As his words fell, in the distance, Mr. Barry's screams rose again, even more miserable than the last. On closer inspection, it was Beauty Child who, without hesitation, had stepped on Mr. Barry's groin.
Men around sucked in breaths sharply, clearly the source of the hissing noises. Although the foot wasn't on them, it somehow felt just as painful.
On that side, Beauty Child, not satisfied after stepping on Mr. Barry's "three legs," stepped on his chest and said, "Strip."
"Ah? Ah..."
"Didn't you want to have live sex with me? How can we do it if you don't strip?"
"Grandma, I was wrong. I'm sorry, Grandma... hiss hiss hiss, it hurts, it hurts..." Knowing he had encountered a formidable adversary, Mr. Barry quickly changed his tune, adding, "Ancestor, ancestor, let go, please let go..."