Chereads / Batman Beyond: Legacy / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

"Are you ready for your first day?" Alfred asked Terry and he nodded in reply.

"Okay. I won't let you do heavy stuff for now since you just got your cast removed and you just started doing therapy."

Although stiff, Terry can finally walk again but he was advised not to put so much weight on his right leg.

"Come follow me to the kitchen. I'll teach you how to properly make tea and coffee."

Tok Tok Tok.

Alfred walked toward the kitchen and Terry followed.

He was impressed by Terry's ability to follow his instructions perfectly just by hearing it once.

Terry did his best to absorb everything because not only did his mom want him to keep it, the job pays well. Not only does he get money but his college tuition is paid for. Taking both into account, his overall salary is almost comparable to his mother's current one.

Cleaning was something he was always accustomed to because he helped his mother with the household chores growing up while she was taking care of his little brother.

Other than housekeeping, Alfred taught him everything.

"That is all." Alfred said.

They are currently in the batcave because the batcave also needed to be maintained. Not as much as the house because the batcave has an AI system that cleans most of the stuff in it. Terry only needed to know how to operate it in case it needed a manual override.

"Good evening, Alfred, McGinnis." Barbara greeted them.

She is using a hologram again. Terry was still startled because he has yet to get used to it.

"Good evening, Barbara. We just finished."

"Did he make trouble for you, Alfred?"

Terry furrowed his brows at her statement.

"Not at all. I didn't even think we would finish in just a day."

Terry proudly smiled.

"Good. I found a trainer." Barbara reported.

"Oh?" (Alfred)

"Yes. He happens to be an old friend and is currently available."

"Trainer?" Terry asked.

"Yes. A martial arts expert. Former boxing champion and renowned trainer for the Justice league. Wildcat."

Terry thought for a moment before asking.

"For me?"

"Exactly. We can't have you get hurt again so we need to prepare you when the time to face deathstroke comes."

"Hmmm. I don't like this."

"Why not?"

"I'm not exactly training to be a hero. I just want Justice for my dad."

"Don't you think we know that?" Barbara furrowed her brows and glared at Terry.

Alfred just has a solemn expression.

"We promised to support you in getting deathstroke. Do you think you'll stand a chance against him without doing this? Deathstroke can stand toe to toe with most of the heroes in the justice league. That's why what you did at the warehouse was really stupid. You didn't even think about it. I hope that broken leg made you reflect on it."

"...don't worry. I already did." Terry said with a remorseful face.

"Good. He'll be here once you've fully recovered. Until then, do your best in your job, studies, and your weapons training."

"Weapons training?"

"Alfred didn't tell you?" Barbara looked at Alfred.

"Ah yes. I forgot about it. My apologies. You'll be starting weapons training tomorrow."

"With you?"

Alfred nodded.

"He may be old but he is still sharp. There's no one better. At the academy, I sometimes call Alfred just to make him give me some pointers using guns."


Terry was a little bit worried about using a gun. Some of the mutants used a gun but it was just to intimidate. He himself never used one before. He didn't really thought about killing anyone except his father's murderer.

"You'll let me kill deathstroke?"

Alfred had a troubled look upon his question.

"We leave that choice up to you. We're only here just so we can make sure you won't get hurt. Since you met him, you became our responsibility."

"You don't have to-"

"But we do. Just as you feel that it is your duty to avenge your father, we feel that we have a duty to you too."

"Just know this young man" Alfred finally spoke "If you do choose to take his life, it will never satisfy your thirst for revenge. You will still be at that room holding your dying father in your arms."

Terry was triggered. This was the first time he got angry at Alfred.

Alfred just received his glare with worried eyes.

"What do you know?" Terry said in a condescending tone.

"I may not know but I knew someone who does." Alfred said unwavered.

A flock of bats suddenly flew by the head of Alfred but he stood still. Then they flew towards Terry. Terry widened his eyes before bracing himself.

"Ah!" he exclaimed as he tried to cover his head with his arms.

After they passed him, Terry followed the direction they were heading. It was a crevice just above the glass cases containing the Batsuits.

Terry locked his eyes onto the batsuit and figured out who Alfred was talking about.

Then Alfred continued.

"Like you, he had nothing but murder on his mind. He kept that animosity in his heart and let it fester. He couldn't escape that alley where his father and mother died."

Terry faced Alfred and calmly listened to his story.

"He grew into a young man and had prepared himself like you did. Trained in every martial arts that was available. Bought a gun and practiced shooting it. So that when he meets that man, he'd kill him."

Barbara had a solemn look on her face as she listened too. Although she must have already heard it before.

"One day, the criminal got caught after ten years of hiding. The young man was wishing that he'd get the death penalty. The criminal was tried and got a life sentence instead. And so, the young man, risking the possibility of going to prison himself, decided to take it into his own hands. He waited for the only chance he got. But the young man got beat to the punch. The criminal was shot by another man.

The young man went home and laughed. He rejoiced. He got his revenge. But he wasn't laughing for long. He realized he was still in that alley.

He asked me why. I couldn't tell him the answer because I also didn't know. Instead, I asked him... "

Alfred walked closer to Terry.

"Would the people stuck with you in that place want that?"

Terry was taken aback.

"Would they want their child to have blood on his hands for them? Depending on the answer to that, would you say that you're doing this for them or for yourself?"

Terry stared into space

"Whatever you do, Terry, your father... he will never come back. It will never change what happened. So. Will you commit another murder or will you bring your father's murderer to justice?"


Terry had left without a word. He was angry but he understood exactly what Alfred was saying.

"That was brave of you. I could not say it myself even though he needed to hear it. I feel like it's unfair now that I also have blood on my hands." Barbara looked down and stared at her hands.

It was only natural since she became a cop.

"We're not saints, Barbara. But someone had to tell him."

Alfred has also killed in the line of duty.

"Do you remember their faces, Alfred? I remember them clearly." Barbara said as the hands she was staring at started to tremble. She clenched them into fists to stop them.

"Of course. Until this day. But I have no regrets about it. If I was strong as Master Bruce, I would. Unfortunately, I am not and so even if I could go back, I would probably do it again. "

"Are we hypocrites?"

"... Maybe."


Terry was staring out the window of the car he rented for service. He was thinking about what Alfred said.

He can remember clearly what happened the time his father died.

Warren McGinnis, at death's door, wasn't angry. He was worried about his sons.

'Listen to me Terry...'

Terry closed his eyes.

'... no matter what, you are my son.... and I'm proud of you...'

The last moments of his father that he will never forget.

Will his father still be proud of him after all that he's done? Making his family worried of him rotting in jail?

He closed his eyes and wallowed in his shame.

By the time he opened them, the car had already arrived at his house.

He entered the house and his mother and little brother was already there to greet him.

He went straight up to his room and decided to call somebody.



The man on the other line was quiet. He was waiting for Terry to finish what he's saying.

After almost a minute of silence, Terry finally managed to say what he wanted to say.

"...Thank you."

He had many things to say in his head. He learned much more of himself and what he really wanted. More than revenge. He wanted to be a good son.

Those two words summed it all up. sure not to be late tomorrow.


Not sure of what stance to take with Terry, he decided to be his boss for now. But that was enough to make both of them smile.