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My Destined Husband

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The first day Bianca fell in love with Gabriel she was so scared to tell him cause she thought she will be betrayed just like her ex-lover Prince betrayed her, so as time went on she realized how much Gabriel really loves her so she had to give in, Their feelings for each other grew more deeper and suddenly in the end they got married

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - My Destined Husband

Chapter 1
Early in the morning I was getting ready for my new college,I was very excited to make new friends,meet new faces and learn more about the school...
"Bianca, hurry up!" "Coming mom!" I said coming downstairs " Wow you are looking so beautiful today" Elizabeth said "Thank you, Bye" "Bye see you later", On our way to the college,mom was busy telling me to be very careful of boys I shouldn't be influenced by others to get into stupid relationships but rather I should focus on my studies,As mom was still talking my focus was outside as I was busy looking out through the window and enjoying the view "Bianca, are you listening or am I busy talking to myself" I smiled "I heard you clearly mom". We reached St.Paul college, "Please take good care of yourself, my baby" mom said looking worried "Mom you worry too much, don't worry I'm all grown up now" And held her hands, she smiled "Okay baby...Now give mummy a hug" we hugged then I left for class.....

The college hall was full with lots of students, I was just sitting by myself I couldn't remember anyone, I was just a loner, " Hey Bianca!" Guess who was it.... It was Angel,she waved and I also waved back, "Hold on! I'm coming over there" There was a lot of students so she had to scream. A lot of students at our former college hated Angel for the things she did, she was a boss herself,manipulate boys and snatch them from their girlfriends, she was her majesty but in this college nothing like that will happen, "Hey how are you?" she smiled "I'm good.... what brings you here?" I asked but the look she gave me after my question was disappointing "You know since I got enrolled in this college I guess nobody really wants me, so I thought I could befriend you maybe you won't be bad on me" she looked down a moment of silence between our conversation " you and...yeah I guess I'm not that bad I guess" Then we all laughed.....
From that very day we became close friends. On a Saturday morning I was in my room when I heard a lot of noise coming from our neighbors house, I sneaked through the window to see what's going on, I could see some strange people holding bugs boxes, I ran downstairs to disturb mom when she and my sister were watching their favorite TV series, "Mom, what's going on at our neighbors house?" "What happened?" she asked "I saw some people moving things inside the house" "Oh.... I guess we are going to have new neighbors" Mom said "Oooh OK" I went back to my room. Sunday morning I was by the dining table cleaning up the dirt when suddenly I heard a knock from the main door, "I'm coming" I went to open "Hello Mrs Johnsons here" She smiled "Um.... yes.... Hello.... I'm Bianca and.... please come in" I said as I was stuttering, "Bianca! Who is it!?" mom asked coming downstairs "Oh thank God mom is here to help...." "What? Did you say something?"Mrs Johnsons asked "No I wasn't talking" I said then gave her a smile, "OMG! Look at you.....Mariam.... where have you been? come on now give me a hug, Awww its been long and you never gives me just a call to tell me about your marriage life, What made you come here as of today?" Then they gave each other a warm welcome hug, "I came to stay here, I'm your new neighbor, Are you married Anitah?" "Yes I'm married my friend and I was blessed with this two beautiful Angels.... come in,come in" Mariam's phone rang "Oops.... I have to go guess I will visit another time,Bye", Anitah and Mariam were close friends from their childhood the only thing that separated them was marriage which gave Mariam a hard time to talk to her best friend to see how she is, Mariam was married by a very strange and strict man who never allowed her to have fun and hang out with her friends, so Mariam had to give in to every rule her husband gave her, she looked really nervous and tensed when her husband called , she left, " Mom why is she shivering", " Maybe she didn't finish some of the chores",Elizabeth added " Its time for you to go bed Bianca, I guess you didn't forget that tomorrow you have class to attend", Mom said this while walking away, "Yes mom, I know, l have something to do here" I said "Yes you better hurry up", mom screamed going upstairs heading to her room, "Eli, did you notice something about Mrs Johnsons?", I said "Something like what ?", Elizabeth said while clearing the dinning table, " She doesn't look happy and Didn't you notice that her eyes are surrounded by black spots", I said, " Maybe she was tired from cleaning the house since they moved in",Elizabeth said " No... you silly.... It means she was beaten up", I said walking towards the couch, " Yeah, yeah maybe but I don't think so, who would do such a thing", " You know Elizabeth I think her husband is really abusive", I said heading to the stairs " But then why doesn't she report him to the police?", Elizabeth said while following me to the stairs, " Its not that easy to hand over the one that you love to the police", I said as I wanted to go to my room, " Yes its very true", Elizabeth said " Okay Goodnight,I will see you tomorrow", I went straight to my room.The following day we were in class waiting for the lecture to arrive, I was just sitting there with my friend Angel chating and suddenly Rachel just arrived there with a very nice and handsome guy, " Is that her boyfriend?", Angel asked, " Who knows, maybe..." I uttered, " Quiet,quiet everybody settle down and listen", The lecture said " I feel like slapping her, or maybe I should befriend the guy?" Angel whispered , " Shhhhh..... keep quiet will talk after class", I whispered back, Lunch arrived we went to the dining hall for our lunch, sat down to eat and that same guy who was with Rachel arrive , " May I?", He said pointing towards an unoccupied chair," Yes you may", Angel said and she pinched me," Ouch!!" , I screamed " What is it?" He asked "No its nothing", I said " By the way I'm Gabriel Johnsons", He said, " Oh..... nice to meet you Gabriel..... I'm Bianca and this is my friend Angel", I said, "Nice.....", He said, " Bianca look....", Angel said when she saw Rachel entering the dining hall,The look she gave us it wasn't impressive at all, "Um.... Gabriel.... guess will see you another time, come on Angie let's go", I said " Bye Gabie", Angel said, "Hey..... wait.... I have,.....Argh", He rubbed his hair "Hey darling", Rachel smiled at him "Hi, how are you?" He said while walking away, " But.....where are you going? I just arrived let's sit and talk....", Rachel said "Will talk tomorrow,Bye", He left,Rachel was left heartbroken cause her mind was telling her that Gabriel was after Bianca. Two days pasted since I've known Gabriel but there was a problem with Rachel, she's been telling me to stay away from her boyfriend. Saturday evening I was by the gate picking up the trash when I met up with Gabriel, " Hi...Bianca", He smiled " Hey, how are you?", I said moving towards where Gabriel was standing, " I'm great,just that I'm bored sitting in the house,so I was thinking of taking a walk", He said, "Oo oh.... OK nice , but we can just sit by the varenda and have a small conversation", I said "Okay Ms..." He said while walking behind my back, " Have a seat, I'm sorry about yesterday, its just that I was just in a hurry,so I had to go...." I said, "No, its OK actually I understand, I was about to ask you, aren't you a friend with Rachel", Gabriel said, " No we aren't friends....", I said, "okay... I really miss my friends, Um....Do you have a boyfriend?", He said, " No! I'm just an innocent person I know nothing about relationships", I laughed out loud after saying that, "Are you serious? you might be lying", He smiled, " Honestly speaking I was kidding , I used to have a boyfriend but not anymore", I said but this broke my heart to say that so I had to stand up, " Are you going somewhere?", He asked, " Yes I have to go and prepare myself for tomorrow, guess will meet again tomorrow maybe", I said, "OK.... Bye", He left. The following day at school we were by the corridor heading to the library, Rachel came our way with her two friends, " Hey you foolish girl", She said while chewing gum, "Whom are you referring to as foolish?", Angel asked stepping towards her, I stopped her by holding her on the shoulder , " Let her talk we don't argue with stupid and bossy people, come on let's go", I said then we passed through her,she was left there ," come on should have left me harmer her, I don't joke with such people", Angel said, "You are not in this college for arguments but you are here to study,now come let's go to the library", I said, All I knew was that I had to make my parents really proud I didn't want to disappoint them, "Do you have a sister? How old is she?",Angel asked, "Yes..... I do, have a seat, she is 27years old , Her name is Elizabeth,she is my only sister",I said, we sat down to study suddenly Gabriel arrived, "Hi....Can I join you guys?",He said, I looked at him then looked at Angel, she said," Yes.... you can..... we really need someone to help us", she smiled, "I don't think we need another companion, I...", I said but I couldn't continue talking cause Angel interrupted me," Don't mind her, come on sit down", She said, "Ooh.... Thank you", He said as he was pulling out a chair to seat, " So.... are you ready?", Angel said, "Yeah.... um.... yeah..... I'm ready", He said as his eyes were over me, I stood up with my books over my hands," Um.... I guess I'm done with my study for today, so... I will have to leave... Bye, see you", As I was about to leave Angel pulled me by the corner, "What is all of this? Aren't you happy that he is here with us? Don't be so rude Bianca please", Angel whispering," I can't take it anymore Angel, you know how Rachel is, right? so I can be rude to protect myself", I said then immediately I left the library. I remember when I was a young little girl and daddy will pamper me, gives me whatever I want,Not anymore when he can scold me but not that much, its because I'm all grown up now and he wants the best for me, I was on my way home before I could leave the college gate I saw Rachel by the gate with some of our classmates, I could see that somehow,somewhere she was waiting for someone,When she saw me, she stopped everything that she was doing,When I reached the gate,Mom's car arrived," Hey Bianca.... come let's go", Elizabeth said then I jumped in," Hi,Where's mom?Why are you driving her car?", I asked," Don't worry today its my turn to pick you up from school you know... um..... honestly mom is at home ", she said, " OK.....", I said, "so.... how was school?", She said as I know her, she never keeps quite," It wasn't bad ". I couldn't take Rachel's behavior out of my mind, all I remember is that the way she treats me it might affect my education, Elizabeth quietly interrupted," Madam..... what are you busy thinking about? you are here but your mind isn't here," I looked at her ," Its nothing just that I'm exhausted just wanna reach home", " Don't worry we are almost home and guess what?...I forgot to tell you, I got a new job and this makes me happy cause mom and Dad are really happy ", she said with an excited look on her face,"Wow..... that's exciting news, I can imagine you going to work, wow". We reached home, when I got into the house found mom by the couch " Hi mom", I passed through straight to my room, "Hi...What's wrong with her? she never behave this way. Elizabeth what did you do to her?" mom said " Since from school she was that way, I don't know what's wrong either" she dropped the car keys then she headed to her room. College day was a miserable day for me, every time I think of it I feel sick, As I was on my way to the library " Hello foolish girl", Rachel and her stupid girls "What else do you want Rachel?" I felt like vomiting talking to her " Don't feel high madam, I'm not her to make you feel special, I'm here to give you a warning" "You know what I'm not here for jokes please allow me to pass, you are wasting my time", I said "wait,wait I'm not done here, let me tell you, stay away from Gabriel, he is only mine, mine alone" she said then they all left "Stupid girl, is she crazy I feel like giving her just a fist , all she does is to fight for man, in this college we are here for studies, she was calling me foolish, she is mad, really mad" Talking to myself was the best way to relieve stress, I couldn't imagine the way she embarrassed me in front of her friends I really hate it, "And whom are you talking to?" Gabriel interrupted from behind my back "I was talking to myself, please have a seat I want to discuss something important with you" "Thank you, I'm glad you allowed me to study with you today" " Yes its because I wanted to talk to you, um.... let me hit straight to the point,like.... I'm fed up now since the very first day that we became friends I don't enjoy coming to college anymore" I stopped giving him a chance to speak " Am I the cause of that" " Yes..... I mean yes but if you are dating someone just tell the other person to stay away" " What do you mean Bianca? I don't understand your point here try to explain yourself well" " My point here is that please tell Rachel to stop harassing me I'm not here to fight over boys rather I'm here to study just tell her that you and I aren't dating, Are you guys dating?" " No....we aren't dating, honestly speaking I've been close to her cause I knew nobody, we are just friends but the honest truth is that from the very first day I set my eyes on you , I fell in love with you.... i mean... yes its very true I just love you" How shocking it was for Gabriel to confess his love for me, I felt like a foolish person indeed " I have to go guess I will see you another day bye" I left the library, I wasn't really happy about all that happened at school today.


It's been three years since I knew how Gabriel feels about me so I've been ignoring him for the sake of Rachel because she's been disturbing me from my studies, I didn't want my father to be angry at me I only wanted to make him happy just like Elizabeth did when she finished her studies,father was really happy so I just want the same for me too, "Hey Angie" Gabriel said coming from the library's way "Hey.... Gabriel, what brings you here?" she smiled, " I.... was... looking for Bianca....yeah I was looking for Bianca, have any idea?" he said " Nope I didn't see her today, um.... let me try her number" she said then removed her phone to call, " Uh.... its Ringing.... its ringing,Hey Bianca", I was enjoying my sleep suddenly she disturbed me, " Yes Angel, what is it?" " What!? Are you sleeping? Aren't you coming to school today?", " Yes I don't feel like coming today", I said " Stupid girl.... OK no problem, hang up bye", "Bye" then immediately I went back to sleep, "Where's she?" Gabriel consciously wanted to know "She is home sleeping, this friend of mine is unbelievable", She shook her head "No.... she isn't I'm the one at fault here" "What do you mean?Gabriel" He pulled her by the corner "Look Angel.... is it my fault loving someone?" "No its not your fault... but I don't get this..." "Try to understand, OK let me tell you what happened, yesterday I was in the library with Bianca and she told me that Rachel doesn't treat her well, so I said I will try and talk to Rachel, and from there I.... I... I told her that... that...I told her that I'm deeply in love with her, suddenly she stood up and told me we will meet again" "Oh wow did you say that to her, wow wow wow" with happiness Angel jumped up and down at the same time clapping hands "Angel,Angel calm down I need to talk to her eagerly" " No no no I will talk to her myself don't worry" " Okay thank you, will see you then Bye".Two days pasted and I haven't been going to school but I lied to mom that I'm not well, Door bell rang "I'm coming" mom went to see who was it "Oh Hello how may I help you?" "Hello Mrs Dube, I'm Angel,Bianca's friend... I'm here to see Bianca" "Oh OK she is in her room, she isn't well, go upstairs the second room from your left, OK go now" " Thank you Mrs" I was so shocked to see Angel here "Knock, knock Wake up, I know you aren't sick" Angel said "Hi Angel, What brings you here? is mom around?" I said "Yes.... she is the one who directed me here " " Oh so why are you here?" I woke up to sit down so I could hear why she came " Come on my dear best I wrong to come and see my friend" she drop her bag on my bed "OK so how was school all along" I asked " School is well, no changes and Exams are coming next week, you better prepare yourself Madam" She said "OK..... Thank you anything Angel,you know why I don't feel like going to school.... I'm feeling suffocated to see Rachel and...." Quickly she interrupted " You don't wanna see Gabriel, but why Bianca, he told me everything, you are my friend and all that will make you happy I'll support you...." I interrupted her "No!Angel... I don't want him.... like I don't want to be in a relationship anymore" "But why?.... he is a good and decent person" " No I said I don't want him and that's final, I'm done talking", I said " Okay...." Angel said.Few days pasted on and I haven't heard from Gabriel, I went to Elizabeth's room to talk about Gabriel's feelings for me "Come on Bianca you know Gabriel is a nice person, he is a decent,cute and respectful guy" " Yes I know,but Elizabeth..... you are my sister.... I know every sister will wish good for their younger sisters.....he is not a bad person I know but.... my biggest fear is Rachel who's been after me for the past few years", " Bianca.... my sister be honest with me, Do you love Gabriel?" "Um.... yes.... I mean yes I do love him"I said "Well then go and confess your feelings for him.... he will then see what to do he is a man after all". A week passed on , I was on my way to school, "Bianca!" I turned to see who was calling out for me and that was Angel "Hey love!" I smiled then gave her a warm hug "How are you? I thought you won't talk to me anymore because I came to your house that day to talk about Gabriel" She said but I wasn't really angry with her I don't know why she would think that way "Oh come on Angel..... you are the only person I have in this college then why would I be angry with you..... anyways forget about that,I really missed you my friend" " Awwww I missed you more sweetheart..... Can I ask you something?" "Yes go ahead" As we were on our way to the class " Aren't you gonna talk to Gabriel?" "ooh yes.... I wanted to talk to him.... but I don't know how.... cause you know how Rachel is, she...." Angel interrupted me "No no no don't be stupid my friend, Gabriel is not dating Rachel,so you better take her out of your mind and focus on Gabriel"She said " OK I will meet him after class" the moment we were about to enter in the class, Rachel blocked our way "Welcome Ms foolish girl, I'm happy to see you today thats good..... its good you came back I was eagerly waiting for you" she said " Enough! Enough!.... Guys behave like Adults you aren't kids anymore..... What kind of Behavior is this?" He said, he was really angry this time he had no time for flirting with anybody "It was Bi..." Gabriel interrupted Rachel " Shut up! Shut up!Rachel, I don't need your explanation, You know what Rachel I'm really fed up of your irritating behavior, Excuse me let me pass" He pushed her,Rachel was left there with teary eyes "Great.... I guess thats what you deserve" Angel said then we went to our seats and Gabriel came to sit near us "Hello Bianca....How are you?" we looked at each other eye to eye, I could see how much he really cares and the love he really has for me, Suddenly I got lost in my thoughts I was in my own world thinking about me and him enjoying our love life "Why am I treating him badly when he really cares about me? Should I just tell him about my feelings or should I just ignore them,he might be playing with my feelings just like Prince did and left me heartbroken" " Hello madam.... What happened to you? Are you lost somewhere? talk to us" Angel said cause she was trying her best to unite me and Gabriel, The only way to stay away from Gabriel was to leave him alone and tell him nothing, Because I can't let my past repeat itself on me again all that happened back in high school it left me really heartbroken, I loved a guy named Prince he was my one and only lover boy, we used to be happy together ,he treated me like a queen,we were in our love world, until a girl named Melissa ruined everything by coming in between us to snatch my lover away from me so I can't allow the same "What really happened between you guys? What's going on?" Gabriel asked me, I started shaking my heart was beating really fast as Gabriel came near me, "Um.... I.... um.... Rachel has been after me from the very first day I knew you, she.... she has been telling me to stay away from you..... you... you are only hers.... you belong to her, so I told her that there's nothing really going on between us" All eyes on us, the whole class was listening "ooh really.... but I guess you know the actual truth that there's nothing between me and..... Rachel.... I only love you Bianca, And nobody else" He said and then he started holding my hands " No! no! thats not true.... you.... you.... only love me Gabriel say that tell the world that am yours..... you are mine ... I love you, she is not your type..... I'm good for you.... I'm good for you Gabriel" Rachel said with tears flowing down her cheeks "In your own dream Rachel" Angel said "Rachel listen, being your friend and being close to you doesn't mean we are dating no! I was only caring just cause you also cared about me" Gabriel said, as I was standing there like a statue, I had nothing to say I was just speechless, people were looking at me like I was some kind of a crazy woman. Immediately I remembered what mom told me the first day she came to drop me at this college, Boys are betrayers and sweet talkers,this is what I said in my heart "Yes its true all boys are the same betrayers,players, sweet talkers just like prince betrayed me with Melissa,firstly he made me fall in love with him..... Now I have to talk to Angel and Gabriel that I don't like this" Before saying anything my heart started beating fast "Guys...." All eyes on me " Enough of this drama..... Come on Angel let's go" I held her hand then we left the crowd. When I got home Elizabeth was by the living room doing her work staff " Hey....What's up? Why do you look so tired?" She looked at me emotionally "Its nothing" I sat down "Come on.... you can tell me" She said "Elizabeth its nothing I said" I said " Okay then tell me how did it go between you and Gabriel" " Arggh.... Elizabeth... don't you have anything to talk about apart from.... my head is really aching all because of him" I stood up to get myself a glass of water " What really happened?Bianca" " There was a misunderstanding" I looked at her then smiled "What misunderstanding?" she looked confused "OK let me tell you" I sat down and told her everything that happened. Gabriel arrived at their house "Oh my boy you are back, Sit down and have something to eat" Mrs Johnsons said "No mom I'm not hungry right now maybe later " he said "Okay...are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" she asked "Yes mom I have to visit a friend, we have a class project that we are about to do, Bye mom will see you later" He kissed his mom by the forehead, " Ooh my,my tell me you are lying Bianca and what did you tell him?" Elizabeth said with an excited face "I said nothing" "Stupid girl, Why d....." We got disturbed by the knock " I will get it" Elizabeth said heading towards the door "Hey! mo.... Gabriel what brings you here at this hour?" Elizabeth said "Hello... um.. its quite strange I know, but can I please have a word with your sister please" He said "Yes yes come in our parents aren't around, feel free" Elizabeth said "Thank you"He said "Bianca look who came to see you" She smiled "Gabriel.... what brings you here?" I said "I'm here to see you....actually I wanted to talk to you" Gabriel said "And.... I guess I should excuse you guys" Elizabeth said as she was packing her stuff, I sat down waiting for Elizabeth to leave "You may sit down" I said "Thank you.... um.... so now since your sister is gone I guess I should say what I'm here for" He sat down "So... you are here to tell me the same thing that you and Rachel aren't dating, you are just friends blah blah blah.... you know what Gabriel I'm really fed up of this" After saying all of this I looked away, he held my hand "No.... that's not what I'm here for" "Then why are you here?" I looked at him "Bianca... please try and understand that I'm deeply in love with you.....I.... I've never fell in love with Rachel you are the only girl that I love" I could see tears in his eyes and looking in his eyes I could see only love for me, he sniffed and said " Let me tell you the honest truth... I once fell in love.... in high school and as time went on,I realized the girl I was dating had a boyfriend that everybody knew about, I left heart broken, so when I fell in love with you,I was afraid to let you know cause I thought you had a boyfriend but Angel....Angel told me you are only single, so I had the opportunity to come to you and confess" I was left speechless I didn't know what to say, Cause the whole story he told me, it was like he knew how heartbroken I was either, All I could remember is that I told myself I will never fall in love again, So I didn't want anyone to know about my love for Gabriel " You Gabriel,we all are humans, we all tend to blame others before the whole truth is out, so I'm sorry for putting all the blame on you" I said "Its Okay I understand, so are we good now?" I smiled at held his hand "Yes....we are good" " Guess I will see you maybe tomorrow or tonight" "What? Tonight? why tonight?" " I'm joking bye will see you tomorrow" he laughed, I gave myself and Gabriel a chance to fall in love again but this time I knew I had my best friend and my sister's support.


"So... tell me did everything go between the two of you" Angel said "Shh! lower your voice people will hear you" I said as we were sitting by the resting room, "Ooh come on Bianca who doesn't know that Gabriel loves you" " Angel.... I know you are nervous to know but please calm down,I will explain everything to you" I said " There he comes when am I going to have time with my friend Argh..." Angel said "Hi ladies.... may I ?" Gabriel arrived then he sat by me, I looked at his beautiful Chinese eyes, the smile he has it was charming " I guess I must excuse the two of you" Angel said,she stood up and took her bag "No... and where are you going?" I said "Great idea Angel I love the spirit you have.... She will catch you by the music class"Gabriel explained "Okay you better talk fast I don't wanna wait too long"Angel said then left "Um... Gabriel.... I... I" he interrupted me "Come on say it... what is it?" " You know.... what if people finds us here?" I said " Then what will they say?" " Ah.... yes... I mean a lot of things.... yes they will say a lot of things" I said Gabriel held my hand then my heart beat raised "Bianca.... please don't leave me.... do you really know how much I love you.... I'm so deeply in love with you Bianca" He said then kissed my hands " I... you too" I said but I was feeling shy, he looked at me and gave me that shocked look "What did you say? come on say it again I didn't hear you properly" He smiled " I said I love you too..." This time I said it with confidence then I gave him my smile " Are you for, wow,wow you don't know how much I'm happy" he hugged me really tight. When I reached home I found Mom and Dad " Mom... you are back" I hugged her "Yes my baby,I couldn't stay away from the two of you for a long time" mom said "Dad.. And how are you my hero" I smiled then hugged him either "I'm perfectly good my princess" I touched me by the cheeks "Now can you tell us how was London?" Elizabeth said " it was all amazing, it was mind blowing I really enjoyed and on top of that we met up with different kind of people" mom said " I feel like going back there again, the air is refreshing" Dad added "Dad, next time when you go please take me along" Elizabeth said then they all laughed "Let me go and prepare something delicious for the family" mom said " I will come and help you mom" Elizabeth said, Dad's phone was ringing "Hello Mr Dube speaking,how may I help?" "Yes Mr Dube, Its Ms Esther the principal in St.Paul college, I wanted to let you know that The Exam time table is ready and it will be sent to your child's house" " Okay Thank you" "Who was it honey?" mom asked "It was Bianca's principal, she was saying exam time table is ready so they better prepare" Dad said. "And Dad you know that Bianca is very clever, she will make it to the highest score" Elizabeth said " And she will make us proud" Mom added.

All I want is to make my parents proud,very proud because they have never disappointed me all they brought to my life was happiness but all that I can remember was the bad things that happened at college, Now I have decided that I will not go to college at all cause I am trying not to meet up with Gabriel and Miss bossy, Mom and Elizabeth finished preparing dinner ,we sat down as a family and ate

At the Johnsons House
"Mom are you okay" Gabriel asked "Yes my son I'm good,why are you asking?" Mariam said "No... you are not okay mom, go to sleep"he said "Then who will clean up all of this mess,you know how your father is"Mariam said "I will clean it up mom, and don't worry about Dad,he won't touch you this time unless I'm not around" Gabriel said "Please Gabriel don't compare yourself to your father" Mariam said " Why mom? why shouldn't I compare myself to my monster Dad, should I leave him beat you up, Why do you Care about him?Why?" Gabriel said "He is your father and my husband what should I do?"She said "It doesn't matter anymore mom, he is a monster to me not my father" Gabriel said "What did you say? I'm a monster, is that how you teach your son" Daniel said "No no honey please don't hit him up he is only a child please" she was crying while saying this "Let him hit me mom he is used to hitting up others"Gabriel said as he was really angry "Did you hear what he said?" Daniel said "Yes I will say it Dad.... she is my mother I can't watch her being beaten up like an animal not anymore Dad, never"He said then he went to his room and took her phone to call "Hi... Bianca are you sleeping?" He asked
"Yes I am... will talk tomorrow" She said, It was in the morning when I heard people talking downstairs,so I woke up to go and see who were they, it was mom and Mrs Johnsons "Are you for real Mariam..." Mom said then she laughed"Yes I'm telling you my friend I missed those days my love" Mariam said "Aww I do either if it wasn't about this marriage things we would be different from here" mom said. I walked downstairs to get myself something to eat "Morning" I looked down "Hey baby,why didn't you go to the college today?" mom asked "Mom... its our exam study week so it doesn't matter if we don't go to school" I said "o-okay let me confirm with the principal" mom said"No... mom its not necessary" I said then went straight to the kitchen then took what I wanted and went back to my room "Where's my phone? where is it? oh there it is.... let me check up on Angel" I dialed her number "Hey sweetheart..." Angel answered"Hey get ready and let's meet by the City restaurant by 1100,bye" I said then went to get ready, I put on my beautiful peach dress which removes my back and the cleavage and then I wore my favorite high heels,then combed my hair nicely and applied on my lip gloss to look adorable, A message notification on my phone it was Angel "Hey Bianca its already time up where are you?" after I saw her text message I rushed downstairs "Mom I will see you later, Bye Mrs Johnsons!" I ran out then I stole Elizabeth's graduation gift car. When I reach the Restaurant "Hey... I'm so sorry I'm late" Then gave her my smile"Wow wow you are hot today"Angel said, she occupied the last table by the corner"Waiter! four bottles of whiskey and...and fried chicken" I said " Um... Bianca four bot..." Angel was shocked and I interrupted her "Relax its nothing we are just here to enjoy ourselves just me and you, so enjoy" I smiled , It was late at night I wasn't able to move properly since I was so drunk and Angel was the one helping me to walk to the car "Careful, be careful, why did you have to drink too much you silly" She said "I'm m-m-more than h-happy today my friend" I said I was holding my shoes by hand,Angel was tryna open the door car and I couldn't control my balance and Gabriel arrived cause Angel had called her "Hey...let me help you.. there you go great we are done... Angel go home I will drop her OK don't worry" he said "W-who a-are y-you?" I asked "Its me Bianca... Gabriel, I won't take you home cause your father won't like it seeing you in this condition" He said, We drove pasted our home and pasted through town and our college,we went to a bushy park I couldn't recognize anything, we droved and parked in front of a one roomed house, it was beautiful with green and yellowish flowers "Come let me help you get down" we went inside and he helped me lay down on bed "You know why I brought you here..." " W-water please can I have water head is a little bit aching" I said and woke up to sit up straight,he rushed to get me some water " Here you go... are you OK?" he said "Mhm... I'm fine only that my head is aching" " So... tell me why did you drink too much?What happened all of a sudden?" he looked really worried, I held his hands and said "Its nothing we were only enjoying" " You almost got me worried" "Gabriel you worry too much I said it was nothing" "I love you Bianca" he came close to me, I could hear his heart beat and his breath, when he came more close to me,my heart beat raised and I held tight to the bed sheets,I could hear his lips on my lips and his hands on my back, then we started kissing like we will never kiss again, A very beautiful morning, Gabriel was awake and he was waiting for me to wake up when I opened my eyes, Gabriel was there looking at me and smiling "Morning,How are you? " He said " Morning, I'm good, where's my phone?" I asked "Here it is.." "Thank you.... oh my God ten missed calls, I wonder who is it?" I said and sat up straight to check who is it, Angel was the one I missed her calls "Its Angel, let me try and call her" "Hey girl.... where are you? Your father just called me asking about you" "A-are you for real!? Okay I'm coming...Bye...Gabriel I think we must go cause Angel says that D-Dad was asking about me now I don't know what will happen" I was really scared and shivering on top of that I was sweating out of fear "Relax... I'm here your Dad is not gonna hurt you... Bianca calm down" He was so relaxed "Gabriel... you don't know my father like seriously how can I relax... um... please help me button up my dress here at the back, And my father can just throw me out of the house can you imagine where will I go?" "Look at me , look into my eyes, now we are partners...I'm not gonna let you suffer,any situation that you go through just know that I'm right here, OK" Then he kissed me on my forehead "Okay... I think we must get going now" I said " Let's go" He started the engine car and hit the high speed to get on the road " So... what was that place? I mean...Whose place does it belong to?" I asked " Ah... its my cousins house..." He said " And is your cousin a girl or a boy?" I asked and he laughed " Why are you asking? Anyways is a boy we are very very close to each other since our childhood" " Oh OK, and when I my gonna meet that cousin of yours" " Very soon" "o-okay" We were still far from our house so I would take that as a long drive with Gabriel,honestly I didn't give in my self to this relationship between me and Gabriel that much cause Rachel is still after me " um... Gabriel do you still talk to Rachel" I asked and he looked at me unhappy and looked away " I know you won't like it Gabriel but I have to know cause she is still after me you know...So its important I know before I take my decision" I said and waited for him to respond back to what I just said but he gave me that surprised face "I thought we've concluded everything about this relationship Bianca and I thought we are done talking about Rachel" he said, Finally we reached home,I was scared so I took a deep breath before I open the car door as I was about to open the car door Gabriel held my hand " I'm coming with you" I looked at him and said " Are you Crazy? How brave are you?" " I'm brave enough, come on let's go" we came down the car as we were walking down to the main door Gabriel was holding my hand " You've to let me go Gabriel, what will my parents think" I said as I was forcefully trying to make him unhold me but he held me really tight " Let them think whatever they want , just know that your parents won't throw you out of the house cause deep inside they really care about you" He concluded and Elizabeth opened the door since Gabriel rang the door bell " Hi Bianca..." she smiled "Hi" I said and as I was about to enter Dad said " Don't you dare enter my house you foolish girl" " Honey please l-let her come and tell us where she was" mom trying to sympathize with Dad " I don't want to talk or hear her explanations at all" Dad said and looked away " Dad please allow me to explain please" I said as I knew how angry he was so this time I crossed my line " Mr Dube... If you don't wanna hear your daughters explanation then who's gonna do that apart from you, Anyways I'm Gabriel Johnsons ,Bianca's classmate" Gabriel said bravely, Dad stood up and said " You!... you! get the hell out of my house" " Papa... please... I'm r-really sorry please but can you just give me a chance to explain please Papa" I said as my eyes were filled with tears " Mr Dube, I know you are angry with her because you think your daughter was somewhere like night clubs or somewhere but no we have a class group that we study together so yesterday we decided that we will study all night cause Exams are just around the corner so Bianca said she won't be able to be part so everybody insisted that she be part thats why she couldn't come back home " Gabriel again defended me " Yes Dad its true they insisted me to stay so I had no choice but to stay" I added, Dad deeply breathed in and out then he went back to his seat and said " For the sake of this boy I forgive you" You won't believe how happy I became " Oh... Thank you Dad" Gabriel looked at me and smiled " I will take my leave Bye" I looked at him as he leaves the house. Everybody left to their rooms only mom was left " Don't worry my baby... you know how your father is, he might get angry at times, now go to your room" she said then she went to their room, I was left shattered I didn't know what to do, I thought of talking to Elizabeth I know she is the only person who understands me better than Mom, I went to her room, I found her sleeping" Can I come?" " Ah... um...yes come in Bianca " I entered then sat on the edge of the bed " Elizabeth I... I need to talk to you...I know everybody is angry at me I don't know about you but..." Elizabeth interrupted me" No... Bianca I'm not angry at you... Angel told me everything and I was the one who sent Gabriel a message to come and reason with Dad so don't worry I will always be here for you" She smiled

When Gabriel arrived at their house he was looking really tired, he enters the house with a jacket on his hands " Hello Mom... ah I'm exhausted" he said then sat near his mom " Gabriel... where did you go last night? You were in such a hurry that you couldn't tell me where you are going" Then she took a sip on her juice "Mom I thought I mentioned that our exams are on the way so we are preparing for them" "So you have an all night study ?" " Yes mom... Anyways mom your birthday is on tomorrow,so what do you want from me as a surprise or a gift?" He said then his mom said " Anything you can afford,to me it will be a very big thing that any mother could ask for from her child" she smiled they couldn't see Daniel so he added " And what do you expect?" Mariam was really scared so she stood up "Mr Johnsons...please don't hurt him" " Why? Do I look like a boxer or a killer or something" he looked a little angry "Dad please don't start at it again" Gabriel added " Oh yes,Thank God you are here... I wanted to talk to you please come to my office right now" he said then he returned to his office,Gabriel stood up and looked at his mother and says " Mom... this your husband is unbelievable" and shook his head and went to his fathers office "Sit down Gabriel... don't just stand there like you are a visitor, this is your office in two years from now it will be yours,And yes... I wanted us to have a private conversation" "Shoot straight to the point Dad" Gabriel said as if he didn't want to sit with his father for a long time "Relax... calm down I know you hate me but I wanna talk to you about something" Daniel says. Daniel's plan was to have a big surprise for his wife so he had to take away the ego he has so they can plan it together with Gabriel, "Gabriel... my son I'm sorry for mistreating you and your mother I know I have been a bad father and husband for both of you" "Dad I don't have a problem with you... but I think mom does so for mom's birthday surprise I want you to come and apologize to mom tomorrow" he said " OK if that's what you want" Daniel said, Father and son misunderstanding and hatered was sorted out.


The 30th of November arrived, it was Mariam's birthday, A lot of people have gathered, The Dube family hasn't arrived, Mr Johnsons was a very known man by a lot of ministers and Parliaments, Gabriel was only waiting for Bianca to arrive then he will start to attend to the guest " Are you waiting for someone? I must say that person is very important.." Mariam said " Mom... that person has everything important that I wanted to gift you" Gabriel said as he was a little shy " And whose that person?" Mariam asked " Mom..." A guest interrupted"Hello Mrs Johnsons... Happy birthday dear, I must say you are very lucky to have a husband like Mr Johnsons , see how he organized everything" She smiled " Thank you... "when the guest left Daniel came and says " Wow my dear wife you are looking so beautiful today" " Thank you honey" Mariam wondered what has happened to her husband since the pasted few weeks Daniel has been good to her, she was so surprised what happened to him all of a sudden " Gabriel... I wonder what has gotten into your father, has really changed a lot, I don't know maybe he is pretending" " No mom let's see what will happen as time goes on" Finally the Dube family just arrived, you won't believe how happy Gabriel was " Hello... welcome,welcome its a pleasure that you came" he blinked an eye to Bianca then smiled and Mr Dube says " Thank you" "Where's your mother?" Anitah asks " Oh there she is" Gabriel pointed out at her " Okay...sure" Anitah said "Please feel free " Gabriel said,After Bianca's father left Elizabeth say " Ah... now I get it...Someone wants to talk to my sister" then she smiled, Gabriel replied her "Are you teasing me Elizabeth... not fair... so... how are you guys? Should I offer you something to drink?" " Yes anything please" Bianca uttered "Please follow me " " You guys go ahead I will catch up" Elizabeth said as she saw her friend " I guess your sister has now given us freedom to enjoy just the two of us...Anyways I must say you are looking adorable in this outfit" " Um... thank you, I must say its the first time I see you in a suit nice" She smiled "Ah..." He was interrupted by his father "May I please have your attention please everybody... As we have gathered here for my beautiful wife's birthday, Mrs Mariam Daniel Johnsons please come forth and say something" Everybody applauded for her "Thank you, Thank you...Everybody for being here on my birthday party please enjoy... Thank you" She said " Mariam can we talk in private please" Daniel said " Okay" "Mariam I know I have been treating you so badly I don't know what has gotten into me since the day I got married to you please try your very best in your heart to forgive me please" " I already forgave you my dear now let's go and enjoy with our guest", They all enjoyed till late at night and everybody went back to their houses.

Our exam week just arrived, I was really nervous, I didn't know want to go to that irritating college, "Bye mom" As I was leaving for class "Bye princess, I will come pick you later and Goodluck, all the best dear" Mom was really excited not knowing what I was really going through a lot has happened the pasted few years so I had no idea what will happen today,When I entered by the school gate a lot of students were looking at me, some of them were pointing fingersand even laughing at me " There you go,Ms Boy snatcher" Rachel said she was with her squad surrounding me, I couldn't moved, I was just standing there like a mute or blind person who cannot see anything, I was about to cry, Gabriel arrived and saved me from Rachel, I ran and hugged him " Its OK, Don't worry I'm here, nothing will happen" he said " Oh not again Gabriel,why are you showing sympathy to this foolish girl" Rachel said " Enough Rachel, enough is enough" Gabriel said "Rachel why are you doing this? why are you troubling her?" Angel said immediately when she arrived "Come on Angel I know how foolish she is so she can't stand in my way" Rachel replied "l-let me go Gabriel" I said crying "No! Bianca for how long are you gonna keep running from Rachel, stop running Bianca" "I'm not running Gabriel, I didn't come here for fights no! I'm only here to study, not stupid things like this" I said bravely " Then why don't you face me, why are you running away Bianca?" Rachel said, Tears started rolling down my tears " G-Gabriel...please l-let me go...please" "No! Bianca No!" Gabriel anger rose he said " This is not going to happen like this...I'm really fed up seeing you this way each and everyday you fight with her" Rachel laughed and started clapping hands and says " Wow this is so romantic...what are you gonna do Gabriel Has?" " You wanna see what I will do right" He pulled me closer to him, Half of the school was watching Gabriel and Rachel's fight while I was there standing like a statue, I had no idea what to do, I was helpless I was planning on running away but Gabriel was still holding my hand " Tell us Gabriel...what are you gonna do?" "Hey hey... listen everybody let me tell you, she...she is very important to my life, she is the girl I love, Her name is Bianca Dube, I just loves her the very first day I set my eyes on her, I don't care what you people will say,Thank you" After Gabriel saying that they all applauded him, I could see Rachel's heartbreak, one of the students said " Bianca...say something,come on we wanna hear from you too" Another one said " Yes... what's your reply?" I could hear them mermering, I was shaking "No she won't say nothing" Angel saves me again and gave me that tight hug I felt so relieved, The school bell rang it was time for us to start writing exams.


Exam final day arrived I felt so happy in my heart " Why do you look so happy today Bianca?" Angel asked " Come on Angel you don't really know why I'm happy today... So today its the final day for us to leave this college and you don't really know how excited I am" I looked at her " Oh so you mean you won't miss coming here" " Yes I won't, not even a bit" " But how are we gonna meet?" she looked stressed "Is this the only place that we are suppose to meet? No its not the only place we can meet anywhere" " Okay " we wrote the final paper and it was time for us to dismiss, " Hey!you cheap girl" Rachel said, I looked at her then ignored her,Angel grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Rachel " What is it?Rachel"Angel asked " I ain't talking to you Angel, are you a lawyer or what?" Rachel said, I came closer to her,showing her I ain't scared of her anymore "You like causing drama Rachel.... why are you hitting around the bush, say whatever you called me her for" I said cause I was getting irritated with Rachel's everyday behavior "Wow I can tell today you are so brave" she said" You know what Rachel... I'm tired of your stupid and foolish irritating issue, can't you find something to do apart from creating drama... oh wait a minute,Are you trying to prove to the whole college that Gabriel loves you... Thats stupid, why don't you focus on your life...Actually Me and Gabriel loves each other, even the whole college knows about that, so what do you say?" I said then gave her a chance to say whatever she wanted to say " Don't be dump Bianca... Do you really think he loves you...He can never love a cheap girl like you... forget it" she said " I admit I'm a cheap girl and in fact I might be a cheap girl...but I'm not stupid trying to prove that someone loves me when he really doesn't care about me" I said, Gabriel arrived he saw me and Rachel surrounded by the crowd, as he was trying to stop us Angel stopped her " No let her prove to Rachel that she can stand up for herself" " Enough!! Bianca... I can't tolerate this nonsense, I'm not your type... you can say all this kinds of words but he will be mine,Gabriel is mine Bianca" I could see the anger in her face, " Calm down Rachel... its not my fault that Gabriel loves me... well let me make it clear I'm not afraid of you... And I'm so glad that Gabriel chose me... so find someone who suits you better" after I said that Rachel was feeling ashamed,she decided to give up and ran away " wow I must say someone has become brave" Gabriel said then I turned and said "Gabriel when did you come here?" " few hours ago I heard everything" he said "I must say my friend has become so brave wow " Angel added " Yes why not?Now come on let's go home" we left the college.

The following day arrived, I knew the first chapter of my love story with Gabriel has just began, but I still had that feeling that Rachel hasn't given up yet, " Morning" Gabriel said coming from behind "Morning, how did you sleep?" " Well... not that well, cause I was only thinking about you" He gave me that charming smile, I looked at him and said "well..." Angel arrived and interrupted" I guess this is not time and place for romance or flirting" " Yeah, yeah that one we know" I said " Okay... so how are you guys today?" Angel asked " Fine... yeah we are fine" Gabriel said, his was only starring at me I didn't have any idea of what to do, School hours were over,I was by the school gate waiting for mom to come, "Hey! Come on let's go" immediately Gabriel arrived "Bianca!" " Hey Gabriel are you coming with us?" Elizabeth asked " I guess so..." he said, I looked confused and said " Where are we going Elizabeth?" " Secret place ,now come on hop in" She said then we went to the secret place she mentioned, For the whole time we only knew that Elizabeth had no boyfriend in her life but guess what she's been seeing someone and that person was her ex-lover Alex, He was Elizabeth's first lover back in university but they broke up before their graduation, I had no idea when and how they got back together but I'm sure they sorted out things, " Here we go... this is the place " we got out of the car and went to meet Alex " Oh... Wow... Alex is that you... wow...I'm glad I get to meet you after so many years... where have you been?" I gave him a hug " I was just around... finally we meet again" He smiled " Oh yes Alex this is boyfriend and... Gabriel he is Alex, Eli's boyfriend" I introduced them, so they shook hands " Nice to meet you Alex" Gabriel said, Then we enjoyed the fresh air, it was night time so we went back home, I was really happy that I got the chance to spend some time with Gabriel.

Three years later, I finally got the chance I was long for to finally get to know my Gabriel more than I knew him, he was really a nice guy...
"Good Afternoon Mrs Johnsons" I said as I found Mariam watering the plants by the gate "Afternoon my dear... Are you here for someone?" she asked "Yes I'm looking for Gabriel is he around?" I asked " Yes he is... you can go in" she said "Thank you" Then went to look for Gabriel inside the house, I almost bumped into his father but Thank God I didn't "Hello Mr Johnsons..." He looked at me confused " Hello... And who are you? Wait aren't you Mr Dube's daughter?" he asked "I am... I'm looking for Gabriel" "Oh... Gabriel... I don't know about his whereabouts...Gabriel you have a visitor!You can sit he will come" then he left " I'm coming!" Gabriel shouted, I sat down on a couch waiting for Gabriel, "Wow look who just visited..." he hugged me " Stop it... what are you doing? " I smiled " Aren't you my girlfriend?" "I am... but your parents will find us" I said " Let them come I don't care" he said, I looked at him then shook my head " Anyways your house is really beautiful" " Thank you...come on let's go in my room" he held my hand and pulled me to help me stand up " Why do you want me to go to your room?" I asked as I was joking " Then where do you want us to go ?" I laughed " I'm joking let's go in" he led the way and went in....
"Oh wow your room is very very beautiful" I said " Thank you ms compliments... so you gonna have to sit on the bed since I do not have chairs" he looked at me " That's not a problem, I will sit" I sat down
"Does your parents know that you are here?" "No I told them I'm going out for a walk" I giggled "So... I do..." Gabriel's phone interrupted him by ringing " Hi... Gabriel speaking who's this?" he said "Hi...Gabriel my love how are you?" "Who are you? And what do you want?" he stood up " I'm your lover Rachel, please give me just one more chance to explain my self please" " Are you out of your mind... don't ever call me again" he hanged up and sat down " Who was it Gabriel that made you so upset?" I touched him by the shoulder "Its a nobody" "Why? Are you hiding it from me?" I asked