Whilst you were away for so long, I met someone else, it was odd, when I stopped waiting for you, I met someone unexpected, never thought in my life that I'd meet someone who would try to make time to talk to me or to spend time together. I tried to be friendly with at first, but everything went down unexpectedly, we shared our likes and dislikes, talked about how our day has been, shared things about ourselves, said corny lines and so on. I never would have thought we'd be together, but of course, we kept it to ourselves first before we can announce it to the world. And I told him about you, well that's when I decided to break it off, put the foot down, and that sounded wrong. But that aside, I made the first move to put an unreassured relationship at an end, but of course, I would still be around you, as a friend. Nothing lasts forever I suppose, but we hope each other for the best. Now we say goodbye to the us we were and never meant to be. But I am greatful to have met you, and I learned a lot from you.
p.s. I still hope that I meet you in person. Goodbye.