Chereads / A Spark's Life That Shines / Chapter 20 - Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 5

Chapter 20 - Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 5

After being freed by Airachnid, Emily starts running as far as she can while trying to find a way to contact the others.

Meanwhile the Autobots along with the kids were walking around the canyon to see if they could find their friend and rescue her from Airachnid.

"This place is huge." Raf said as he looked around in awe.

"I've seen bigger." Miko just crossed her arms across her chest and Jack shook his head. They weren't there for sightseeing, they were there to look for Emily.

"Come on, you guys, let's focus on finding Emily." Jack reminded them as they nodded.

"Ratchet, any sign of her?" Optimus asked the medic through the comm link as he was getting worried by the minute.

Ratchet was checking the computer scanner in the base and there wasn't even a signal of where Emily currently is and he was getting worried as Arcee stood beside him.

"Not yet, Optimus. You'll have to keep looking for her." Ratchet told him through the comm as he typed something to try and find Emily or any sign of her.

"Maybe I should go out and help them." Arcee told Ratchet as she wanted to help and find her but Ratchet shook his head and looked at her. As much as he wanted to come along with Arcee to find Emily, she wasn't in any shape to go back out on the field to find her.

"You're not ready yet. I still have to check you up." Ratchet told her and caused her to sigh as she looked at the computer and prayed to Primus to let them find Emily.

Meanwhile back at the canyon, they were thinking up ways on how to find her as Smokescreen was curious on who Airachnid was. He only heard of her back at the base when they brought Arcee back.

"Hey, guys, you think we'll run into Airachnid?" Smokescreen asks curiously and makes Bumblebee beep and shake his head telling him that they don't know.

"Don't know, but you better be on the lookout, rookie." Bulkhead told him since he already met and fought Airachnid, causing Smokescreen to cross his arms stubbornly.

"I can handle it on my own." Smokescreen told him stubbornly but Jack shook his head as he look at the rookie Autobot with a serious look

"Trust me when I tell you, Smokescreen. You better watch out. Airachnid isn't like the other cons." Jack told him as he clearly remembered he'd encountered her.

"Too bad Arcee isn't here. I mean, she and Airachnid are the worst enemies. Imagine that... boom... pow!" Miko made motions of Arcee kicking and punching Airachnid as they just shook their heads except Optimus at her.

"Yeah, maybe I could track her phone signal. It must be close." Raf said as he took out his laptop.

Raf turned his laptop on and used it to try and find Emily's phone signal but he can't seem to find anything, not even a sign as it was showing only static.

"I-It doesn't work. There's too much interference." Raf told them as they sigh while he turned his laptop off.

"So I guess we can't call her." Miko said while putting her hands on her hips.

"Let's try." Jack smiled and took out his phone and dialed Emily's number as it started to ring.

Jack tried again after the third ring to call Emily, who was at the moment still running. She heard her phone ringing and took it out while running but she was panting slightly and answered it.

"Jack,... is that you?" Emily panted as she continued to run after noticing the caller ID.

"Emily? Where are you? Are you ok? I can't hear you." Jack was relieved as everyone smiled in relief to see that Emily is okay.

"Put it on speaker." Miko told him as he nodded.

Jack pressed the speaker mode on his phone so that everyone one can hear what Emily's saying but the interference made it harder to understand but they could make out a few words.

"If you... can--- ... me... I'm okay. Airachnid fr---... me. I'm running --- from her."

They only can make out a few words but the static is making it harder to understand.

"We can't hear you, there's too much static." Raf said as they looked at each other.

"Emily, if you can hear me, we're here to find you. Stay where you are." Jack told her through the phone as best she could.

Emily tries to hear what Jack was trying to say but she can only hear static coming out of her phone.

"Jack? Jack?" Emily tried to call but the static wasn't making it easy.

Jack tries to listen to Emily but can only hear static as the others are watching worriedly.

"Emily?" Jack tried to call her before sighing and turning his phone off.

"The interference is still kicking in." Raf said as Optimus contacted Ratchet back at the base.

"Ratchet, can you trace Emily's phone signal?" Optimus asked but the interference was making it hard to communicate.

Back at the base, Ratchet tried to tell Optimus that he can't hear him due to the interference and static.

"Optimus, I can't hear you. There's too much interference." Ratchet said as Arcee was getting worried.

"Something bad must've happened to them." Arcee looked at the computer. If they can't communicate, the others will have to look for her on foot.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Ratchet told her as she let out a sigh. As they can do for now is wait for them and wish them luck

Meanwhile back at the canyon, the Autobots and their three human friends are still trying to find Emily but have had no success in communication. They can't track or call her.

"Well, look at that, we're completely incommunicado." Jack said sarcastically as he put his phone back in his pocket after trying another time to call.

"Bummer." Miko frowned as she was getting worried for Emily

"This is getting kind of scary." Raf said while shaking slightly as Bumblebee beeped for him to calm down even though the scout was scared too.

"No. Maybe? Perhaps? Okay a lot." Miko said as she was obviously trying not to panic.

"No need to be afraid. We're just in a canyon waiting to find a con who looks like a spider." The word spiders made Miko shudder in fear due to her arachnophobia.

"Please don't remind me about that. Just thinking about it grosses me out. I hate spiders, especially con spiders. It's worse." Bulkhead, Raf, Bumblebee and Jack had to stop themselves from laughing since they remembered how she reacted after they got rid of the scraplets months ago.

"Tell me about it." Jack rolled his eyes but he had a small smile and a playful look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, guys, we got the bots to protect us." Raf calmed down by now as Bumblebee beeped and nodded in agreement to Raf.

"Thanks, Bee." Bumblebee seemed to smile happily down at him before they all turned to Optimus who had a plan in mind.

"Autobots, stay on high alert. Airachnid can be preparing herself to ambush us." They nodded in agreement as Bulkhead smashed his servos together.

"Let her come. I'll squash her like a bee. No offense, Bee." Bulkhead looked at Bumblebee who beeped and gestured to him that he takes no offense to it.

"Autobots, if we are to find our lost friend, we must go our separate ways." This made Miko tense up slightly in fear. Just like any horror movie that she knows, splitting is bad cause it always leads to others going missing or getting captured.

"You mean... go out there alone?" Miko looked at Optimus like he was crazy but Optimus nodded. If they split up, they'll cover more ground and the faster they could find Emily.

"What's wrong, Miko? Are you scared?" Jack teased playfully as Miko gave him a look.

"You're pushing your luck, Jack." She replied while crossing her arms.

"Calm down, Miko, none of you will go out there alone. You will all go into groups of two. Bulkhead with Miko." Optimus told her calmly before assigning who is with who.

"Sweet." Miko cheered as Bulkhead grinned at his friend.

"Raf with Bumblebee." This made Raf and Bumblebee smile as Bumblebee beeped saying that he was happy to be paired up with Raf and little brother in bond.

"Me too, Bee." Raf laughed slightly as he smiled brightly up to the yellow and black scout.

"And Jack will go with Smokescreen." Jack nodded as he stood beside the rookie.

"Roger that, Optimus." Jack told him as Optimus smiled slightly at seeing how mature Jack was compared to before.

"Optimus, with all due respect, let me go out with you. You might need my help." Smokescreen wasn't complaining about being paired up with the raven haired boy but he wanted to make sure that Optimus will be okay.

"I appreciate your concern, Smokescreen. But it's best if you go along with the plan. In case I run into Airachnid, I might be the only one who can stop her." Optimus told him sternly as the rookie nodded and saluted.

"Yes, sir. I understand." Smokescreen smiled down at Jack who nodded with a smile.

"Autobots, fan out. And don't let your guard down." Optimus told them as they nodded,

"Sure thing, Prime" Bulkhead said as Bumblebee beeped in agreement.

"No worries, sir." Smokescreen nodded.

"Let's go." Jack looked up to Smokescreen as they both nodded in agreement as they both went in a direction.

"See you later, guys." Miko waved as she and Bulkhead went in one direction.

"Be careful." Raf told them as he and Bumblebee went in another.

The Autobots then split up with their human partners but without knowing that someone's watching and that someone was Airachnid who smiled sisterly as she knew that they would come.

"My prey. Let's start with the big one." She purred as she looked to where Bulkhead and Miko were heading.

With Bulkhead and Miko, the duo were looking in every direction on where Emily could be while Bulkhead warned her about Airachnid.

"Now listen up, Miko, Airachnid is dangerous. So keep your eyes open and stay at my side." Bulkhead told her as she nodded and gave a brave look

"Okay. I got this, Bulkhead." Miko nodded enthusiastically before screaming like a little girl when she heard something strange and it sent bad vibes down her spine

"Did you just scream like a..." Bulkhead restrained a laugh from escaping. The only time when he heard Miko scream like that was when a spider crawled across her shoe.

Miko starts giving Bulkhead a serious look as if she's telling him not to say what he was about to say and to not tell this to the others.

"Nevermind." Bulkhead shook his head but made a reminder not to get on Miko's bad side.

They both continue walking but Miko couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu at the moment as she remembered something similar to their situation.

"Uh, Bulk, don't you have a feeling of déjà vu here?" Miko asked while gesturing to the canyon in front of them.

"Yeah. I'd rather be trying to find scraplets than that." Bulkhead shuddered at the thought of the termite eating pests that almost destroyed the base.

"Remember, Bulkhead. We're doing this to help our friend." Miko reminded him as she forgot about their small scene a moment ago.

"Right." Bulkhead nodded before the two of them froze when they heard something strange to their left

"Stay here and don't move." Bulkhead told Miko as he prepared his weapon.

"Got it." Miko nodded as she looked around nervously.

Bulkhead was about to check out to see what was that noise and who made it but he stepped into something sticky.

"What's that?" He asked curiously as he looked down.

When he looks at his pedes, he sees that he stepped into Airachnid's web and he realized that it was a trap.

"Uh oh." Bulkhead muttered to himself.

Suddenly Bulkhead gets dragged underground as he lets out a scream of surprise and causes Miko to run to him and to help him.

"Bulkhead!" Miko yelled in horror and fear as she ran to the hole and saw Bulkhead digging his digits on the ground as something was pulling him.

"Miko! Run! Run!" Bulkhead looked up to her as she nodded as she got up and started to run as small tears ran down her cheeks.

Miko started to run away faster while Bulkhead got dragged further underground as his screams were soon muffled.

With Bumblebee and Raf, they were both keeping an eye out for Emily and possibly Airachnid as Raf was staying close to his friend and guardian.

"Keep your eyes open, Bee. Emily must be close." Raf told him as he knew and hoped that they might run into Emily.

Bumblebee beeped and Raf knew that he was saying that they might bump into Airachnid instead and it made the 12 year old to shudder slightly.

"Yeah Airachnid too. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be alright." Raf smiled up at him before they both stopped at seeing something in front of them.

Raf and Bumblebee looked in front of them only to find a bunch of holes. Bumblebee beeped and told Raf to stay behind him as he readied his gun

"Be careful, Bee." Raf said as he watched his friend go to one of the holes while looking around nervously.

Bumblebee kneeled down and checked one of the holes. Suddenly he gets caught in shots of web fluid coming from all the holes and sticking him against the floor and poor Bumblebee is completely immobilized as he struggles to free himself.

"Bumblebee!" Raf yelled in fear as he ran to help him but seeing Bumblebee looking at him made him stop.

Bumblebee beeped to tell Raf to run away and to not worry about him. Raf hesitantly turns back and starts running away and hopes that Bumblebee will be okay. Once Raf was out of sight, Bumblebee couldn't help beep while struggling to get out of the sticky mess and hoped that the others were okay.

Meanwhile Jack and Smokescreen, the two are looking out for Emily and possibly Airachnid while the two talk.

"Think she's close?" Smokescreen asked. As much as he wanted to find Emily, he wanted to teach Airachnid a lesson for taking their ally and friend.

"You mean Airachnid? I'm not sure. I hope we don't bump into her." Jack said as he shuddered at the unpleasant feeling of the thought of seeing Airachnid again.

"I do. I bet I can win against her." Smokescreen told him as he had a grin at the thought of beating Airachnid.

"No one can win against her, Smokescreen. You don't know what she's capable of and you don't want to find out." Jack tried to make him see how dangerous the spider con is.

"I'm not scared of her." Smokescreen told him before they both froze and could hear something coming from their right.

"What was that?" Smokescreen asked tensely.

"I don't know but we better check it out." Jack told him but he was having a bad feeling about this.

"I'll go." Smokescreen told him as he readied his gun as he went to where the noise came from but saw nothing.

"Nothing." Smokescreen told him in confusion.

Just as they were about to continue their search, a web shot came out of nowhere and Smokescreen got stuck to a wall. He tries to get free but doesn't succeed.

"I'm stuck! Run, Jack! Get out of here! Hurry!" Smokescreen told Jack who nodded and started to run as Smokescreen struggled to get free.

Jack starts to run away and as he turns a corner, someone suddenly grabs him and covers his mouth to stop a yelp of surprise and motioned for him to be silent.

"Be quiet." Jack was instantly filled with relief as he turned around and smiled happily and in relief to see that it was Emily who smiled back.

"Emily, you're okay." Jack hugged her as she hugged back before they both pulled away.

"Yeah I'm good. I went looking for you and the others ever since I've received your call. What are you doing here?" Emily told him as he noticed that she was out of breath and guessed it was from the running she did.

"Me and the others came out here to look for you. We got worried." Jack answered her question as she nodded.

"I see. Let's go, we don't have that much time." She gestured for Jack to follow her as they walked somewhere as they were keeping their eyes out for the others and possibly the spider con.

"Where are we going?" Jack curiously asked as she glanced at him.

"To find the others. I assume you brought the others with you." Emily told him but was confused on why Jack was alone.

"But we spread out." Jack told her before they both stopped and realized what might have happened to the others.

"This is bad. Come on. We have to find them." Emily said worriedly as Jack nodded and both started to run to see if they could find the others.

Meanwhile, Optimus was looking around and hoping that the others are okay and that one of the three pairs finds Emily. He was also worried for Emily and it would hurt him so much to know that something bad happened to her. He heard something behind him and he turned around with his mask on and to his surprise, it was Airachnid and she was waiting for him as she had a sinister smile.

"Optimus Prime, what a pleasure to finally see you all alone." Airachnid greeted him as he made sure that he didn't put his guard down.

"Airachnid, release the human girl." Optimus told her as he had to keep his voice from showing anger towards her as she examined her claws.

"Oh yes. Sorry to disappoint you, Prime, but I don't have her anymore." Airachnid told him as she saw how his eyes narrowed slightly and raised a ridge in confusion but was curious. Did Optimus care for the girl that she released and was currently hunting?

"Where is she?" Optimus told her to know where Emily is so they can get her out of the place and far from Airachnid.

"I don't know. I released her. What I do know is that I've captured your other Autobots. Maybe we can come to an agreement." Airachnid shrugged since she was having a hard time tracking the girl but she smiled sinisterly as he saw his eyes widened slightly when she told him she captured the other Autobots.

"It won't happen." Optimus warned her as he switch his servos into his guns

Optimus then starts to use his guns and starts shooting at Airachnid, who dodged Optimus shots that he was throwing at her.

"Is that all you got? I'd expect more from you." Airachnid taunted as she started to fight back

Airachnid starts shooting her web fluid at him but Optimus easily free himself due to his immense strength.

"You will never stop me, Airachnid." Optimus said as he switched his guns for his blades.

"We shall see." Airachnid narrowed her optics.

Both then start to attack each other with Optimus fighting hard against the Decepticon spider while Airachnid tries to fight back against his massive strength. She was able to scratch him against his arm with acid and punched him hard enough to shoot a big set of web fluid that was strong enough to hold him down. Optimus starts to struggle to get free but doesn't succeed as he narrowed his optics at Airachnid who approached him slowly.

"Right now it would be so easy to kill you and gain Megatron's favor. But you're more precious to me as bait." Airachnid told him as he started to struggle even more to free himself.