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the cupcake familiy

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Chapter 1 - the cupcake fam chap. 1

On a cold rain afternoon a guy named cupcake Collins half vampire/cupcake was walking through the forest until he ran into a girl names Sandra angle cake half human/angle cake. cupcake Collins said to Sandra if she will go with him to seek the legendary butter milk cake that was just a cake. Sandra surged her shoulders and said sure but I'm looking for cholate beef cake Jacob. Collins said okie lets go and Collins and Sandra walked farther into the forest and Sandra saw cholate beef cake Jacob sitting on the ground playing dead. Sandra ran over and started to ball her eyes out.jacob opened his eyes and put on arm aroud her and pulled her on the ground unfortily Sandra so relied Jacob was laying in mud. Sandra said ahhhhhh!!!! And fell into the mud and got mud on her clothes.jacob laughs and stood up with her in his arms.collins said to Sandra and Jacob are you guys dateing.jacob said what looking at sandrs with mud in her hair and he looks at her wjacob sees sandra wet he smirks whith a cheeky grin.sandra saw him an giggles while their eyes conneted an they both upstairs ro jacob bedroom as there was pantings of the forest on the wall an the room smelled like coconut an sandra sares at him an sniffs him an said you smell good~.jacob said with a smirk on his face thanks i take extra long bubble baths an sandra smiles as she pushes him on the bed as she kisses him.jake wraps his big meety arms around her as he kissed her back

they both were at it it for hours an then sandra got up an riped his clothes off an his pants an jacob sees sandra wet he smirks whith a cheeky grin.sandra saw him an giggles while their eyes conneted an they both upstairs ro jacob bedroom as there was pantings of the forest on the wall an the room smelled like coconut an sandra sares at him an sniffs him an said you smell good~.jacob said with a smirk on his face thanks i take extra long bubble baths an sandra smiles as she pushes him on the bed as she kisses him.jake wraps his big meety arms around her as he kissed her back

they both were at it it for hours an then sandra got up an riped his clothes off an his pants an as sandra ripped his closeth off jacob's big 17inch cock pooped out an sandra smirks a grabs cuffs an cuffs him to the bed an goes down to his cock an sucks.jacom moaned loud as his was getting blow job as he felt so good he thrusted up gaging sandra.sandra gags an keeps sucking as jacob moaned lounder as he did. collins/trent the vary shinny vampier/cupcake heard jacob moans an went to investigate so he swang open the door as jacob looks an sandra stops an pulls away an look. trent was droolin inside an said"well u two are havein fun mine if i join~".sandra said sure and jacob agreed so sandra goes back to suckin jacob's 17inch cock as trent strips as he goes to sandra with his 19inch cock an penitrates her pussy.sandra moans an sucks tring to get her mind off the pain.trent looks at sandra an hugs her from behind an grabs her boobs as he just pounds her.jacob smiles as he slips hands threw cuffs an moans an runs fingers in her hair "there there its ok".jacob cums in her mouth moans as sandra swollows the big hot load of cum slideing down her thoat .treant stops for a min as sandra get up as she turned around an saw trent's 9 packs of pudding cups she giggles.trent grabs her by the ass an jacob gets off the bed as trent push her on the bed as her puts his dick in her wet pussy. sandra sreams a bit an moan.treant pounds her like crazy as she moans he went to kiss her an she moans an kiss her back as jacob watches he drools an goes to trent an puts his cock in his ass as trent moan he still pounds sandra.she moans an trant moan an jacob moan trent soon cums an sandra moans in pain as trent pulls away moanin as jacob goes ruff.trean moans an pants as jacob soon cums treans moans an pulls away to kiss jacob.sandra is on the bed panting in pain trent goes to sandra an picks her up an he gets on the bed a puts sandra on his face as he lick her deeply she moans loudly.jacob looks at trents 19inch cock jacob goes an sucks trent cock as trent moan an trent licks deeper as sandra moans an squirts an trent licks it up an moan like hell.trent moans an jacob sucks him off as trent moans he cums a bit an jacob swallows as he pulls away an kiss sandra as sandra moans an kiss back as she cums doen trents troat haveing her sticky cum running down trents neck he gets up an looks at sandra an kiss her .sandra kisses back an jacob grabs her an pins her to a wall an puts his dick in her an her pounds her hard.sandra pants an moans sence trent had pound her a few min ago jacob pounds hard takeing her breth away as he kiss her pounding the shit out of her.she kiss back an moans as he pounds her she grab her pussy an rubs as she moans more.jacob soon cums a hug load in her pussy sandra moans an pants alot as jacob thows her on the bed jacob puts his dick in her an trent puts his dick in her as they both pump her hard sandra moans loud an jacob kiss her.she kiss back an moans loud an the boys pump her harder as they both reach her g spot she squirts alot an moans.the boys keep pumping as they both cumm deeply inside her as she moans an pants. the boy pull out an say she had enough leaveing her a cummy mess on the bed.sandra pants feeling warm as trent go to get dressed an jake stays naked with sandra. trent looks at jacob an sandra an said "thanks guys i had fun~" an leaves.jacob looks an sandra an say"did u have fun" sandra said yes an kiss him he kiss back an takes her into the shower so they both can get clean as they were in the shower sandra smirks an said"i have somethin for you"he was crious what it was as she pulls out a penis soap ring an puts it on his cock an cleans his cock with it.jacob giggles an said"what is that" sandra said "a penis ring so ur cock gets clean~" jacob smiles "atlest i have you to take care for your treat~" as her watches her clean hic cock with the soap they both clean eatch other jacob kiss her an gets out of the shower.sandra looks in his eyes an kisses him an he kiss back cerrying her to their room.they both gets dressed ready for bed as jacob said "are you hungry sandra" she nods her head yes. as they go down stairs sandra triped as jacob ceach her an she smiles an kiss him as he kiases back as they go to get food jacob said to sandra "i hope our baby looks a beatyfull as you baby~"sandra smiles an she said "an i hope our baby has your eyes~".they both kiss an jacob sots her on the couch as he make food for them an he gets a plate for her an gives it to her.she said"baby this looks so good!~".she eats it an she smiles an eats it all on her plate as jake eats his plate to .she looks at him an told him thank u an her kiss her an said"anything for my lil baby~.she giggles an kiss back an turned on the tv an looked for a movie to watch they watched a horror movie as they did she got scared an hides in his chest .he laughs an kiss her"its ok baby ...wanna go to bed." she nods an they go upstairs to bed .

Chapter.2 The cheater

Sandra woke up an goes down stares an go an sit on the couch to watch a scary movie as she watches it she sreams so loud an jacob wakes up an ran downstairs to Hugs sandra an can tell what shes screaming about. as sandra is watchin the movie with jacob she gets a phone call. jacob wondered who it was sandra hangs up an watches the movie.sandra get up to go to the bathroom an shuts on lock door as sh was takin to