Chereads / A Spark's Life That Shines / Chapter 61 - A Rebel in love Part 5

Chapter 61 - A Rebel in love Part 5

Meanwhile Team Prime along with the remaining US military soldiers and the mystery red flaming muscle car Autobot were trying to find a place to hide and rest for a bit before they all transformed except the mysterious Autobot. Fowler then got out from Bulkhead and when he got out, he didn't feel good since the wild ride had given him nausea as he leaned against Bulkhead's pede.

"Are you okay, sir?" A soldier asked in concern.

"I'm fine, soldier. Ah... I'm getting too old for this." Agent Fowler said as he covered his mouth to stop himself from emptying his stomach.

"Think we lost them?" Arcee asked as Optimus turned to Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee, do you see anything?" He asked as Bumblebee took a look while hiding and beeped to tell them that the coast was clear.

It seemed like MECH had lost track of them.

"Very well. It looks like we lost them." Optimus nodded as he was worried about what happened to Emily and Miko.

"For now. They'll come back sooner or later." Arcee said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, that was too close. What were those disk thingies?" Smokescreen asked as the mystery Autobot decided to answer him.

"Those disk thingies were electro control disks. And let me tell you, those things can do a lot of damage." He said as the Autobots quickly went into battle mode but Optimus Prime remained calm as the military soldiers all pointed their guns at the mystery Autobot.

"I'm special Agent Fowler. Identify yourself." Agent Fowler commanded.

The mysterious red flaming muscle car then transforms and slowly reveals himself in broad daylight with his flaming look and his Autobot insignia in his chest as he sends them a smile.

"You can call me Rod. Hot Rod." He introduced himself as the Autobots couldn't believe it, especially Bulkhead.

"Hot Rod? Is that really you?" Bulkhead asked in shock and surprise as Hot Rod smirked at him.

"Yes, it is." He said as Bulkhead ran up to him and grabbed in a big and tight hug.

"Rod!" Bulkhead exclaimed in delight as Hot Rod strained but smiled.

"Ah... Still strong I see huh, big guy?" Hot Rod said as Bulkhead let him go as everyone knew that he wasn't an enemy.

"What are you doing here, Hot Rod? Last we heard, you were in a junkyard somewhere in South Dakota." Arcee said as she was glad to see another fellow Autobot.

"Yeah, they're pretty busy back there and since I didn't have much to do. Plus Optimus gave me the mission to try and find everything I could about those MECH guys. Nice to see you again, Arcee, by the way. Still cute, I see. Bumblebee, still a great warrior huh?" Hot Rod said as he nodded his greetings to the two as Bumblebee whirred his thanks.

"No probs. Cliffjumper, back from the dead I see. Had a good sleep?" Hot Rod joked as he grinned at Cliffjumper who smirked back.

"Hahaha. Still having that sense of humor I see." Cliffjumper couldn't help but laugh.

"You say I was kidding." Hot Rod said as Smokescreen looked in awe to meet his senior ally.

"Wow, it is really you. You are Hot Rod, member of the Wreckers. Just like Wheeljack and Bulkhead. Love your look by the way." Smokescreen said in awe as Hot Rod turned to him with a smile.

"Thanks. I take it that you're the rookie Prime told me about. Smokescreen right? Love your look too." Hot Rod as they both shook servos.

"Thanks." Smokescreen said as Optimus walked towards Hot Rod to thank him for helping them earlier.

"Thank you for the assistance, Hot Rod." Optimus said as Hot Rod nodded. He's always happy to help his superior and allies.

"My pleasure, Optimus." He said before Agent Fowler decided to cut in since he's confused about the new Autobot that showed up.

"Hold your horses here. Optimus, do you mind telling me why I found out just now that you had another Autobot out there?" Agent Fowler questioned as Optimus looked down at him with an apologetic look. He had his reasons for not telling Fowler about Hot Rod.

"I'm sorry if I kept you in the shadows, Agent Fowler. But I could not risk you knowing about this. For if the Decepticons captured you, there was the possibility that this sensible information could be revealed. Putting us all in danger." Optimus explained to him as Agent Fowler saw the reason why Optimus didn't inform him.

"I see." He said as Hot Rod turned to him and nodded his greetings.

"Don't worry, human. I'm a careful guy." He said only to earn a look from Arcee.

"Really? Because you almost blew us up with your crazy stunt out there. Not to mention endangering millions of lives." She told him sternly as Hot Rod gave a sheepish grin.

"But I didn't." He said.

"Hot Rod. What can you tell us about your investigation on MECH?" Optimus asked him as Hot Rod knew that it's time to be serious. Catching up on what he missed with the others could wait.

"A lot. Those disks the rookie talked about are called Electro Control Disks. MECH created them to be able to control every human vehicle." Hot Rod explained as Arcee was perplexed by this. If those disks were made to control the human vehicles, why would it affect them?

"How come it affected us? We're not human vehicles." Arcee said as Hot Rod answered.

"My guess is that they must have studied everything about our biology. Based on the data that I could get, MECH once captured a Decepticon named Breakdown." Hot Rod said as Bulkhead perked up at that since he remembered that day.

"That's true. I know because I was there to free him. They opened him to his very core." Bulkhead said as he still couldn't remove the thought of Breakdown being dismantled by those humans in Decepticon skin.

"That's a bunch of bolts. There's no way humans would have created something that could affect us." Cliffjumper said in disbelief as Arcee inwardly shuddered.

"Yes, they can. Those guys once tried to gut me to try and get something. You don't know what they're capable of to get what they want." Arcee said as Cliffjumper looked at her and saw that they were telling the truth.

"Hot Rod, is there anything else you can tell us?" Agent Fowler asked as Hot Rod was only able to gather enough info and data.

"Not much. Only that there was a lot of chat in MECH's communications about retrieving some device that they needed for their plans." Hot Rod said as Bulkhead was confused.

"You mean you infiltrated their communications?" He couldn't help but ask in confusion but Hot Rod just shook his helm.

"I didn't do it. Someone else did. When I found out about this chat, I tried to hack into it but it was too sophisticated and then I found out about someone else who did it. All that was left for me was to find them and get the information in exchange for my help. Without them, you guys would've ended up in the scrapyard." Hot Rod said as the Autobots and military remembered the other vehicles that were taking on MECH earlier.

"You're talking about those who were driving that huge battle vehicle? Who are they?" Arcee questioned as Bumblebee whirred the same question.

"Let's just say they wanna take down MECH and it's leader for some reasons I still don't know." Hot Rod said as Agent Fowler went into thinking. Who could hate MECH as much as he and the bots does.

"You mean, Silas has other enemies besides us?" He asked Hot Rod nodded.

"Yes." He said.

"So Silas has people that hate him. Big deal. This won't help us find Miko." Bulkhead said before he started walking around anxious and angry written in his optics as Hot Rod was confused.

"What's wrong with him?" Hot Rod asked Arcee as she was worried for their two missing friends with the others.

"Something happened on the highway. Bulkhead lost two of our allies. Two human girls. Miko and Emily." Arcee told him as Hot Rod became concerned and worried. He would be in Bulkhead's place if something happened to the girl he swore to protect.

"I see." He said.

"I have to find her. Who knows where she is. She could've gotten hurt or worse." Bulkhead said with worry in his tone and Optimus couldn't help but share his worry and concerns for their two missing friends as he turned to Arcee.

"Arcee, contact Ratchet and tell him to try and locate the girls." He told her as Arcee nodded.

"I'm on it." She said as she did so.

Back at the base, Jack and Raf had finished watching the Iron man 1 movie and now they were watching the Iron man 2 movie.

"Iron Man sure knows how to make an entrance." Jack said as he was able to relax.

"Yeah. Still no news about Miko?" Raf couldn't help but agree with him before asking.

"Nothing yet. I'm really starting to get worried." Jack said as he looked at his phone.

Ratchet soon comes back after he took care of some stuff earlier.

"Everything good here?" He asked as Jack turned to him.

"Everything is okay, Ratchet. But..." Jack said before trailing off as Ratchet sensed that something was worrying Jack and Raf.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We're worried, Ratchet. Something weird happened. I was talking to Miko and then she stopped texting me. When I tried to call her, they said her number was unavailable. As if it wasn't working or it didn't even exist." Jack said as Ratchet knew this was worrisome.

"Have you tried with Emily?" He asked as Jack shook his head.

"She left her phone here and she never takes her phone with her on a mission." Jack told him.

"Well maybe we can try to locate Miko's phone. Perhaps we could try with Emily. The brooch in her suit has a tracker in it." Ratchet said as he went to the computers to try and locate Emily's location but nothing showed up.

"That's weird. I can't get a fix on her location. Let me see if I can locate Miko's phone." Ratchet said as he tried to locate Miko's phone signal but just like with Emily's, nothing showed on the screens.

"Nothing." Ratchet said as he was starting to get worried.

"You mean you can't find her?" Raf asked meekly in worry as his voice cracked slightly.

"Something must be blocking her signal." Ratchet told him.

"Whatever is blocking her phone signal, it must be doing the same thing for Emily." Jack said as Ratchet knew that must be the only answer.

"Sounds logical." He said before the comm-link notified them that someone was contacting the base as it showed that it was Arcee.

"Arcee to base. Do you read me?" Arcee said as Ratchet quickly answered her.

"I'm here, Arcee. What's the status?" Ratchet questioned.

"The DINGUS is safe. But we lost Emily and Miko." Arcee informed him as Jack, Raf and Ratchet quickly became really worried.

"What happened?" He asked in worry.

"No time to explain. Can you try to get a fix on their locations?" Arcee said as Ratchet frowned slightly.

"I'm afraid not. I tried locating them but I couldn't find them. Something is blocking their signals. I'll keep trying." Ratchet told her as Arcee seemed to nod.

"Okay then. Keep me posted. Arcee out." Arcee said before the comm-links turned off.

"So something bad happened to them." Raf said as he slumped down sadly.

"Hey, don't beat yourself down like that. We have to find them if we are to bring them safely." Jack said as Raf perked up slightly at that.

"And for that, we have to work together. Wanna help me out?" Ratchet said before turning to the two.

"Sure." Raf said with a smile as he disconnected his laptop from the TV to help Ratchet to find Miko and Emily.

Meanwhile somewhere in a strange place, the girls were about to wake up as Emily was the first one to do so. When she did, she found herself blindfolded, tape gagged and with both her hands and feet tied up.

"Mmmm?" She blinked as she shook her head.

She couldn't see anything and it was dark around her due to being blindfolded so it was hard for her to see where she was. When she moved, she accidentally fell on something and she could hear a heartbeat close to her and realized that Miko was beside her and unconscious. Seeing how she was okay, Emily started to wake Miko up by moving her with her hands tied to which she succeeded at waking her. When Miko started to awake, she also found herself tied up, tape gagged and blindfolded.

"Mmm? Mmmm." Miko seemed to be asking where they were just as a voice started to speak.

"I'm back." The first person spoke as the two heard that someone was talking.

"Did you find something?" A second voice asked, which sounded like a female.

"Sort of. The blonde girl right there gave the U.S military some sort of device that released the same signal as the DINGUS." The first person informed the second one.

"That explains why our scanners had detected two signals. Have you got any news about the convoy? Our contact H?" The second person asked but the person seemed to shake their heads.

"We lost contact with him. Not to mention the trace of the convoy." The first said.

"What about the Mobix?" The second person asked.

"She'll be fine. She knows how to take a hit." The first person spoke.

Seeing how she is not able to get free from her binds, Miko started to blow against the tape from her mouth. When she succeeds at doing so, she starts spitting the sticky stuff that got in her mouth.

"Bleh! Gross. Who are you?! How dare you do this to me?! What am I, a damsel in distress?!" Miko started to shout questions and Emily almost laughed behind her gag.

"Oh no..." The first person said in a familiar voice but Miko couldn't remember who's.

One of the mysterious hood people puts their mask back on and when he starts talking, his voice becomes different since his mask has a voice modulator that makes it change his voice into something different.

What are you doing? No one told you that you could take your gag." She said in a serious voice.

"Uh, dude, why are you faking your voice?" Miko asked in confusion

"I'm not faking my voice." She said in defense.

"Yes, you are. I just heard you talking and your voice is not the same as before." Miko argued.

"I'm telling you that I'm not faking my voice." The person started to argue back.

Since Miko was creating a diversion, Emily took this chance and made a spine out of earth to try and cut the binds on her hands.

"I don't know who you're trying to fool but that voice right now isn't yours. I remember a baby voice when I hear one." Miko snickered as the second person almost laughed.

"I don't have a baby voice. You're the one with the baby voice." The person said slightly taken back.

"No, you are." Miko said.

"Oh, for crying out loud. Shut up already." The person said with a groan.

One of the mysterious hood guys grabs Miko's tape and gags her again to stop her from talking.

"Mm." Miko grumbled silently.

"Now listen, you two. I'm gonna take your blindfolds off. You better not use any tricks on me. You got it?" The person said as both of the girls contemplated this before nodding.

"Mm-hm." They both agreed as the mysterious hood person soon takes the blindfolds from both girls as the two blinked to adjust.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and you're gonna give me the answers. Got it?" The hood person said as she directed this to Emily who nodded.

After that, the hood person takes her tape off her mouth as she moves her jaw slightly as the hood guy starts to ask questions.

"Who are you?" She asked as Emily gave him a stare.

"Funny. I was gonna ask you that same question." She said while eyeing their captor a suspicious look.

"Don't play games with me. Who are you working for? FBI? CIA? DEA?" She continued to ask seriously as Emily decided to joke a little.

"Well that depends. I often work for the Avengers and the Justice League." Emily joked as the hooded person seemed annoyed.

"Oh, you like making jokes, huh? Hmm, that's a very nice suit. I would really like to know where you got it. Probably at the same place you got that device that imitated the DINGUS energy signature." The person said as Emily took the comment to her suit a compliment but she decided to stall for now as she was cutting the binds on her wrists.

"Wanna know where I got them? Santa gave it to me. Some sort of early Christmas gift." Emily said as her hands were almost free.

"Still playing games huh? Very well. I hope you and your friend will enjoy your time here." The person said but was taken by surprise by what happened next.

After freeing her hands, Emily broke the rope tying her feet. When she got up, the hood person started pointing her gun at her.

"Wrong move." She warned as Emily smirked.

"That may be so. But you should know that I always have an ace up my sleeve. Which is pointed at you right now." Emily said with a smirk.

The hood guy soon sees that Emily has a plasma cannon pointing at her as it was charging up and waiting to be shot.

"I admit you're good." She said before Emily soon hears guns getting readied around her. She saw how she was surrounded at gunpoint as she stood by Miko.

"Drop down your cannon. And nobody gets hurt." The person, who was the leader, ordered in a serious tone.

"Do you really think I'm gonna trust someone who works for MECH?" Emily questioned as her voice was dead serious and firm as the person looked confused.

"What did you say?" The person couldn't help but question.

"If you think I'm going to trust someone who works for Mech, you got another thing coming." Emily said as her cannon was powering up more as her eyes narrowed.

"You mean you don't work with MECH?" The leader questioned again in disbelief.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you're working with them. That little scheme of yours was nothing but a fraud to get the DINGUS." Emily said as her glare was almost icy cold and almost matched Megatron's.

"We don't want the DINGUS. The reason we were there was to stop MECH from getting it." The leader explained as Emily felt her suspicion and anger fading into confusion. They don't want the DINGUS?

"What? You mean you're not with MECH? Who are you?" Emily questioned as the leader lowered her gun as Emily lowered her plasma cannon slightly.

"My name is Silver Flame. Me and my group are rebels with a mission to stop MECH." The leader used their code name and introduced themselves as Emily was still suspicious.

"That may be so. But you still haven't given me a good reason to trust you." Emily said as both of them stayed silent.

"But then again." Emily began as she turned off her plasma cannon and switched it back into her hands.

"I'm not one to judge people so quickly." She finished while putting a hand on her hip as Silver Flame looked surprised and shocked.

"You dropped your weapon? Just like that? That's a huge mistake. Why do you trust me? I could easily take you down without hesitation." Silver Flame said as Emily gave a pointed look.

"Because we both share something in common. The same enemy. You remember the old saying. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'." Emily said as Silver Flame gave her a hard look.

"We're not friends." She said as the two went silent again.

"But that doesn't mean we cannot be allies. Two heads are better than one. It's okay, guys. Stand down." Silver Flame ordered as the others lowered their weapons as Miko was able to get the tape off.

"Mmmm... hmmmllooooo!" She exclaimed while giving them all a look.

"Oh right. I forgot about your friend here. Green Wolfpack, please take care of her." Silver Flame said as the one named Green Wolfpack nodded.

"I got it." He said as he untied Miko's bounds and helped her up.

"Hold still." He said before taking the tape off completely from Miko's mouth.

"Oww! Hey watch it, baby voice. That hurts you know." She said with a small glare as the guy raised his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry." He said with his hands raised as Silver Flame turned to Emily as she gave a curious look since she hasn't introduced herself.

"Since you know my name. What's yours? Rocky Girl?" Silver Flame guessed as Emily shook her head with a small grin.

"No. My name is Emily Sparks. This is my friend Miko." Emily said as she pointed to Miko who had her arms crossed while giving Green Wolfpack the curious look.

"Nice to meet you. So if you're not working for MECH, who are you working for?" Silver Flame then asked as she was curious.

"I'm afraid I can't tell." Emily said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm gonna need more than that if we're going to help each other." Silver Flame told her as Emily knew she was right.

"I know. But right now, we have more important matters. We have to find the convoy fast." Emily said as her eyes had a burning determination.

Back at the highway, Team Prime were all undecided on what to do now since they lost both Emily and Miko. Since the plan was made by Emily, it was hard for them to move out without her help. But they knew that they had to continue the mission. The one who got the worst of it was Bulkhead because he was really worried about Miko as the others watched him on the sidelines.

"I don't think I've ever seen Bulkhead get all worked up like this." Cliffjumper said as he was leaning against a tree.

"Can't say I blame him. If Jack got lost, I think I'd get worried sick." Arcee said as she would be worried if it happened to Jack. Bumblebee beeps in agreement since he would feel the same if it was Raf.

"I never thought Bulkhead would get so soft." Hot Rod said as he watched Bulkhead paced around worriedly.

"You can't blame him. Bulkhead has been taking care of Miko ever since the first time." Smokescreen said as he was told that Bulkhead and Miko had a father and daughter bond when they met.

"I know the feeling. Back then when I first came here, I made a vow to protect someone special." Hot Rod said as Smokescreen looked towards him.

"Really?" He asked as Hot Rod nodded.

"Yeah... she was really something. I've taken care of her ever since she was little. When she grew up, it was hard for me to let her go. And then it hit me, letting her go was not the hard part. It was letting go of all the moments we've been through that was hard for me. But even when she was grown up, I knew I would always be part of her life." Hot Rod said as he remembered how he and his human charge had fun and sometimes got into trouble.

"That's kind of... What's the word I'm looking for?" Smokescreen said but since he didn't know what word he needed.

"Soft?" Cliffjumper suggested but Smokescreen shook his helm.

"No." He said.

"Well, it is soft and deep too." Arcee had to agree with Smokescreen.

"That's the word I was looking for." Smokescreen said.

Meanwhile, Optimus was lost in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Agent Fowler calling him.

"Prime? Prime, you okay?" Optimus snapped out of his thoughts as he looked down at him.

"Yes, Agent Fowler. I'm perfectly fine." He reassured him but Fowler knew that he was worried for the two girls.

"Look, I know you're worried for the girls right now. I am too. But we have bigger problems. With our forces cut in half, I'm afraid we don't stand a chance against Mech and their new tech thingy. If they could easily get rid of our vehicles, who knows what they could do. They could try to put people in danger." Agent Fowler said as Optimus went into thinking on what they should do.

"So that's it? We give up?" Arcee questioned but Optimus had an idea.

"No. We shall follow the plan. But we must make sure that MECH follows us in order to protect the humans." Optimus said as Arcee smirked slightly.

"Divide and conquer." She said with a small smirk.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Cliffjumper smirked.

"I don't know. You saw what they did to us." Smokescreen said as he was hesitant,

"I'm afraid that's a risk we're gonna have to take." Optimus told him as Smokescreen sighed but nodded as Bulkhead turned to him.

"Optimus, what about Miko?" Bulkhead asked as Optimus looked towards him. He was worried for both girls as well as the rest but as long as those two stay together, they will be just fine.

"Don't worry, Bulkhead. As long as she's with Emily, she will be alright." Optimus said as he had full trust that Emily will keep herself and Miko safe.

"So, what? We should just leave them behind? Is that it?" Bulkhead questioned only for Optimus to not answer him. He felt that no matter what he did, Bulkhead might take it the wrong way.

"I'm going to find her." Bulkhead said as he had enough as he started to go to search for Miko but Arcee blocked his path and stopped him from leaving.

"Don't even try it." Arcee warned him.

"I'm only gonna say this once. Get out of my way." Bulkhead said but Arcee stood her ground.

"Oh, really? What are you going to do? Roll until you find Miko? Is that your plan?" Arcee questioned him as Bulkhead felt his frustration rising slowly.

"Well, at least, I've gotta try something instead of just waiting here." Bulkhead said but Arcee wasn't about to let him leave.

"You heard what Optimus said. We have a plan and we have to carry it away. I understand your frustration. Believe me, if Jack got lost, I would be worried sick." Arcee said but Bulkhead just scoffed.

"Big talk from someone who almost let her worst enemy kill him." He said and making Arcee narrowed her optics dangerously at that

"Care to repeat that?" She challenged through gritted dentas.

"Trust me. You don't want me to." Bulkhead warned her.

"What's wrong? You lost your nerves, big oaf?" Arcee sneered as Bulkhead narrowed his optics at her.

"I dare you to call me that again." He challenged me.

"Big oaf." Arcee repeated.

Bulkhead was about to hit Arcee but Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Hot Rod and Bumblebee were able to stop him.

"Bulkhead, calm down." Cliffjumper said.

"You have to settle down, buddy." Hot Rod said as he made sure that he and Bee got a hold of Bulkhead.

"Let me go! I have to go find her!" Bulkhead exclaimed before Optimus had enough.

"Enough. All of you stand down." He ordered as the four let Bulkhead go as Optimus turned to him.

"Bulkhead, I understand your concerns about Miko's wellbeing. But we cannot afford any distractions. Waiting for Ratchet to find her and Emily's exact location is our best hope for now." Optimus said as Bulkhead looked at him before calming down.

"I understand, Prime. I'm sorry for this." Bulkhead said as he apologized to Arcee.

"What's our move, Prime? We can't stay here too much. Silas will soon detect the DINGUS and come after us." Agent Fowler said as Optimus seemed to think of something.

"Let us hope so. If this plan is to work, we need him to follow us. Autobots, roll out." Optimus said before ordering them all to transform.

"D company, move out!" Agent Fowler then ordered his men as they saluted.

"Yes, sir!" They all exclaimed.

The soldiers then get in their vehicles and start driving as Fowler got inside Bulkhead and buckled the seatbelt.

"Let's go." Agent Fowler said as Team Prime all moved and took the highway again that leads to the city.

Meanwhile, not too far from the city, MECH's ground team was waiting for their leader to come.

"See anything?" One of them asked as the other was looking through binoculars.

"Not yet, sir." He replied just as a helicopter was heard coming their way.

It was Silas' helicopter as it slowly descended to the ground before Silas got out after it landed.

"Status report." Silas said.

"Our forces have been cut to half, sir and we're still waiting for the convoy to enter the city. There's nothing yet." The first one informed him.

"What do we do now, sir?" Another asked.

"We wait for them to come. And when they do, we will strike them hard. Is it ready?" Silas said before turning to the first soldier who nodded.

"Yes, sir." He said just as another soldier informed them.

"Sir, our scanners have picked up something. It's the DINGUS and it's getting close." Another soldier said as Silas smirked.

"At last they have come. And this time they won't get away from us. The electro control disks gave us an advantage. But this..." Silas said as he touched something that almost looked like a huge machine.

"This thing. It's nothing like they've seen before. The militaries would kill to have access to such weaponry. And all this from studying titans made of metal." Silas said as he had full confidence that he would get what he wanted.

"Sir, the vehicle it's still a prototype. It has never been tested." The first soldier said since it has never been tested on a field before.

"During a war there is no time for formality and sometimes you have to use a bigger weapon to defeat the enemy. Today is the beginning of a new era, gentlemen. Time to go write history and show those titans who are superior to them." Silas chuckled evilly as the mystery vehicle activated.

Meanwhile at the place where the hood guys had the HQ, Emily and Miko were being treated kindly since there was just a misunderstanding as Miko was rubbing her wrists since the rope was pretty tight and it hurt her wrists.

"Ow, my hands hurt like crazy." Miko winced as Emily was with Silver Flame to discuss their plan as Green Wolfpack approached her with a glass of water.

"Want some water?" He asked as he offered the glass of water to her.

"Thanks." Miko thanked softly as she accepted the offer and started to drink some of the water as Green Wolfpack noticed the slightly scared look in her eyes.

"You okay?" He asked in concern as Miko nodded.

"I'm fine. Just a bit shaken." She replied.

"Sorry about the whole misunderstanding. We always thought that we were the only ones fighting against MECH." He said as he sat down beside her.

"Yeah, well, not anymore. Oww..." Miko said before wincing as her mouth hurts a little.

"You okay?" Green Wolfpack asked in concern.

"I'm fine. It's just that ripping the darn tape off my mouth was really painful." Miko replied.

"Really? I thought girls were used to it. Since they're always getting waxed." He said in bewilderment.

"Oh so just because I'm a girl I should get used to it cause I'm always getting waxed is that it?" Miko inquired as Green Wolfpack started to get a little nervous.

"What? No, no that's, no, what I meant-I mean, I thought-" He stammered before Miko started to laugh at that.

"Hahahahaha. Relax, dude, I was just playing with you." She said while laughing a little more.

Ah, okay, you had me there. You're pretty good. Mind if I ask you a question?" He couldn't help but smile before asking her.

"Sure thing." Miko said with a grin.

"Why were you out there with the convoy? Aren't you too young to be an agent?" He asked as Miko scoffed with a grin.

"I'm not an agent." She said with a cheeky smile.

"Really? And what about your friend? She looks old enough to be an agent." He said in confusion as Miko shook her head.

"She's not either." Miko said much to his confusion.

"No? Then what are you?" He asked curiously.

"We're uh... Uh... We're... rookies... Part of this... new agents division." Miko said as she came up with a little cover story.

"Rookies huh? Last I heard rookies aren't allowed on a dangerous convoy mission." He said as Miko smirked.

"I can be very persuasive." She said as she always remembers the times she sneaked off through the ground bridge.

"You're saying that you harassed your superior officer so he would let you go? I find that hard to believe." He said as Miko just leaned back slightly.

"When it comes to dangerous missions, I never take no for an answer.' Miko said.

"I take it that you're a girl that likes to join missions for the thrill." He guessed as Miko nodded.

"You betcha." She said with a grin.

"Wow, I'm impressed." He said as he stood up and walked to where Emily and Silver Flame are with Miko following.

"What? Never met a girl who wasn't scared of danger?" Miko questioned as Green Wolfpack shrugged.

"I've met a lot of girls who weren't scared. But not like you. Based on what I'm seeing right now. I'd say you're brave who never backs down from a challenge. And you also do it out of boredom." He told her as Miko was impressed.

"Wow, you're good, wolfie." She said with a teasing smirk.

"Great, now it's wolfie." He sighed as Miko laughed.

"I always thought we were the only ones against MECH." Silver Flame said in disbelief.

"So did I." Emily said as she set the empty glass of water down.

"I gotta say I'm very impressed by your suit. You made it yourself?" She asked curiously as Emily looked at her brooch.

"Actually... a friend of mine made it for me." Emily said as she was still thankful that Ratchet made her the brooch.

"Impressive design. The suit gives you great protection but it does not allow you to move properly. The material looks a little heavy." Silver Flame observed as Emily moved her arms easily.

"I'm stronger than I look." She said as Silver Flame nodded.

"So this suit gives you the abilities of Geokinesis?" She asked as Emily nodded.

"That." She said before pressing the button on her brooch and it returned back to her normal mode.

"And some other stuff. So what about you?" Emily replied before asking.

"What is this, an interrogation?" Silver Flame questioned as Emily raised her hands up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your personal things." She apologized as Silver Flame sighed.

"I'm sorry. I have a hard time trusting people." Silver Flame said softly.

"It's alright. So you mind telling what you were doing out there?" Emily reassured her before asking as Silver Flame and Green Wolfpack nodded to each other.

"Come with me." She said as she and Green Wolfpack brought Emily and Miko to the control room.

"This is our control room." Silver Flame said as Miko wiped her finger and saw that it was slightly dusty.

"All I see is a huge rotten computer." She said while looking around.

"I admit that the technology here is a bit old. But it has its use." Green Wolfpack said as he turned the main computer screen.

"What do you wanna show us?" Miko asked curiously.

"Some information about MECH." He answered as Emily was confused.

"What's to know? MECH is just a gang of armed robbers." She said as Green Wolfpack and Silver Flame sighed.

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Green Wolfpack said as he pressed something and the data about MECH appeared on screen as Miko and Emily looked at it.

"MECH is an organization that seeks to steal new technology to create weapons of mass destruction. They're members of the Ex Special Tactics, soldiers who went rogue and joined their ranks. Their leader is Silas and formerly known as Colonel Leland Bishop. Just like his men, he was part of the Special Tactics. He was part of a secret government project that got mothballed a while ago. It gave the army... a reason to fire him. Since he wasn't part of the Special Tactics anymore, he had total liberty to pursue his insane project of creating a New Order by using the most advanced technology." Green Wolfpack explained to them as Miko and Emily were shocked by this as Silver Flame clenched her fists.

"My group and I have a mission. Take down MECH and Silas. By any means necessary." She said through gritted teeth and her voice was filled with venom just by saying Silas' name.

"Why does it sound like... you wanna destroy Silas for good?" Emily asked in confusion.

"Maybe because that's what I plan to." Silver Flame replied.

"What? You're not serious are you? Wolfie, please tell me she's not serious." Miko asked before turning to Green Wolfpack and pleaded for him to tell her that Silver Flame was kidding.

"I wish she wasn't but she is." He said with a heavy sigh.

"You can't kill someone like that." Emily told her as Silver Flame narrowed her eyes on Emily.

"You don't understand. Silas is dangerous and he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Trust me, I know it. I've seen it with my own eyes. I won't let Silas get away." Silver Flame said as Emily sighed.

"Look, I get that he's dangerous. But you can't just kill someone like that." Emily tried to reason with her.

"Look here, miss goody-goody. I don't need you lecturing me about right and wrong. If you wanna help us, fine. If you don't want to, then stay out of my way." Silver Flame said as her tone held a warning but Emily stood her ground.

"And if I choose otherwise?" Emily said calmly.

"Then I'll be forced to teach you a lesson." Silver Flame said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Hey, calm down, you guys. There's no need for that." Miko said as she got between the two so a fight wouldn't break out.

"Miko's right. This isn't the time for pity rivalries. We have to find the DINGUS before MECH. The scanners are too outdated to detect anything. We would have more luck with the Mobix. But it still needs repairs." Green Wolfpack said as the two girls calmed down as Silver Flame turned to him.

"How long before the shields are fixed?" She asked.

"Hard to tell." Green Wolfpack said.

"Do what you can." Silver Flame nodded.

"Sure thing." He saluted as Miko came up to him.

"I'll come with you." She said.

"I won't argue with you there." He said with a shrug.

"Smart idea, Wolfie." Miko said with a tease as Green Wolfpack sighed.

"Not funny." He said as they both left to fix the Mobix.

"About you not being able to detect the DINGUS. I think I can help you with that. But that will mean having to contact my friend." Emily said as she went into thinking.

"Out of the question. I won't let you call someone and reveal the location of this base." Silver Flame said with a stern look.

"If you wanna stop Silas, you're gonna have to start trusting me. It's the only chance you have." Emily said as Silver Flame stared at her as she stayed silent. After a few minutes of contemplating on whether to trust Emily's words or not, she finally came to a decision.