?" He asked softly.

"Can you let go of me now? This is getting embarrassing." Arcee said weakly but she was able to muster up a smirk as she didn't want to be put down but she didn't want Cliffjumper to know yet.

"Oh, right, sorry. Glad you're okay. I was so worried." Cliffjumper said in embarrassment as he let her down gently with a small blush.

"It takes more to take me down. You ought to know that better than anyone." Arcee said with a light blush but she quickly made it go away with a small smile.

Just the Arcee and Cliffjumper start receiving a call in their comm-links.

"This is Emily. Can anyone read me?" It was Emily. Both Cliffjumper and Arcee smiled at this as Arcee answered.

"We hear you, Emily. Where are you?" Arcee asked as she was glad to hear from her.

Back in the cave, the foursome were still looking for a way out.

"I'm on my way with some back up. What's the status of the convoy?" Emily said before asking.

Back on the highway, Cliffjumper answered next as he was letting Arcee lean against him since she must've injured her leg.

"Not good. MECH has Optimus and the others pinned down. I had to leave them because Arcee got hurt. She's okay but the others need help immediately." Cliffjumper informed her and he could tell that she nodded.

"Don't worry. Help is on the way. Make sure Arcee is okay." Emily told him as he nodded with a smile. He won't let anything happen to Arcee. Not on his watch.

"Sure thing. Be careful. Those guys have crazy weapons." Cliffjumper warned her as she nodded before turning the com-links off.

Back in the cave, Miko turns to Emily just as she turns off her com-links.

"Did you check on the others?" She asked as Emily nodded.

"Yeah and they need our help." She said as Green Wolfpack noticed that light was coming from the far end of the cave.

"I found the exit but there's a problem." Green Wolfpack said.

"What kind of problem?" Silver Flame asked.

"A huge one. There's some sort of crater up ahead." Green Wolfpack informed them as Emily sighed.

"Great. Now what do we do? There's no way we'll get through." Emily said with a groan as Miko noticed the said crater.

"And that crater is just up ahead." Miko said as she pointed to it.

"Looks deep. Hey look." Emily said before she noticed what looked like a ramp as she pointed to it.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking?" Emily asked as she glanced at Silver Flame.

"Right on." Silver Flame said as both of them took off to the ramp and made the jump and were able to land on the other side.

Green Wolfpack and Miko were the last ones that will have to make the jump to catch up.

"Please tell me you're not going to make that jump." Miko said with slight panic.

"I thought you liked jumps." Green Wolfpack said as he glanced at her.

"Yeah but not on a motorcycle." Miko said in her defense.

"Don't worry, we'll make it. Just hold on tight and whatever you do, don't look down." Green Wolfpack said as Miko held on.

Green Wolfpack starts taking the road with the ramp as he starts using the turbo to have a better boost to make the jump.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Miko let out a scream as she shut her eyes tight but they were to make the jump and landed on the other side.

"Are we dead yet?" Miko asked as Green Wolfpack chuckled softly and shook his head.

"No, we're not." He said lightly as Miko opened her eyes.

"Don't you even dare joke with me." Miko said through gritted teeth.

"Not to worry. I won't let anything bad happen to you." Green Wolfpack said.

"Hey, don't you give me that. I don't need protection." Miko said while puffing her cheek.

"Says the girl that was holding tightly while closing her eyes." Green Wolfpack teased but he couldn't help but admit that when she puffed her cheeks, she looked cute.

"Very funny." Miko huffed.

"Hey, guys, I think I've found our exit. But the rubble is blocking it." Emily said as there was some rubble blocking their way out.

"We have to be careful. One missed shot and we'll get buried alive." Green Wolfpack warned them as he noticed that everything around them would cave in if they were not careful.

"Alright then. We'll have to shoot at the same time." Silver Flame said.

"Guns are ready." Emily said as she and the other two activated the weapons as they were powering up.

"Just tell me when to shoot." Green Wolfpack said.

Meanwhile back on the highway, the Autobots were doing what they could to protect the DINGUS from MECH.

"Agent Fowler, I think this little game has gone far enough. Give us the DINGUS or else we will have to use drastic measures." Silas said through the walkie talkie as he was getting impatient.

"You'll never get your hands on the DINGUS." Agent Fowler told him.

Inside the black bus, Silas just rolled his eyes. That was his enemy's death wish.

"Fine then. At least you'll die a hero. Destroy the Autobots. Their lifeless bodies will help us in our future projects." Silas said before ordering his men.

The Mech soldiers all start aiming at the Autobots and are getting ready to fire at them to possibly destroy them.

"Well, I guess this is it." Agent Fowler said.

Meanwhile back in the cave the kids are about to create an entrance and hopefully get there on time.

"Are you guys ready?" Silver Flame asked as the guns were all powered up.

"I'm ready." Emily nodded.

"So am I." Green Wolfpack said.

"On my mark. 1..." Silver Flame said before counting.

Back on the highway, MECH was about to have the Autobots on their sights as they were getting ready to fire.

"I almost got them." A MECH soldier said.

Back in the cave, the trio were getting closer as Silver Flame narrowed her eyes.

"2..." She continued as the kids were preparing their guns.

While MECH was about to get the Autobots on their target sight.

"Almost got them." The soldier said and got them locked on target.

"Farewell, Autobots." Silas said with an evil smile as he was about to press the trigger.

Back in the cave, Silver Flame quickly shouted.

"3!" She yelled as they shot at the rubble at the same time and created an explosion that led to the outside.

The explosion caught the eyes of both MECH and the Autobots as they looked towards the cave above them by the hill.

"What is that?" Silas questioned but his answer was the sound and roar of the motorcycle engines.

Outside on the highway, the Autobots were all tense as they were waiting for something to come out of the smoke.

"Think they call for backup?" Smokescreen asked but Optimus was able to tell that it wasn't.

The Autobots take a closer look at the point where the explosion came and they saw three motorcycles coming out of it and on one of them was an all familiar blond hair.

"Hey look. It's Emily! Looks like she brought some back up." Smokescreen said as he started to smile and Bulkhead saw that one of the motorcycles had a highlighted pink haired girl and was glad to see that she was okay.

"Miko's with them. Thank Primus." Bulkhead said in relief.

Inside the black bus, Silas was confused and shocked as one of his menspoke up.

"Sir, it looks like it's a... bunch of kids driving motorcycles." His men said as Silas clenched his hand. He was so close!

"So they're still alive. No matter. We have the advantage." Silas said.

The kids all start going down the hill and when they reach down, they start drifting and get behind the DINGUS and in front of the black bus to get MECH's attention as Bumblebee beeps to ask what they were doing.

"I have no idea. But I've gotta save Miko." Bulkhead said as Miko was still in danger.

"Autobots, stop now." Optimus said as they all hit the breaks as the three motorcycles stood between them and MECH.

Meanwhile the kids are still standing where they are which makes Silas ask himself in confusion on what those kids were planning.

"What are those kids planning? Whatever it is, they don't stand a chance against us." Silas said.

Outside on the highway, both sides were in a standstill.

"What now?" Emily asked as Silver Flame gripped the handlebars.

"Now we stop them. G-Pack, carry the girl to safety and protect the DINGUS." Silver Flame said as Green Wolfpack nodded.

"I'm on it. You two be careful." Green Wolfpack said as he started it headed to where the convoy was as Miko protested.

"Hey, no fair. I don't wanna miss the action." Miko pouted as Green Wolfpack looked at her. As much as he wants to, orders are orders.

"Sorry. Maybe next time." Green Wolfpack said as he left Emily and Silver Flame to take Miko to a safe place and protect the DINGUS in the process.

"Sir, one of them has left the group and the Autobots have stopped." Silas' men said as Silas was confused.

"Strange. But it was to be expected. Now let's get rid of those kids." Silas said as they got into position to take out both Emily and Silver Flame.

Outside on the highway, Emily was waiting for instructions as she glanced at Silver Flame.

"So what's your plan?" She asked as Silver Flame glanced at her.

"We stop them. Follow me." She said as they both turned on their motorcycle and started heading straight at the black bus.

"Sir, those kids are heading toward us." One of the MECH soldiers said.

"Foolish kids. Let's see if you have the nerves." Silas said as he narrowed his eyes.

Both Emily and Silver Flame are heading really fast for the black bus without stopping.

"You do know our weapons won't do anything to that huge bus right?" Emily reminded her.

"I know. That's why we have to time this right. Activate the grappling hooks." Silver Flame said as she activated hers as Emily activated the grappling hooks on her bike as well.

"Shoot at the front. After that, we'll pass right beside them and zigzag around the street lights to add some weight to make it stop." She instructed as Emily nodded.

"Alright then. Just tell me when." Emily said.

"Wait for it. We have to get closer." Silver Flame told her.

Inside the black bus, Silas was narrowing his eyes. Just what were those girls planning?

"Point our guns at those kids. Let's show them what this vehicle is capable of." Silas ordered.

The black bus gun then starts aiming at Emily and Silver Flame who are getting close to it.

"I think they're about to shoot at us." Emily said.

"We're almost there." Silver Flame said.

Inside the black bus, the MECH soldier has both Emily and Silver Flame in his sights of fire.

"Target in sight. Ready to fire." He said.

Outside on the highway, Silver Flame noticed that it was about to fire.

"Wait for it. Now!" She said before shouting as both of them shot their grappling hooks and hit the front of the bus as it attached to the bumper.

After that, they each turned to a different side, passing behind the bus. Then they started zig zagging around some of the street lights in the highway to add weight necessary to stop that huge bus. After adding the weight, they cut off the ropes of the grappling and when the cables were cut off, they anchored themselves to the asphalt as they stopped.

"They missed. Big mistake." Silas smirked.

Outside on the highway, Emily and Silver Flame stopped driving to see if their plan worked or not.

"Did it work?" Emily asked.

"It did." Silver Flame said with a smirk.

The street lights all started coming off of the asphalt and the cables made the huge bus stop and flip over before the bus hit the ground pretty hard.

"We did it." Emily cheered with a smile but Silver Flame knew it was far from over.

"Yes but it's still not over." She said seriously.

Back in the far reaches of the highway, the Autobots saw what happened and couldn't believe it even Hot Rod was in shock and speechless.

"Did you guys see that?" Smokescreen asked as he was in awe.

"Those kids are good. I'm starting to get a little jealous." Hot Rod agreed with him before Bulkhead saw someone coming to them.

"Someone's coming." Bulkhead said as they all stopped talking when someone came up to them.

"Guys!" Miko said in joy as she got off the motorcycle with the stranger as Agent Fowler came out of Bulkhead.

"Miko, you okay?" He asked in concern but relief.

"I'm alright." Miko said with her usual grin.

Bulkhead is surprised to see Miko with a stranger but feels his protective side kicking in.

"Who's that guy?" Bulkhead asked quietly as he was trying so hard not to transform in front of someone or a stranger.

"Dunno but be quiet. We can't reveal ourselves." Smokescreen reminded him as they did so.

Agent Fowled then sees Green Wolfpack and he moves in to arrest him.

"You there. Stay where you are." Agent Fowler said as Green Wolfpack quickly put his hands up in defense.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm on your side." He said nervously as Miko stepped between them.

"It's okay, Agent Fowler. This guy was just trying to help us. He's on our side. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here." Miko explained as Agent Fowler stopped but that won't stop him from taking the green hooded teen into questioning.

"What did she say?" Bulkhead asked as he was getting a little worry.

"She said that she owes this guy her life." Hot Rod answered him but that totally triggered the father coding in him.

"What?" Bulkhead said as he was literally losing his cool.

"Calm down, Bulkhead." Smokescreen tried to stop him but it looked like he wasn't listening.

"How dare he?! That's it!" Bulkhead growled and forgot the Autobot rule number 1. Keep a low profile.

Out of anger or by his own protective coding towards his charge, Bulkhead transforms in front of the hooded teen who was in shock.

"Listen, you caped punk." Bulkhead said as he stomped his pede down as Miko and Agent Fowler just gaped in shock and surprise as Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Hot Rod and Optimus sighed. So much for not transforming in front of a civilian.

"Whoa!" Green Wolfpack yelped in shock and disbelief as he stared up at the green robot in front of him. What the heck?! Did the green jeep turn into this?!

"If you ever touch her again, I'm going to squash you like the bug you are." Bulkhead warned him as he continued to stare at him in shock.

"Bulkhead!" Miko yelled at her guardian in shock and disbelief as Green Wolfpack looked at her. Did she know the robot?

"Bulkhead, what's wrong with you?" Agent Fowler asked in confusion and slight shock.

Green Wolfpack quickly grabs a smoke bomb and throws it on the floor, creating a huge smoke that helps him escape unnoticed. Miko and Fowler started coughing because of the smoke and when the smoke cleared out, they'd stopped coughing but saw that he was gone.

"What in the name of Abraham Lincoln?" Agent Fowler asked as he coughed a little more as the smoke disappeared completely.

"He's gone..." Miko said with a small sigh but wondered why she was feeling sad that he was gone.

"I've got to run." Hot Rod said as he can't take it anymore.

"What, why? Smokescreen asked in confusion

"The other human needs help." Hot Rod said as ignited his engine.

"Hot Rod, no. We must protect the device together." Optimus tried to stop him but it was too late as he was already far and heading to the fight for him to hear Optimus as the prime sighed softly. He won't stop them if it means protecting humans that they only met.

"Where he goes, I go. Come on, Bee." Smokescreen said as he turned on his engine and followed Hot Rod.

Bumblebee didn't go after him since Optimus gave them in order to stay but Optimus knew that if they want to keep the DINGUS safe, they'll need to help their allies.

"Go, Bumblebee. You must help them." Optimus told him as Bumblebee whirred in affirmative and drove after the two.

Back in the far reach of the highway, Emily and Silver Flame were standing there as Emily looked at her. What did she mean that it's not over yet?

"What do you mean it's not over? We stopped them." Emily said in confusion.

"No. There is still one thing left to do." Silver Flame said and Emily quickly realized what she was gonna do.

"No... No, no, no, you can't. I won't let you." Emily told her but Silver Flame just took out a rope and threw it at her.

The ropes ties her up and making her fall to the ground when she was stepping up

"Hey what-?!" Emily exclaimed in shock and struggled to get out of her bounds.

"I'm sorry. But it has to be done." She said before she turned on her motorcycle engine and left Emily all tied up.

"Don't do this! Wait! Scrap. I must..." Emily said and started to squirm to get free.

"Get free..." She gritted her teeth.

Back at the place of the crash, Silas and his men were getting out of the vehicle as Silas got up slowly, he felt that his head was a bit fuzzy but nothing to major. When he felt better, he saw that Silver Ghost was heading for the place of the crash and towards them.

"So this is how it's going to be." Silas said as Silver Flame is heading fast toward Silas.

"What are you waiting for? Do it." Silas said as his men quickly got out of the way as Silver Flame started driving faster with her eyes narrowed.

"Come on. Let's see if you can do it." Silas smirked as Silver Flame is getting closer to hit him

"Hit me." Silas ordered.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Silver Flame let out an enraged scream and was about to hit him.

"Do it." Silas repeated.

When Silver Flame was about to hit Silas, something made her motorcycle go off and she fell off of it and hit the ground hard. Silas saw what happened and couldn't help but feel disappointed in her.

"Hmm disappointing." He said with a frown.

Back in the far reaches of the highway, Emily is still struggling to get free.

"Come on, come on." She said anxiously.

She then spots something sharp enough to cut the rope and starts squirming to reach it. When she reached it, she started using it to cut the rope. After she's free, she gets back up and starts driving her motorcycle to reach Silver Flame in hopes that she can stop this whole thing because it's too late.

Meanwhile back at the crash site, Silver Flame was still on the ground and was trying to get back up as Silas approached her.

"I must say I'm disappointed in you. You had a chance to finish this. But deep down you're weak." Silas told her as she got up and threw a punch at Silas but he stopped it with one hand as she narrowed her eyes on him.

"I am not weak." She growled angrily at him.

"We shall see about that." Silas said as he starts throwing punches and kicks at Silver Flame who avoids them and hits him back.

Smokescreen and Hot Rod were getting closer as Bumblebee catched up to them. He beeped and whirred to tell them that they had to go back with him and the others.

"We can't, Bumblebee. We have to catch those guys right here and now." Hot Rod said just as bullets were being shot at them.

"Look out!" Smokescreen yelled as the three transformed.

They tried to catch Silas before he could escape but MECH soldiers started shooting at them. Optimus contacted them to order them to stand down before they got hurt.

"Smokescreen, Hot Rod, Bumblebee, you must return at once." Optimus said in worry.

"We can't. MECH has us pinned down. There's no way out." Smokescreen said as he tried to stop the bullets.

"Optimus, this is our chance to catch Silas. We have to try." Hot Rod told him as Optimus stayed silent before coming to a decision.

"Very well. Be careful. We cannot harm humans." Optimus finally said as Bumblebee whirred and beeped that he agreed with Optimus' plan.

"But, sir, we have to catch them before they escape." Smokescreen said just as a MECH soldier threw a grenade at them but they were perfectly safe minus a few scorch marks and scratches.

"Uh, Optimus, we could use some help." Hot Rod said.

Back in the far reaches of the highway, Optimus knew that it was risky to leave the DINGUS but his team needed him.

"Hang on, Autobots. Help is on the way." Optimus told them before he turned off his comm-link.

"Hurry, Bulkhead. We must go

help them." Optimus told him as the green wrecker turned to him.

"Right." He nodded before transforming into his car mode and opened his door so both Fowler and Miko could get inside.

"Hurry up." Fowler said as he and Miko got in and strapped their seatbelts on.

"Go, Bulkhead, go." Agent Fowler said as Bulkhead doesn't need to be told twice.

"Going." He said as both he and Optimus drove full speed to help the others.

Back at the place of the crash, the Autobots were getting fired at. Hot Rod started using his shield to protect himself and the others until Optimus and Bulkhead could join him.

Meanwhile, both Silas and Silver Flame were still fighting but Silver Flame caught sight of the transforming vehicles and was shocked but she recovered quickly.

"Is that all you got? I trained you better." Silas mocked her.

"That was a long time." She said before delivering a strong kick to the stomach and causing him to stumble back in surprise.

"I've become stronger than before." Silver Flame said as she was making sure she was light on her feet.

"And yet. You're still weak inside." Silas said as he recovered from her kick.

"I'll show how weak I am, old man." Silver Flame said.

Back in the far reaches of the highway, Emily was driving to where the crash was as she needed to speed up before it's too late.

"Come on, come on. I've got to get there before it's too late." Emily said as she accelerated.

Back at the place of the crash, Silver Flame was fighting hard against Silas but it looks like Silas was winning.

"Very skillful. But you still have a lot to learn." He said before starting to hit Silver Flame with a series of kicks and punches and not giving her a chance to fight back.

After those attacks, Silver Flame is down as she panted heavily while holding the right side of her torso.

Hot Rod saw how Silver Flame needed help so he took down his shield and ran to her to give proper assistance and not let any harm come to her.

"Don't get up. You don't stand a chance against me." Silas said but she started getting up before taking off her mask.

"I will never stop." She growled as her real voice was revealed.

"Fine then." Silas said as he took out his gun and aimed it at Silver Ghost.

Hot Rod started to run faster passing through Silas' men and was praying that he gets there on time as Silas had his fingers on the trigger. When he was about to shoot, he received a plasma shot in his hand that took off the gun from his hand as Hot Rod saw it and stopped running right behind Silver Flame who look to where the plasma shot came from.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" Silas yelled out in pain as he gripped his slightly burnt hand.

Emily was able to reach them on time and stop Silas from shooting at Silver Flame. When she stopped, she got off the bike and started running towards him to stop him as she aimed her plasma cannons at him

"Hold it right there!" She yelled as Silas knew it was time to retreat.

"Men. Retreat." He ordered.

"What about the DINGUS?" His men ask.

"Forget it. They won this round. For now." Silas said as he and his men took out smoke bombs and threw them against the ground and created smoke so their escape would be unnoticed.

Emily stopped running so that she won't breathe in the smoke. When the smoke cleared out, Emily saw that Silas and his men had escaped as her hands switched back to her hands.

"No... I failed." Silver Flame said in anger as Emily turned to her as Silver Flame had her back turn.

"Are you okay?" Emily asked in concern as she approached but stopped.

Silver Ghost didn't say anything before getting up before Emily heard engine noise behind her and caused her to turn around and smiled. It was the Autobots. Miko and Fowler got out Bulkhead and after they got out, they started running toward Emily.

"Emily, are you okay?" Agent Fowler asked as Emily nodded.

"I'm fine. But Silas and his men escaped." Emily told him but he just put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her that it was fine.

"Your plan worked and that's all that matters." Agent Fowler said with a smile.

Silver Flame bent down and grabbed her mask before hopping on her motorcycle but before she could even turn on the engine, Agent Fowler stopped her.

"You there. Hold it. Turn around, slowly." Agent Fowler ordered.

Silver Flame turned around slowly and without the mask, everyone was able to find out Silver Flame's true identity. When Emily and Miko saw her identity, they were both shocked. The face behind the mask revealed to be the teenage girl with white silver hair and light green eyes from school.

"No way." Miko said in shock.

"You... It can't be." Emily muttered in shock.

"Hands up. Stay where you are." Agent Fowler told her but not willing to do what Fowler told her, the girl turned on her motorcycle engine and started driving and got away from them as they just watched her leave.

"Hey...! Ah, eagle fathers." Agent Fowler protested before signing in defeat.

"I can't believe it was her." Miko said as she was still in shock as Optimus and the others all transformed as Smokescreen smiled at their victory.

"We did it, guys." Smokescreen said with a grin.

"Good work, Autobots." Optimus said with a smile before he kneel down and offered Emily a lift as she got on his servo and sat down on his shoulder as she let out a soft sigh.

"Any idea who that was?" Hot Rod asked curiously as Bumblebee beeped and whirred to say that he doesn't know.

"We do. We saw her before." Emily said.

"You did? Where?" Agent Fowler asked her.

"Back at school. Who is she?" Emily said before looking to where Silver Flame had driven off and wondered who she was.

"There's something you should know." Agent Fowler started before Cliffjumper interrupted.

"Hey, guys." He called as he surprised them as they turned and saw that he was helping Arcee walk.

"I think we could use a ground bridge." Cliffjumper suggested and they couldn't agree more.

After a very hard mission, the Autobots returned to base with their human allies and after Agent Fowler called his men to get the DINGUS to its destination.

When they got back, Ratchet started examining and treating everyone. After they got all checked up, Arcee and Optimus were the only ones left to be examined.

"I'm amazed. From what you all just told me, it's amazing that you're all back in one piece. Hold still, Arcee." Ratchet said as he scanned Arcee for any injuries and saw that she must've sprained something on her leg. Nothing he can't fix up.

"You're clear. Optimus." Ratchet said as he finished fixing her injury before turning to Optimus.

Optimus started walking to where Ratchet was. When he got there, he sat down and let Ratchet examine him. Ratchet started scanning him to see if he had any wounds before he found something and he took care of it instantly.

"Hold still, Optimus." Ratchet said as he started to treat him.

"Of course." He nodded as Ratchet started to weld his arm to close the wound.

"You should've seen it, Ratchet. The weapons they used it paralyzed us. We couldn't even move." Arcee said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm just glad you're okay, Arcee." Jack said as she sighed.

"Yeah but I don't feel better." Arcee said as she leaned against the wall.

"Give it time. You need to rest." Ratchet told her.

"You're lucky that I came along." Cliffjumper said as he looked towards her.

"Bet you felt sad when Arcee was down." Smokescreen teased him and caused Cliffjumper to blush lightly.

"No, I wasn't." Cliffjumper denied it but his blush says otherwise.

"Were you?" Arcee asked as she raised an optic ridge.

Cliffjumper doesn't do anything due to his blushing and embarrassment.

"Just shut up." Cliffjumper told Smokescreen who grinned.

"One thing is sure. They know a lot about our biology and that makes them dangerous." Hot Rod said as he was standing beside Bumblebee who whirred in agreement.

"Well, you're all lucky that your inner systems didn't suffer any damage. With that knowledge, who knows what those savages are capable of." Ratchet told them before Miko spoke up.

"Okay, now I think it's time we talk about what's really important. Our new Autobot here. I've got so many questions. Why do they call you Hot Rod? How long have you been here?" Miko said before shooting question after question as Hot Rod just blinked in surprise. How much energy does this girl have?

"Is she always like that?" He asked the others as Jack nodded.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." Jack told him.

"Well they call me Hot Rod because I'm one of the best and I've been around for a while." Hot Rod answered her.

"Don't let his modesty fool you. Back in the days, he was one of the best Wreckers." Bulkhead said as Miko was in awe. She's in the presence of another Wrecker?!

"He was a wrecker? That's so awesome!" Miko said in glee.

"Good thing you're okay, Miko. I was so worried about you." Bulkhead said with a relieved smile as she smiled back.

"So you're Miko huh? Now I get why Bulkhead got so crazy. He talks a lot about you." Hot Rod said with a grin as she grinned back.

"Doesn't surprise me. He and I are BFF." Miko said with a smile as Optimus approached them.

"Bulkhead, today your actions have proven to be irresponsible. You must not forget that we have to maintain our cover at all times and what you did was an act of poor judgment. I understand Miko's well-being preoccupies you. But you must never let your feelings over cloud you. And as for you, Hot Rod and Smokescreen, I know you wanted to do what's right. But don't forget that as long as you're here, you will obey every order. Am I understood?" Optimus said as Smokescreen and Hot Rod nodded.

"Yes, sir." Smokescreen said.

"I understand." Hot Rod nodded.

"I'm sorry, Optimus. I... got carried away. It... won't happen again. I promise." Bulkhead apologizes as he looks down.

"Bulkhead, what you did early was not cool. Not cool at all." Miko said with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry. It's just that when I saw you with that weird guy, I just..." Bulkhead tried to explain as Miko looked surprised.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you telling me that just because you saw me with that guy, you had to act all crazy?" Miko asked as she looked at him in disbelief.

"Well..." Bulkhead tried to come up with an explanation.

"You're my guardian, not my babysitter. And I don't need your permission to go out with guys." Miko said with a small frown

"Easy, Miko." Jack said as he tried to stop an argument.

"Bulkhead was just worrying about you." Raf said as he knew that Bulkhead was only worried.

"Plus you did ride with a stranger." Jack said.

Out of frustration, Miko punched Jack on the arm.

"Ow! I was just saying." Jack said as he yelped and rubbed his arm to get rid of the soreness.

"Hey, guys. Come here. You might want to hear this." Emily said as Bolty was sitting on her head.

Emily was watching the news on TV when she found something that everyone should see. The news was talking about the events that went down today in the highway. She turned the volume up so that everyone could hear what they were talking about.

"Earlier today. The highway was the scenery of a brutal attack. A strange vehicle started firing missiles. As luck would have it, no one was hurt. But the victims of this terrible incident demand some answers. The United States Army had nothing to say in the matter. Only that they shall investigate. Many of us are left with many questions that remain unanswered. Was this a terrorist attack? And what guaranties us that this won't happen again? We'll come back to you with more information." The news reporter said before Emily turns off the TV.

"Ah, looks like Fowler was able to cover up what happened tonight. What a relief." Emily said as she let out a sigh and slumped down on the couch.

"Yeah." Miko said in agreement before she collapsed on the couch as they both had through an exhausting day.

"I take it you girls are too tired for the marathon movie?" Jack asked as both Emily and Miko nodded.

"Yes." They both said.

"Hey, Miko. You want some extra cheese popcorn?" Raf asked as he pointed to the still bowl full of popcorn of extra cheese flavored.

"No thanks. My stomach feels funny. I think I had too many thrills for the night." Miko said.

"Yeah me too..." Emily said but she trails off.

"You okay, Em? You seem a bit down." Jack asked in concern.

"More like shock." Emily said with a small frown.

"Shock? Why?" Jack asked as Emily looked at him.

"Well..." She started but was cut off when the comm-links started notifying them that someone was calling.

"Prime? Prime, you there?" It was Agent Fowler.

"What is it, Agent Fowler? Is something wrong?" Optimus asked.

"I got good news and bad news. The good news is that the DINGUS. Is safely locked in a vault no will ever open. I thank you for the help, Team Prime. And I'm glad you were willing to give your life to protect it." Fowler said with a smile as Optimus nodded.

"Glad we were able to assist." He said before Ratchet spoke up.

"What is the bad news?" He asked.

"What happened tonight brought a lot of heat on us. It's handled but we may have a situation. Are Emily and Miko there?" Agent Fowler said before asking as both girls stood up and walked up to the railing.

"We're here, Agent Fowler." Emily said.

"What's up?" Miko asked.

"There's something I need to show you. Watch the main screen." Agent Fowler said before he sent some information about the girl that they saw earlier before she left.

"Hey, that girl seems familiar." Jack said as he recognized the girl.

"Yeah, I remember now. She's the new girl from school." Raf said as he recognized her as well.

"Not to mention the one we saw earlier tonight." Emily said as Fowler began to explain what he found.

"Here's what I was able to find about her. Her name is Silvia Rouge Bishop. A while ago, she was part of a special program. A team formed of young talented minds that were trained to be the best of the best. The project was mothballed and Silvia went rogue. But that's not all. When she was in the program, she worked closely with Silas. Not to mention that they're both related. This file says that Silvia is Silas' daughter." Fowler said but the last part shocked them all. Silvia is related to Silas but not only that but his daughter?!

"Whoa! You mean Silas had a daughter? How can someone have kids with that guy? He's nuts." Miko said in shock.

"I don't get it. If they both worked together back then, why would Silvia try to get rid of her own father?" Emily said as she was confused. Why was Silvia trying to get rid of Silas, her own father?

"Who knows. Maybe she wants to take her father's operation." Agent Fowler said but Emily knew that wasn't the case.

"I don't think so. When I talked with her, she told me she wanted to stop MECH at all costs." Emily told him.

"She must have told you that so you could help her. The archives said that she betrayed her own team and went rogue of her own accord. She's a wanted criminal and she must be found." Agent Fowler said before Emily spoke up.

"What about that other guy? Got any info on Wolfie?" Miko asked curiously as Bulkhead gave her a look.

"You're giving that guy nicknames now?" He asked but only got a slightly angered look from Miko.

"Sorry, sorry." He quickly apologized.

"The archives have no information about this one. Someone must have erased the information. But we've got a bigger problem. Thanks to Bigfoot, your cover was blown. We have to find Silvia before she reveals your secret. Our men tried to check that weird bike but it blew up. She must have detonated it so that we won't find her. Do any of you have any information that could help me locate her? You told me you saw her at school today. Did you see her with someone?" Fowler said as the two girls went quiet.

"Unfortunately no. We did see her at school but we can't be sure whether she's a student or not. Rumors had it she is but they're just rumors." Emily explained.

"Sounds like a dead end. Alright, kids. I'll leave it to you to keep an eye open in case you see her. Be sure to keep me posted." Agent Fowler said before ending the call.

"Great. I got yelled at twice." Bulkhead said with a sigh.

"Sorry about that, buddy." Hot Rod said as he patted his shoulder.

"I can't believe what Fowler told us." Jack said in shock.

"Me neither. To think we've met Silas' daughter and we didn't even know it." Raf said as he was still shocked.

"What do you think of this, Optimus? Do you think this girl might pose a problem? Now that she knows about our existence. Just like her father." Ratchet asked as Optimus was contemplating on what they should do. The girl, Silvia may be Silas' daughter but she helped them.

"I cannot be sure, Ratchet. Either way, we must be careful." Optimus replied.

"This is all my fault, Optimus. If I had known before, this never would've happened." Hot Rod said as he should have known about.

"I don't mean to take sides or anything. But I'm not sure we need to worry. I know she knows about you guys but maybe deep down. She just wants to do what's right." Emily said. She wasn't gonna pick sides but she knew that Silvia was doing what was right.

"You heard what Fowler said. She's a criminal. Not to mention that she's related to the guy that tried to destroy them." Jack said as he pointed out the obvious.

"If she was that dangerous, she wouldn't have tried to stop him. You weren't there, Jack. I was." Emily argued back.

"Exactly. And you said she tried to get rid of Silas permanently. Doesn't that tell you a lot about her?" Jack said as Raf and Miko quickly stopped them.

"Calm down, you guys." Raf said as he pushed Jack back slightly

"No need to get in a fuzz." Miko said as she pulled Emily who sighed and calmed down.

"Look, I know you all think she might be bad. But there's still a lot we don't know. We can't judge people without knowing them." Emily said as she knows that they can't judge someone too quickly.

"That may be so. But that doesn't excuse the fact that she might be dangerous." Arcee said.

Optimus has been silent as he heard both sides and knew that Emily has a point.

"You have a point, Emily. Maybe there's more to her than we see. But we must consider the possibility that she could be a dangerous enemy." Optimus said as Emily nodded. At least Optimus agreed that they shouldn't judge her too quickly but they will have to be careful.

"For now, all we can do is wait and see what happens next. But something tells me that we will see her again sooner or later. Today we might have won a new battle in our fight. But only time will tell if she's on our side." Emily said as she looked at the ceiling as Bolty was resting on Raf's shoulder.

Somewhere in a dark alley in the city of Phoenix, Green Wolfpack was standing alone in the dark, waiting for his partner. He soon heard an engine noise coming his way and it was revealed to be Silvia who had returned. She turned off the engine of her motorcycle and got off it as she approached him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as she sighed heavily.

"Terrible." She said with a frown.

Green Wolfpack started taking off his mask and his face revealed to be Tai as he looked at her in concern.

"You know, you didn't have to face him right?" Tai told her.

"Someone had to put an end to it." Silvia said with huff and crossed her arms.

"I get that. You're lucky you didn't get killed. That girl just saved you. We're lucky to still be breathing. For now, we need to put a stop to MECH's plan." Tai said as he leaned against his motorcycle.

"Like you said, it's just for now. We have to find them and stop them." Silvia said as she glared at the ground.

"By stopping them, you mean killing them. You tried with your father and it didn't work. When are you going to understand that killing is not the answer? If you go this way, you'll be just like him." Tai reasoned with her.

"You're talking as if I wanna kill them all." Silvia said with a small scoff as she looked to the streets.

"Do you?" Tai asked her as she shook her head. She doesn't want to become a monster like her father.

"No. Only him. For what he did to me. For what he did to us. I can't just stand there and do nothing. I'm the only one who can stop him." Silvia said as Tai sighed.

"Maybe not. You saw them, didn't you?" He said before asking her as she nodded. The rumors of the metal titans were true.

"I did. We now know that the rumors are true. Aliens living among us." She said as she was pretty shocked to say the least.

"Yeah and one of them almost squashed me like a bug. I just hope that girl, Miko, is okay. I can't believe that aliens are real and they can turn into cars." Tai said in disbelief.

"To think contact H is one of them." Silvia said as she was still pretty shocked.

"Now that they know who you are and that we know about this. They're gonna try and find us. What do we do?" Tai said before asking.

"For now, we try to keep a low profile. They only know about me. Not you. It's best to keep it that way." Silvia said. At least Tai won't get in trouble.

"That Fowler might've told these two girl to tell him when they spot you. What will you do then?" Tai asked in concern.

"I'll figure it out. But something tells me that this girl, Emily, might not be that bad." Silvia said as she sensed good vibes from Emily and that she saved her life from getting killed.

"Maybe she might even become a good ally." Tai said as Silvia nodded.

"Let's go back to the base." Silvia said as she got off the wall and both teens got onto their motorcycle and drove back to their headquarters for the night.

The next day, the kids were at school as Emily and Miko were keeping an eye open in case Silvia showed up at school as both girls still couldn't believe that she's Silas' daughter.

"Do you feel like being watched?" Miko asked as she looked at Emily.

"Not really. But I feel a little concerned about what Fowler told us last night." Emily told her.

"About her being related to Silas?" Miko questioned as Emily nodded.

"Yeah. I find it hard to believe. I know Fowler told us to keep him posted in case we see her again but honestly. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should've told him what we knew about her." Emily said as she sighed heavily.

"Why didn't you?" She asked curiously.

"I guess it's because I saw that she wanted to stop MECH just like we wanted to and I thought to myself that we could help each other. Like the old saying says. The enemy of my enemy is your friend. Plus we knew that she was with someone here yesterday. This would've meant that someone you're crazy about might be involved with this." Emily explains before she grinned at the last part as Miko puffed her cheek. Not this topic again.

"Not again. I already told you I'm not in love. I'm a solo girl." Miko said with her arms crossed.

"Seems to me like this solo girl has found the right guy for her duo." Emily teased her.

"Very funny. Do you think Tai is involved with this? He's a good guy." Miko said before asking since she didn't want Tai to become a bad guy or something.

"I don't know. I've been very confused ever since last night." Emily said as she shrugged.

"Tell me about it. It must have been my worst day ever." Miko said as she still felt her mouth stinging yesterday.

"What part was the worst? The one where we got tied up and gagged or when we entered the old cave?" Emily asked.

"Both." Miko replied.

"Hmm. Well, right now we must focus on watching our backs. Whether Silas' daughter is good or bad, we have to be careful." Emily said.

"Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. If I see someone trying to surprise me, I'm gonna hit them hard." Miko said with a grin. Just as she said that, someone spoke up from behind her.

"Hey, stranger." He greeted her.

Miko let out a surprise yelp before she turned around and pushed the one that surprise her

"Hey, hey!" It was only Tai as Emily covered her mouth to hide a smile.

"Back off, man." Miko said only to stop.

When Miko saw who she had pushed, she started blushing lightly. Completely embarrassed about what she did and that she had pushed Tai, she felt really bad about it.

"Ah, it's you. Sorry." Miko said as she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." Miko quickly apologized.

"No, no, it's okay. It's my fault too that I scared you of course. It wasn't my intention. Nice push." Tai said as Miko played with her braid with a small blush. Gosh, why was she so shy around him?

"Ah, hehe." She laughed nervously.

"Are you okay? You look kind of red." Tai asked her in concern as Emily decided to save Miko and get her out of her shyness.

"She's alright. She's just a bit embarrassed about what happened and she's really sorry to have pushed you like that. Aren't you, Miko?" Emily said as she looked at Miko who nodded.

"Yes, very sorry." Miko said softly as Tai just smiled at her.

"It's okay." He said with a soft smile.

"Right, uh, we have to go. Our teacher is gonna give us detention if we come in late again. Say bye, Miko." Emily said as she nudged Miko.

"Bye, Miko..." Miko said and blushed again at her mistake as Tai just chuckled and smiled.

"See you later." He nodded before he started walking to his locker.

The girls turn around to see him leave as they stop by some lockers.

"Please tell me I didn't embarrassed myself." Miko pleaded as she covered her red face. She swears that her face looks almost just as red as Optimus', Knock Out's or Cliffjumper paint job.

"Fine, then I won't say it." Emily said with a grin.

"Ah, great." Miko said with a sigh.

"You did." Emily added as Miko groaned.

"No..." Miko whined.

"Calm down, it's not that bad." Emily said to calm her down.

"Why didn't I say anything?" Miko muttered.

"Maybe because you find him so attractive that it's hard for you to talk to him. But now that I remember, yesterday he said he would love it if you gave him a tour around the school and town." Emily said as she put a hand to her hips as Miko puffed her cheeks.

"You said that. Not me." Miko told her.

"Yes, but we both know you want to." Emily said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay, I admit it. Maybe I want to. But that doesn't mean what you think." Miko finally gave in.

"If you say so. Go ahead." Emily shrugged before she said.

"Uh, go ahead with what?" Miko asked her in confusion.

"Ask him out." Emily said with a smile.

"What? Are you crazy?" Miko questioned her in surprise.

"Fine then. Oh, T-" Emily started.

When Emily was about to call for Tai, Miko, who became nervous, covered her mouth with her hand before she could even finish.

"Alright, alright. Just be quiet." Miko said.

"Relax, Miko. It's not that hard. Just go there. Be calm and ask him if he's free tonight for a tour around town." Emily said as Miko nodded.

"Okay. I'm going." Miko said but her feet felt like it was glued to the ground.

"You know you're not moving right?" Emily said with a raised brow.

"I know. I'm going." Miko said but she can't even lift her leg up to start moving.

"You're still not moving." Emily said as Miko was really nervous.

"Uh, I don't think I can do this." Miko said as she chickened out.

"I know you're gonna hate me. So let me just say I'm sorry." Emily apologized as Miko looked confused.

"Sorry for wh-?" Miko started to ask only to get cut off as Emily started to push her to where Tai was.

"Hey!" Miko protested.

"Good luck. See you later." Emily said as she stopped.

"Don't leave me like this." Miko pleaded but Emily already left so Miko could talk with Tai but Emily hides not too far to see how it goes.

Tai was grabbing some stuff from his locker so he doesn't realize that Miko is there and to make him see that she's there, she had no choice but to talk with him.

"Hey, Tai?" Miko called as Tai jumped slightly and turned around as he closed his locker.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there. I thought you and your friend left to get to class." Tai said as Miko rubbed the back of her head.

"Yeah, no offense. But she often freaks out for nothing." She said as she laughed nervously.

Emily was able to hear what Miko said about her even if she was hiding as she gave a deadpanned look.

"I don't freak out." Emily said quietly just as Jack and Miko came around the corner and saw her.

They start wondering why Emily is hiding and what she is looking at as Jack spoke up.

"Spying on someone?" He asked as Emily turned to him and shushed him.

"Shh. Shut up, man. You're gonna ruin everything." Emily said in a whisper.

"Sorry. What's going on?" Jack whispered before Raf noticed Miko wasn't present.

"Where's Miko? We thought she was with you." Raf whispered.

"Look." She whispered as she pointed to what she was looking at as Jack and Raf felt their eyes widened in surprise and understood why Emily was being quiet.

"Oh..." Jack whispered.

"Is she really?" Raf asked quietly as Emily nodded.

"Yes she is. I hope so. Let's just see where this goes." Emily whispered as the trio listened in on the conversation.

Back at Tai's locker, Miko was about to ask him out for the tour but she was nervous as heck.

"So, uh, do you remember yesterday when my friend, uh, said that I could give you a tour around the school and town?" Miko started nervously.

"Yeah?" Tai raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Well, I was wondering." Miko said as she shuffled her feet nervously and started to blush a bit more.

"If you're free later to go grab some food, then I could give you all the stuff around town." Miko finally said as Tai smiled.

"Sounds like a great idea. But unfortunately I can't do it later. I've had to do extra classes after school." Tai said as Miko felt disappointed at that.

"Oh okay... I'll guess it could be for another time then." Miko said slowly as Tai nodded.

"Yeah but I'm free for a tour of the school. It would really help me out. I still always mix the science room with the gym. So please show me around." Tai said as he looked at her hopefully.

Miko couldn't believe that she would be able to show the school to the guy in whom she seemed to have a crush on as she smiled brightly.

"Sure. Come with me." Miko said cheerfully.

Both kids start walking side by side. Miko then turned to give Emily a thumbs up as Emily did the same while hoping that things will go great between them.

"Well, looks to me that my work here is done." Emily said with a smile before Raf noticed someone and started to get a little nervous.

"Uh, guys." He said as he pointed to someone walking around.

It was Silvia. She was seen to be carrying some books with her and she saw that Emily was there. Emily then started walking and so did Silvia. As both girls passed each other, they exchanged a small look at each other but didn't say anything as they both resumed their walk. Jack and Raf ran to catch up with Emily as they were confused about what happened just now.

"What was that?" Jack asked.

"What was what?" Emily asked back as she glanced at him.

"That. What just happened there?" Jack said as he referred to what happened.

"You both looked at each other but didn't say anything." Raf said as Jack grew serious.

"We should tell Fowler she's here." Jack said but Emily stopped him.

"No." She said firmly.

"What? You heard what Fowler said. She can't be trusted." Jack said in confusion.

"And she knows about the Autobots." Raf said as he was concerned for their friends.

"Even if she's dangerous, we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people aren't what we think." Emily said as she and the two stopped as both girls exchanged a second look from afar.

Emily turns around before she smiles discreetly as Silvia turns around and smiles discreetly as well as if both girls knew that even if they were on different sides, they could trust each other and maybe one day work as one in the future.

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