Chereads / Batman Beyond: Legacy / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

After Terry finished questioning Cedric, the mutant leader's bodyguard and second-in-command, he immediately passed on the information to Barbara.

-What do they plan on doing now?" (Barbara)

"Cedric advised them to keep their territories protected and stay there. But I don't think they would abide by his orders for long. They're not loyal to him like they are with the mutant leader. To them, he's just a bodyguard that failed on his job." Terry said with furrowed brows. He was the one that said it, and it was the truth, but it still troubled him.

-...Then we won't share any information to them for now.

"That's probably for the best, but I think it's safe to tell Cedric and Don at least."

-If you insist.

Cedric and Don are probably the only two leaders of the mutant gang that they can trust to keep their cool and won't do anything stupid once they get information on the Jokerz.

Because of their impulsiveness, they will probably be willing to spill blood in response to the Jokerz' intent to kill. Especially, now that their beloved leader who established the no killing rule of the gang is gone.

That's what Terry and Barbara are trying to prevent.

"...Do you know anyone who could have told the Joker the weakness of the Talons?" Terry asked.

-As far as I know, only Bruce, Dick, and Alfred would have known about it. They were the ones that fought them off.

"Damn it...everything's still in the dark."

-Don't rush and keep calm, Terry. The Joker likes to leave clues. That's how he likes to play.

"You want me to wait and see one of my friends get hurt again just to get more clues?!" Terry snapped at Barbara.


Terry heaved out a sigh. "I'm sorry..."

-It's fine. I understand. All we need to do now is be more vigilant. They probably won't show up again for some time- what?

Barbara Gordon was interrupted.


-What's this?

"Who're you talking to?"

Barbara seemed to be talking to someone else while on a call with Terry.

-Hello? Terry?


-They sent me a Joker card.


-I think the Joker card that the mutant leader found was meant for him just like this one is meant for me.

"Stay there! I'm on my way!" Terry ended the call and made haste to leave the hospital.


"Commissioner! If this also happened to your contact, you should stay here!"

Barbara's subordinate insisted upon hearing what happened to the mutant leader.

"I'm not safe anywhere. Here or at home." Barbara said as she checked every corner of her office if there's any device planted to observe her.

"But it's beter here with us guarding you..."

Barbara chuckled. "I'll be fine by myself.. Worry about yourselves if you really care for me. I need you to be vigilant in your surroundings." Barbara finished looking for bugs and looked at her subordinate straight in the eyes. "You guys will be in danger now because of me. You'll be considered as my weakness. That's why I need you to pair up and get ready to call for back up anytime you go outside."

The vice-commissioner gulped.

Knock knock knock.

A police officer knocked on the door of her office.

"Come in."

A detective peeked inside without setting foot in the room. "Ma'am. I-I think your ride is here."

Barbara and her subordinate tilted their heads at her. "Ride?" Barbara uttered in confusion.

All three of them went outside and saw the batmobile parked in front. Batman was standing there waiting for her.

Many police officers were watching this scene.

Barbara palmed her face. "I don't need an escort to go home." She said to him.

Batman threw something at her and she caught it.


All of them there widened their eyes as soon as they realized what it was.

"I-is that a bomb?" Barbara's vice-commissioner nervously asked.

"I found it under the commissioner's car."

Sweat began to appear on their foreheads.

"I already scanned it for fingerprints. No matches on any database."

Barbara gave it to the vice-commissioner. "Put it in the evidence room."

"Are you still going to decline, Commissioner?" Batman made a smug smile.

Barbara furrowed her brows at him. It's true that it would probably safer to be with Batman as long as she has a target on her back.

"Sh-she'll come!" The worried vice-commissioner eked out.

"What are you doing?" Barbara turned her head to face him.

"I'm sorry, commissioner. It's the best option we have right now. I was planning on sending men to follow you anyway and you wouldn't like that either."

Barbara sighed in defeat. "Please have someone get my things."

"I'll do it." The detective volunteered and ran back to her office.

Barbara walked over to Batman and looked at the batmobile. She smiled. "I missed riding in this thing anyway."

Batman smiled "It's my first time using it too." He said in a whisper.

They both got in the batmobile when the detective came back with her things.


The batmobile's engine sounded more like a jet's than a car's.

The vice-commissioner sighed in relief as he watched the batmobile drive away.

Clap clap.

"Alright! Listen, everyone!..." He started giving out orders to ensure the safety of everyone while their commissioner is being targeted.

While that was happening, Barbara and Terry were having a little bit of fun in the batmobile.

Barbara mounted him as the batmobile drove itself. "I always wanted to do this." She chuckled.

Terry had already deactivated his suit as soon as Barbara moved from her seat to his lap and started kissing him.

"Take it easy." He chuckled. "Can't you wait until we arrive?"

"I was turned on when I saw you parked in front of the building" Barbara said as she removed her top and resumed kissing him.

"You're being pretty honest unlike before." Terry teased and started removing his top also.

As they embraced each other, Barbara looked up to see where they were headed.

"Wait...this is not the way to my house."

"I know. I put in the coordinates of the batcave instead." Terry said with his voice muffled by Barbara's chest.

"What?!" Barbara pushed him away.

"Barbs. It's the safest place where you can hide right now."

"Who ever said I wanted to hide? I can take care of myself!"

"You don't know that. This is the Joker we're talking about."

"Tsk!" Barbara massaged her temples.

Terry lifted his legs and pulled Barbara's waist to get closer again.

"This is the best for everyone right now. Even for the police." Terry kissed her again.

Barbara was still upset but she eventually gave in and they resumed their activity in the batmobile.

Two indicator lights in the batmobile turned off...


"Good evening, Alfred." Both of them greeted Alfred as they got out of the batmobile.

"Good evening." Alfred greeted back. "I hope you don't mind, but I suggest that you should mute the microphones and turn off the video cameras first before you have fun in the batmobile or anywhere."

Terry and Barbara stood frozen in front of Alfred. Both of them perspired cold sweat.

"...Please be understanding of this old man. I had to turn it off remotely from here myself. I'm too old for this..." He said then, he walked away from . "I'm not chastising you. You're both grown, but just make sure both of you don't get hurt in this affair." He said as he left the batcave.

As they stared at him walking up the stairs to the mansion, they couldn't hear Alfred muttering to himself "For someone so vigilant, Master Bruce had the same problem." He was talking about how Terry forgets the cameras around him "To think that gene would be passed on to his son..."

When Alfred was out of their sights, Barbara glared at Terry.

"Wha-what?" Terry lifted his hands as he backed away from her. "You were the one that jumped on me first, that's why I forgot."

Barbara heaved out a sigh and went into the training room. Terry followed. No action happened for them for the rest of the night because of their guilt.

The next morning, Terry was woken up by an unfamiliar black dog licking his face.

"Ugh!" He shot up and wiped the slobber from his face.

Alfred walked into Terry's open room. "There you are!"

"Woof!" The dog ran up to Alfred to be petted by him.

"You got a dog?"

"I never planned to. I saw him yesterday in the woods. He had no collar. I took him to the vet to see if he had a chip. He had none...and so, I ended up adopting him." Alfred said as he smiled while stroking the dog's head.

"He's big..." Terry remarked as he combed his hair and sat on the side of his bed.

"I know...the vet said he's a great dane mix. Just about a year old.

"What's his name?"

"I named him Ace...after Master Bruce's late dog."

"That's a good name..." Terry whistled and clapped to call the dog.

Ace immediately turned around and ran to him.

"Whoa!" Terry almost fell back down on his bed as Ace mounted his lap and his head drew to Terry's face. "That's not good behavior, Ace...Sit." He pushed the dog off of him.

Ace was just staring at him.

"I said sit!"

The dog yelped as it slowly landed his behind on the floor.

"Good boy!" Terry patted him on the head.

"...You're good with dogs. I'll leave his training with you, then."

"He's smart. It should be easy." Terry said as he played with the dog.

"Don't forget to make breakfast." Alfred said as he left them in the room.

Terry made his hand flat and pushed the air down. "Lie down"

Ace slowly lied down.

"Good boy!" Terry said as he patted his head.

It made him curious if he was already trained before this or he's just really that smart.