Chereads / The Rightful Heir / Chapter 1 - The Rein Of Michael Part 1

The Rightful Heir

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Chapter 1 - The Rein Of Michael Part 1

Screams filled the air, both women and children alike, and the smell of blood was so thick it practically choked you. No one asked for this war, but it was a necessary evil.

Michael was a great man, when he was born in 1611 it was said he bit the doctor that birth him. In 1619 at 7 he single handed killed his first buck. In 1628 at 17 he over ruled his father by becoming pack leader, and joined two packs by meeting his mate, Gemma.

It was said when he turned 20 his pack was over run by rogues lead by a boy named Devin. They chased him out off his land, and scattered his pack. Gemma, the pack, and Michael regrouped in search for a home. Little by little he built his army to avenge what was once his. One by one taking on small groups, inviting rogues who need a place and pack. His Beta Brandon Heart, loyal to a fault was always by his side. Soon they went from a small pack of 20, to an army of 300 loyal pack members. They loved him, they feared him, but they all respected him.

Everyone knew the name of Michael Martin and Beta Brandon. The Alpha who was chased off his land, and gathered followers to make a new home. The Beta who jumps the gun, has a temper, and is loyal to his Alpha. But it wasn't till 1642 that Michael had come to a land rich with life, and a war started, a war for what once was his. An Alpha by the name of Darrius Cross was living on this land. Land that hand once belonged to Michael, taken by Devin, and then taken once again by this new Alpha Darrius, Alpha of 80, he was no match for Michael who controlled 300.


Screams filled the air both women and children alike, the smell of blood was so think it practically choked you. No one asked for this war, but it was a necessary evil.

Teeth ripped at flesh as Michael clawed his way passed guards and servants down the halls of the Cross house. Walls that were once colorful and bright were now covered in their own packs blood. There was a buzzing in Michaels head, someone was trying to communicate with him, opening the bond he heard Ari's voice in his mind.

'So many people are dyeing, innocent people...'- Ari

Blood coated Ari's fur and started to matte around his face after killing yet another guard who got in the way. A loud growl was prominent ahead, giving off a warning. Ari's wolf cringed back in fear, sinking low to the floor. Ari wasn't a high ranking wolf, but Michael trusted him dearly. He turned his head to look at the young wolf next to him.

'Kill only those who get in our way or are against you. Not those who are innocent.'-Michael.

'Yes Alpha.'-Ari

Another voice jump into the conversation moments later. 'Alpha!'

'Brandon?' Michael came to a halt in front of oak wooden double doors, they were intricately designed with howling wolves, a continues master pieces that flowed as if it were one. Shifting into his human form Michael ran his hand almost reverently down the doors, following the paths the wolves took. He had to admit, Darrow was a man of style who had an eye for art.

'We captured the Luna.'-Brandon

'Good, hold on to her, don't harm her in any way. Bring her to the main hall I'll get Darrius.'

Putting both hands on the doors, Michael slowly pushed them open and followed Darrius's scent inside. But before he continued forward he stopped in the doorway, and turned to Ari.

'Boy.' Michael turned back to face Ari who had been following close behind him.

'Yes,' -Ari

'I want you to stay out of this next part, do you understand? Stay away, your work here is done, go back to your mate and see if she's ok.' -Michael

Ari looked up at his father curious as to the sudden comment. 'But Sir-'

"That's a direct order from your Alpha. Do as I say." Michael snapped loudly. Ari shrunk back again and nodded his massive wolf head. Michael turned to face the main hall, it was covered head to toe like a indoor forest. At the farthest end stood Alpha Darrius massive gray wolf in front of two delicately woven branched chairs. It looked like something out of a fairy tale the way they twisted and bent to form two large seats. With long confident strides Michael reached the middle of the hall and stopped a few feet in front of Darrius not caring that his teeth were bare as he growled furiously. A few of Michaels men laid dead around Darrius's feet, their stomachs ripped to shreds, with one of them having had their throat ripped out.

"So, will you stand there mutt and stare at me all day, or will you speak to me like a real man?"

Darrius shifted, but shook with rage. "What do you want?!" His voice was thick with emotion, tears well in his eyes. He wasn't a young man like Michael, he looked to be in his 60's. But age didn't tell you much from the outside. Shifters aged half the years humans did, if that made sense. Darrius may look 60 but his true age was closer to 120 and his age was starting to show from his hair, what once was a dark brown was now sprinkled with gray.

Since Michael was half his age, he had the upper hand and strength. Michael smirked, "You really don't know?" He gestured around "This," he leaned forward teasing Darrius "I want this, I want your throne, I want what was once mine, and was taken from me."

Darrius snapped, striding forward with quick steps "You can't have it, I wont let you! I worked hard for this place!"

Michael knowing exactly where this conversation would lead, stood still and lifted a hand to Darrius making him stop as he pointed to the door "Brandon, bring her in."

Darrius watched in horror, rooted to the spot as his precious mate was brought in, bound and blind. "Darrius!" she cried. Her hair was limp, he cloths were worn and dirty like she had fallen or was dragged through the dirt.

"Don't! Don't hurt her...please..." Michael watched as Darrius begged falling to his knees before him. The agony in his face was like no other. "Destiny. Destiny you'll be alright."

Now, Michael was not a killer, at least not in cold blood. He looked to Destiny then to Brandon. He couldn't kill this women and live with it. If he did it would be like watching his own mate be murdered before him, and that was not something he would wish on anyone. He turned back to Darrius with a smirk on his face. He just need to push Darrius's hand a little further. "She will be released once you leave this place and never come back. You are to leave and stay gone do you understand or your mates blood will be on your hands. Everyone will know who you are, you will never be welcomed again, by any pack."

Darrius looked to Michael then his mate who had a blade pressed to her bare neck. "Ill leave.....just please let her go." Darrius stood with his hands up and his neck bared showing he was summiting to Michael who now was flanked by two guards.

"That's a good boy. August, Mark take him." They did as he asked grabbing Darrius as they dragged him out of the main hall, down the blood soaked hallway, and out in front of the house for everyone to see. Brandon followed behind Michael still holding Destiny with the blade pressed to her throat. Once outside Michael smiled to himself, he had gotten his home back, but at what cost?

"Dear pack members. As you see, I've taken over. As the new Alpha, any of you who don't want to join our pack, are free to leave, now. But those of you who want a life of peace and a home to call there own, follow me, stay with me and we will live out our lives in peace." As if on cue a thunder of applause rang out over the people standing, listening to Michael speak, he bowed, then pointed to Darrius. "Walk mutt. Then I'll release your mate."

Darrius did as he was ordered even with every part of his body and soul telling him not to obey the command, after all he was an Alpha in his own right. He hung his head in grief and shame, he couldn't even protect his pack. August and Mark stopped letting Darrius walk by himself to the territory boarder line. Once he was at the edge of the woods he turned around and spoke almost a whisper. "My mate?"

Michael nodded to Brandon, and just as Brandon loosened his hold, lowering the blade from her throat, Darrius shifted hoping to make one last ditch effort at getting his pack back. But as if on cue, a blood curling scream rang out over everyone stopping even Darrius himself, who had only gotten 10 steps in, before falling to his knees then onto his side like a sack bricks, he lay shaking and broken. Brandon had Destiny by the throat with one hand, his nails dug deep into her throat, covered in her own blood that was now flowing from her body like a slow moving scarlet river. Michael looked at Brandon horror in his face.

"Brandon...What have you done?"

"She tried to attack me, I had to." Brandon looked disgusted, as he released her, letting her body fall to the floor in a heap, of her own blood.

Darrius's body still continued to shake as he looked back up at Brandon "She was innocent." His voice was a whisper. He tried to get to his hands a knees. "My Mate." He watched her for a moment before looking back up at Michael. "You'll pay for this. One day, you will pay." In an instant with whatever energy and strength he had left he burst into his massive wolf and fled into the woods.

Destiny's body laid on the grassy floor before everyone who had gathered. It wasn't suppose to happen this way. Michael bent down and cradled her in his arms.

"My lady I'm so sorry." His eyes filled with sorrow. She looked pale, almost paper white, he skin was almost translucent. She lifted a hand to Michael and he clutched it in his own, she was cold like the chill air around them. He lifted the blinder so he could gaze into her eyes, but what he saw surprised him. Her eyes where the color of milk, pure white and hazed over, she was blind, but yet she looked at him as if she could truly see him. Her breathing was raspy and garbled she was choking on her own blood, but she looked to the spot where Brandon stood, then back to Michael. Suddenly he body grew warm as it started to radiate a light blue glow. She was focusing all her energy on Michael. She was a witch, and no one had knew or smelt that on her?

"You..." Her voice was so weak as she choked and strained to breath. "You life will be one full of regret, to always watch your back exposed to danger, your descendant to come will resemble the innocent life you have just stolen." Michael looked to Brandon, had she meant that for his beta? Michael stared up at Brandon as he took slow steps back, his face twisted with fear.

"She's a witch...." Michael, looked down at the crumble body in his hands. Her neck, and clothing were covered in her blood, started to cling to her hair as it started to dry. It was slowly flowing now, as if this act had started to delay the inevitable. Michael stroked the stray hairs from her face tucking them behind her ear. Grief and sadness riddled him "I didn't want this to happen. None of this..."

Destiny's chest rose and fell with great effort. She gave him a weak smile before coughing, blood spurt from her lips, sprinkles of it Michaels lips. "I give you this." She lifted her hand, a ring was there delicately circling her finger. A single gold band with no stones stones. "It'll protect your wo-." She gasped suddenly and coughed not catching the air she need to breath, she gave one final sigh, and passed in his arms.

Michael looked at the tiny gold ring on her slender fingers, and took it in his own hands. Lookin it over there was nothing special about it, but this women had given him this and he would take care of it. He stood up and carried her lifeless body back to the house. His men followed, and Brandon was the last one behind. He placed Destiny on the table in the main hall, and looked over to his men. "She will get a proper barrel tomorrow," he looked over to Brandon.

"I don't blame you.....Go back and get the rest of the pack. Bring my son here." Brandon said nothing but nodded and headed back. Michael turned back to the rest of the men, breathed a heavy sigh. "Take a few that know these lands make them as the new comers those who abject to our rules....toss them out. I want no uproars. This is my pack...lets make this our new home."