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My Destined husband

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Chapter 1

Early in the morning I was getting ready for my new college,I was very excited to make new friends,meet new faces and learn more about the school...

"Bianca, hurry up!" "Coming mom!" I said coming downstairs " Wow you are looking so beautiful today" Elizabeth said "Thank you, Bye" "Bye see you later", On our way to the college,mom was busy telling me to be very careful of boys I shouldn't be influenced by others to get into stupid relationships but rather I should focus on my studies,As mom was still talking my focus was outside as I was busy looking out through the window and enjoying the view "Bianca, are you listening or am I busy talking to myself" I smiled "I heard you clearly mom". We reached St.Paul college, "Please take good care of yourself, my baby" mom said looking worried "Mom you worry too much, don't worry I'm all grown up now" And held her hands, she smiled "Okay baby...Now give mummy a hug" we hugged then I left for class.....

The college hall was full with lots of students, I was just sitting by myself I couldn't remember anyone, I was just a loner, " Hey Bianca!" Guess who was it.... It was Angel,she waved and I also waved back, "Hold on! I'm coming over there" There was a lot of students so she had to scream. A lot of students at our former college hated Angel for the things she did, she was a boss herself,manipulate boys and snatch them from their girlfriends, she was her majesty but in this college nothing like that will happen, "Hey how are you?" she smiled "I'm good.... what brings you here?" I asked but the look she gave me after my question was disappointing "You know since I got enrolled in this college I guess nobody really wants me, so I thought I could befriend you maybe you won't be bad on me" she looked down a moment of silence between our conversation " you and...yeah I guess I'm not that bad I guess" Then we all laughed.....

From that very day we became close friends. On a Saturday morning I was in my room when I heard a lot of noise coming from our neighbors house, I sneaked through the window to see what's going on, I could see some strange people holding bugs boxes, I ran downstairs to disturb mom when she and my sister were watching their favorite TV series, "Mom, what's going on at our neighbors house?" "What happened?" she asked "I saw some people moving things inside the house" "Oh.... I guess we are going to have new neighbors" Mom said "Oooh OK" I went back to my room. Sunday morning I was by the dining table cleaning up the dirt when suddenly I heard a knock from the main door, "I'm coming" I went to open "Hello Mrs Johnsons here" She smiled "Um.... yes.... Hello.... I'm Bianca and.... please come in" I said as I was stuttering, "Bianca! Who is it!?" mom asked coming downstairs "Oh thank God mom is here to help...." "What? Did you say something?"Mrs Johnsons asked "No I wasn't talking" I said then gave her a smile, "OMG! Look at you.....Mariam.... where have you been? come on now give me a hug, Awww its been long and you never gives me just a call to tell me about your marriage life, What made you come here as of today?" Then they gave each other a warm welcome hug, "I came to stay here, I'm your new neighbor, Are you married Anitah?" "Yes I'm married my friend and I was blessed with this two beautiful Angels.... come in,come in" Mariam's phone rang "Oops.... I have to go guess I will visit another time,Bye", Anitah and Mariam were close friends from their childhood the only thing that separated them was marriage which gave Mariam a hard time to talk to her best friend to see how she is, Mariam was married by a very strange and strict man who never allowed her to have fun and hang out with her friends, so Mariam had to give in to every rule her husband gave her, she looked really nervous and tensed when her husband called , she left, " Mom why is she shivering", " Maybe she didn't finish some of the chores",Elizabeth added " Its time for you to go bed Bianca, I guess you didn't forget that tomorrow you have class to attend", Mom said this while walking away, "Yes mom, I know, l have something to do here" I said "Yes you better hurry up", mom screamed going upstairs heading to her room, "Eli, did you notice something about Mrs Johnsons?", I said "Something like what ?", Elizabeth said while clearing the dinning table, " She doesn't look happy and Didn't you notice that her eyes are surrounded by black spots", I said, " Maybe she was tired from cleaning the house since they moved in",Elizabeth said " No... you silly.... It means she was beaten up", I said walking towards the couch, " Yeah, yeah maybe but I don't think so, who would do such a thing", " You know Elizabeth I think her husband is really abusive", I said heading to the stairs " But then why doesn't she report him to the police?", Elizabeth said while following me to the stairs, " Its not that easy to hand over the one that you love to the police", I said as I wanted to go to my room, " Yes its very true", Elizabeth said " Okay Goodnight,I will see you tomorrow", I went straight to my room.The following day we were in class waiting for the lecture to arrive, I was just sitting there with my friend Angel chating and suddenly Rachel just arrived there with a very nice and handsome guy, " Is that her boyfriend?", Angel asked, " Who knows, maybe..." I uttered, " Quiet,quiet everybody settle down and listen", The lecture said " I feel like slapping her, or maybe I should befriend the guy?" Angel whispered , " Shhhhh..... keep quiet will talk after class", I whispered back, Lunch arrived we went to the dining hall for our lunch, sat down to eat and that same guy who was with Rachel arrive , " May I?", He said pointing towards an unoccupied chair," Yes you may", Angel said and she pinched me," Ouch!!" , I screamed " What is it?" He asked "No its nothing", I said " By the way I'm Gabriel Johnsons", He said, " Oh..... nice to meet you Gabriel..... I'm Bianca and this is my friend Angel", I said, "Nice.....", He said, " Bianca look....", Angel said when she saw Rachel entering the dining hall,The look she gave us it wasn't impressive at all, "Um.... Gabriel.... guess will see you another time, come on Angie let's go", I said " Bye Gabie", Angel said, "Hey..... wait.... I have,.....Argh", He rubbed his hair "Hey darling", Rachel smiled at him "Hi, how are you?" He said while walking away, " But.....where are you going? I just arrived let's sit and talk....", Rachel said "Will talk tomorrow,Bye", He left,Rachel was left heartbroken cause her mind was telling her that Gabriel was after Bianca. Two days pasted since I've known Gabriel but there was a problem with Rachel, she's been telling me to stay away from her boyfriend. Saturday evening I was by the gate picking up the trash when I met up with Gabriel, " Hi...Bianca", He smiled " Hey, how are you?", I said moving towards where Gabriel was standing, " I'm great,just that I'm bored sitting in the house,so I was thinking of taking a walk", He said, "Oo oh.... OK nice , but we can just sit by the varenda and have a small conversation", I said "Okay Ms..." He said while walking behind my back, " Have a seat, I'm sorry about yesterday, its just that I was just in a hurry,so I had to go...." I said, "No, its OK actually I understand, I was about to ask you, aren't you a friend with Rachel", Gabriel said, " No we aren't friends....", I said, "okay... I really miss my friends, Um....Do you have a boyfriend?", He said, " No! I'm just an innocent person I know nothing about relationships", I laughed out loud after saying that, "Are you serious? you might be lying", He smiled, " Honestly speaking I was kidding , I used to have a boyfriend but not anymore", I said but this broke my heart to say that so I had to stand up, " Are you going somewhere?", He asked, " Yes I have to go and prepare myself for tomorrow, guess will meet again tomorrow maybe", I said, "OK.... Bye", He left. The following day at school we were by the corridor heading to the library, Rachel came our way with her two friends, " Hey you foolish girl", She said while chewing gum, "Whom are you referring to as foolish?", Angel asked stepping towards her, I stopped her by holding her on the shoulder , " Let her talk we don't argue with stupid and bossy people, come on let's go", I said then we passed through her,she was left there ," come on should have left me harmer her, I don't joke with such people", Angel said, "You are not in this college for arguments but you are here to study,now come let's go to the library", I said, All I knew was that I had to make my parents really proud I didn't want to disappoint them, "Do you have a sister? How old is she?",Angel asked, "Yes..... I do, have a seat, she is 27years old , Her name is Elizabeth,she is my only sister",I said, we sat down to study suddenly Gabriel arrived, "Hi....Can I join you guys?",He said, I looked at him then looked at Angel, she said," Yes.... you can..... we really need someone to help us", she smiled, "I don't think we need another companion, I...", I said but I couldn't continue talking cause Angel interrupted me," Don't mind her, come on sit down", She said, "Ooh.... Thank you", He said as he was pulling out a chair to seat, " So.... are you ready?", Angel said, "Yeah.... um.... yeah..... I'm ready", He said as his eyes were over me, I stood up with my books over my hands," Um.... I guess I'm done with my study for today, so... I will have to leave... Bye, see you", As I was about to leave Angel pulled me by the corner, "What is all of this? Aren't you happy that he is here with us? Don't be so rude Bianca please", Angel whispering," I can't take it anymore Angel, you know how Rachel is, right? so I can be rude to protect myself", I said then immediately I left the library. I remember when I was a young little girl and daddy will pamper me, gives me whatever I want,Not anymore when he can scold me but not that much, its because I'm all grown up now and he wants the best for me, I was on my way home before I could leave the college gate I saw Rachel by the gate with some of our classmates, I could see that somehow,somewhere she was waiting for someone,When she saw me, she stopped everything that she was doing,When I reached the gate,Mom's car arrived," Hey Bianca.... come let's go", Elizabeth said then I jumped in," Hi,Where's mom?Why are you driving her car?", I asked," Don't worry today its my turn to pick you up from school you know... um..... honestly mom is at home ", she said, " OK.....", I said, "so.... how was school?", She said as I know her, she never keeps quite," It wasn't bad ". I couldn't take Rachel's behavior out of my mind, all I remember is that the way she treats me it might affect my education, Elizabeth quietly interrupted," Madam..... what are you busy thinking about? you are here but your mind isn't here," I looked at her ," Its nothing just that I'm exhausted just wanna reach home", " Don't worry we are almost home and guess what?...I forgot to tell you, I got a new job and this makes me happy cause mom and Dad are really happy ", she said with an excited look on her face,"Wow..... that's exciting news, I can imagine you going to work, wow". We reached home, when I got into the house found mom by the couch " Hi mom", I passed through straight to my room, "Hi...What's wrong with her? she never behave this way. Elizabeth what did you do to her?" mom said " Since from school she was that way, I don't know what's wrong either" she dropped the car keys then she headed to her room. College day was a miserable day for me, every time I think of it I feel sick, As I was on my way to the library " Hello foolish girl", Rachel and her stupid girls "What else do you want Rachel?" I felt like vomiting talking to her " Don't feel high madam, I'm not her to make you feel special, I'm here to give you a warning" "You know what I'm not here for jokes please allow me to pass, you are wasting my time", I said "wait,wait I'm not done here, let me tell you, stay away from Gabriel, he is only mine, mine alone" she said then they all left "Stupid girl, is she crazy I feel like giving her just a fist , all she does is to fight for man, in this college we are here for studies, she was calling me foolish, she is mad, really mad" Talking to myself was the best way to relieve stress, I couldn't imagine the way she embarrassed me in front of her friends I really hate it, "And whom are you talking to?" Gabriel interrupted from behind my back "I was talking to myself, please have a seat I want to discuss something important with you" "Thank you, I'm glad you allowed me to study with you today" " Yes its because I wanted to talk to you, um.... let me hit straight to the point,like.... I'm fed up now since the very first day that we became friends I don't enjoy coming to college anymore" I stopped giving him a chance to speak " Am I the cause of that" " Yes..... I mean yes but if you are dating someone just tell the other person to stay away" " What do you mean Bianca? I don't understand your point here try to explain yourself well" " My point here is that please tell Rachel to stop harassing me I'm not here to fight over boys rather I'm here to study just tell her that you and I aren't dating, Are you guys dating?" " No....we aren't dating, honestly speaking I've been close to her cause I knew nobody, we are just friends but the honest truth is that from the very first day I set my eyes on you , I fell in love with you.... i mean... yes its very true I just love you" How shocking it was for Gabriel to confess his love for me, I felt like a foolish person indeed " I have to go guess I will see you another day bye" I left the library, I wasn't really happy about all that happened at school today.