When John saw that he has unlocked another ability he was shocked but he was happy any why and wanted to test out the ability so he clicked the option where it said: learn new ability, immediately a man was standing in front of John, the man then placed his hand on a scar and immediately the scar disappeared, then the man started to explain how it worked he said, you need to have your mind clear and focus on the cut, you can also heal others, but this ability must not be used often because it can put a restriction on your other ability, but that won't be perminant,it will be for about 4-5 minutes, then you will be able to use it again, after the video John wanted to try the ability so he placed a cut on his arm and placed his arm on the cut then when he saw the arm the cut had disappeared and he could no longer feel the pain, at this time it had already gone dark so he dicided on going home, the next day he went on lookout for more demons, then when he looked at his screen it showed that he needed to kill 20 demon so this day he killed about 5 lower rank demons, then it was time for his daily training and exercise, today was a boring day, until when he went home he saw some blood and got worried and when he went inside, he saw a demon feasting on his sister and mother John was so angry and in an instant he pinned the demon on the wall, and asked him about his boss and the demon replied:I was looking for you but found your mother and sister so I decided to feast on your family and they were delicious so it's time to feast on you, then the demon kicked John but he didn't back of, then John killed the the demon and was very angry and wanted his revenge on his boss so John buried his mother and sister and went on a journey to find their boss, then he asked thomas to help him.