Chereads / Ninjas again / Chapter 1 - Ep 1: A ninja in school?

Ninjas again

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Chapter 1 - Ep 1: A ninja in school?

Voice: Many years ago, the Earth had warriors, who battle to show their power or dominion against the weak population. Like the Barbarians, Romans, Greeks, Vikings, etc. But this is about the warriors from the darkness and killing. The ninjas, ancient warriors from Ancient Japan who are specially trained to spy on their enemies and then take the information to their emperors to attack, which included assassination, espionage, sabotage, reconnaissance, with the aim of destabilizing the enemy army, obtaining vital information from the position of your troops or gain a significant advantage that could be decisive on the battlefield. These groups of killers disappeared, or it was thought. But some clans are hidden to avoid any problem from modern culture.

It's seen many ninjas running and fighting each other. From different clans.

Voice: There was a clan which was the last of those ancient warriors. The Hasashi clan were minor and were hired to killing missions. But after many massacres, they quit the job and decided to live out of the world. However they keep their ninjitsu arts to other goals. But because of that, they along with few clans, were extinct by many organizations because they denied their deals.

In a hideout, a business man was being tortured by a group of men who had arms. His family; which was a woman and two childs; was in a corner seeing how the business man was being hit.

Business man: I told you! I deposited the money you asked me!

Man: But I asked you to do it in three days, and it passed five days.

Business man: Just for that? How could you…?

Man: (Punching his face) I told you. Our business requires the most loyalty in each business group!

Business man: That's unfair! Boris! (Being punched by another man)

Boris: He! Don't say my name in that way! It's sir Boris. Or maybe you want a lesson? Ukyo? Or maybe your family requires a lesson too?

Ukyo: No! Don't hurt my family!

Boris: Guys, bring him to me!

One of his men grabbed Ukyo and was pointing with a gun on his head.

Child: No! Daddy!

One of the childs run and embraced his father.

Ukyo: No! Stay away, go to your moher and brother!

Boris: Move away, brat!

Boris hit the child as one of his men grabbed him.

Boris: Enough this shit! Kill this idiot, then his family!

Child: (Crying) Daddy! Daddy! (Nearly to kill Ukyo) DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Suddenly a kunai was launched and pierced one of Boris' men, killing fast. The rest was terrified of that.

Boris: Who's there?

Then a fast slash cut the man with the gun through his neck, killing immediately.

Boris: What the fuck is happening?!

His men took their guns and shot everywhere. They didn't see a fast wind was running, also in their shadows someone came from it and kill them from behind by using slashes.

Boris: Who is there?!

Boris, Ukyo and his family were the only left as seeing many corpses slashed in parts and blood.

Boris: (Scared and pointing his gun) Hey! Whoever is! We can make a deal! I'll pay you more than the one who hired you. Twice, three or four times in money!

Ukyo: (Reuniting with his family and embracing) Keep away.

Boris: You! You hired a killer?

Ukyo: No! Even if I could, I didn't know a fast killer. Or he's a sniper?

Boris: Enough of this shit! I… (Suddenly his hands were cut) Ah! (Then a spear with chain pierced his forehead)

Boris was killed, the spear came from a shadow corner then the spear got back with the chain. Ukyo and his family were terrified to see many corpses on the ground.

Ukyo's wife: Who could do that?

Ukyo: I don't know.

Then in a shadow something came, it was a person in dark dress. He was carrying some Japanese weapons like a katana, kunais and also the chain spear. He was a ninja.

Ukyo: (Protecting his family) who are you?

The ninja was walking with his katana stained with blood. He made a move with his hands as smoke covered the corpses and they disappeared. Ukyo and his family were surprised to see that.

Ninja: This is Tanaka extortionist group. They were menacing business family to show their rule. I finished them all. All families are free from them.

Ukyo: What? You killed them? I know the justice always wanted to stop them but this is not right! They deserved judge…

Ninja: They were buying the judges. (Pointing his katana to him) what justice you mean?

Ukyo: So what?

Ninja: I don't kill good people, unless for now.

Ukyo: Thanks for helping my family…

Ninja: (With serious eyes) Don't ever involve with those groups, neither involve your family. Next time I won't help you.

Then a smoke explosion appeared, after that the ninja disappeared.

At morning, in an apartment room, a black haired boy woke up and go to bathroom.

Boy: (Yawning) I had a heavy night. And it's supposed I'll start my school life.

Later the boy was walking, heading to school.

Boy: (Thinking) "I had to do it but now I'll have to act like a normal teenager" (As looking some students heading to school) "My parents told me of not revealing my skills, these people won't understand me. I have to be a teenager who lives as any other guy"

Later he entered to the school. He was seeing the environment as other students were arriving.

Boy: I must act as normal teenager, and no as that dark way.

In a classroom, the boy was called to introduce himself.

Boy: My name is Ryu Hasashi, I'm glad to meet you all.

Student 1: Hasashi? What an old name.

Student 2: Where are you from? The past?

Teacher: That's enough! Hasashi-san is a new student so have some respect.

Ryu: It's okey. Maybe my name is weird but I'm just a regular boy. I hope we get along this year.

School girl: (Who was taking attention) Hmm? A new student?

During break time; Ryu was reading a book.

Ryu: (Thinking) "I'll start my new life, so I have to act as a regular teenager"

Then the school girl, who was with brown hair and glasses, came to him.

School girl: It's your first time in this school?

Ryu: Yeah.

School girl: You look nice.

Ryu: And you?

School girl: Oh! Sorry! My name is Mio Kaname, nice to meet you. (Taking some papers and writing) I would like to make an interview.

Ryu: (Little confused) Why?

Mio: I'm the president of Journalism school. My dream is working in a news channel like my parents.

Ryu: Oh? Good luck!

Mio: As journalism candidate, I work hard to public the best news.

Ryu: I see, you really love that career.

Mio: By the way, Hasashi-san, do you have a friend?

Ryu: (Worried) Friend?

Then he imagined a young himself embracing a boy who seems immobilized.

Mio: Hasashi-san?

Ryu: (To reality) Well, no.

Mio: I hope we can be friends.

Ryu: Sure.

Ryu was walking in the school as thinking.

Ryu: (Thinking) "I want to live without doing that scary work, but…"

Then Mio appeared to him.

Mio: Hasashi-san! Let's talk about this!

Ryu: About what Kaname?

Mio: There are news about the exhibitions museum, they brought an old weapon of Ancient Japan. They call it the Ancient Katana. A blade used by ninjas years ago.

Ryu: (Serious) The Ancient Katana? I think I missed those news.

Mio: Geez! That great blade is going to be greatest exhibition in country. I should go to public for the school news. Wanna come?

Ryu: Sorry but I have some duties in my home.

Mio: I understand. Okey don't miss these news tomorrow.

Ryu: Sure.

Mio leaves, Ryu was in serious mood.

Ryu: The Ancient Katana. It can't be that. My family kept it hidden.

Then he imagined a mysterious katana.

Ryu: That blade, if someone want it? I can't let that but… (Funny worried) It's supposed I live as a normal teenager! I can't have that wish?!

At other classroom, some school girls were talking.

School girl 1: Did you hear? Those low grade classroom students received a new student. He seems cute.

School girl 2: He? It's a boy!

School girl 3: But he's younger than us? I don't like it.

School girl 4: I think his surname is Hasashi.

Then a mysterious school girl heard that name.

Mysterious school girl: Hey, did you say Hasashi?

School girl 4: Eh? Yeah and his first name is weird. I guess is Ryu.

Mysterious school girl: (Little upset) Ryu Hasashi.

After school, Ryu was walking as returning home.

Ryu: Kaname said the museum is near of our school. But I'm worried about that katana.

He imagined some clan heads were hiding a mysterious katana in a box.

Clan head 1: Remember, this ancient weapon is only for doing good. Never for own ambitions.

Clan head 2: After checking many clans, we realized the Hasashi clan is worthy to keep it safe.

Ryu: I can't let that weapon be seen of normal people.

Then he realized something.

Ryu: Oh crap! (Checking his bag) I forgot my notes in my locker! I have to return but the school is far. (Going to an alley) Then I…

At school, Mio was at the entrance.

Mio: The journalism club had a lot of work, but I'll make sure to public good news.

Inside the school, a shadow was on the lockers. It opened Ryu's locker and took the notes which were there.

Mio: I have to work harder for tomorrow about the museum exhibition.

Then she saw a shadow running through the school ceiling and then through some trees.

Mio: What was that? Those moves are like…?

At another alley, Ryu was safe and checking the notes he had.

Ryu: I hope I didn't get the attention too much.

Later at night, Ryu was in his home; he was checking something from his baggage.

Ryu: After what I have done, I should quit. But if that weapon is caught by bad people, they could use it wrong. (He was taking black clothes) But I can't let ancient katana being in wrong hands.

He imagined some ninjas doing assassinations missions.

Ryu's voice: Ninjutsu, the art of shinobi combat techniques, and old fighting style which only few people can do. The skill of hand by hand combat, the use of weapons, also the ability of doing technics which requires a lot of inner power.

Ryu was imagining a ninja who was killing many ninjas by different technics.


A kid Ryu was in front of his family.

Ryu: I leave!

Father: What? Why Ryu?

Ryu: I won't live in this village!

Mother: Why son?

Ryu: I won't develop my spirit if I live isolated!

Father: Are you sure it's not about your friend?

Ryu: (Angry as remembering embracing a guy) Don't talk about him!

Father: Ryu, you're still young to know about murdering.

Ryu: I know what it is! We are ninjas, we are all murders!

Mother: It's true but we don't kill as if we enjoy.

Father: Ryu you must understand this life is not good…

Ryu: I know it! I was trained since my childhood so I decided to live in the city. I want a peaceful life. But even I try, I'm still a ninja so I'll use it to do the right if it's required.

Father: I understand, so you want to grow up in civilation. If it's your decision, you can live in the city.

Mother: Are you sure you can live alone?

Ryu: No problem, I'll find a job, it's a part of living.

Father: Be careful Ryu, remember of not using your ninjutsu in front of people.

Ryu: Sure.

//End of flashback//

Ryu: My family trained me to follow this old arts. (Checking some ancient weapons) I must check that katana.

At night Ryu was walking in caution until he arrived to the museum.

Ryu: There should be that katana…

But then he realized a group of punks were entering to a museum.

Punk 1: The boss said we must take that object.

Punk 2: Let's do it fast.

Punk 3: Yeah, the cop could arrive.

The punks entered the museum and were looking in the antiques.

Punk 2: There it is!

It was a katana in exhibition.

Punk 3: This is what the boss wanted.

Punk 1: Look at this!

There were gold little statues in exhibition.

Punk 1: These are high costs! Let's take them!

Punk 3: But the boss said only that katana.

Punk 1: That katana seems a very old replica.

Ryu: (Looking through a window) Those guys are trying to steal that katana! I have no choice to get into this… (Imagine when a ninja killed Yakuza mafia members) I'll have to do if it's necessary.

The punks were taking the gold statues.

Punk 1: Now let's take that thing and get out of here.

Ryu's voice: Stop right there!

The punks realized someone came from the shadows, it was a ninja. It's revealed Ryu in disguise.

Punk 1: Hahahaha! Look his height! Are you playing a ninja? Little boy, run away to mommy or else…

Punk 2: He saw us, we can't let him inform our situation to cop.

Punk 3: That's right we can't let witness.

Punk 1: You guys, take him!

A punk went to grab Ryu but suddenly he moved his arms and punched him away. The other punks were amazed about that.

Ninja: Don't touch me!

Punk 1: Wanna play hard? Hit him!

Other punks grabbed weapons like spears and tried to kill him.

Ryu: Don't make me kill you!

Punk 1: You can't escape unless you kill us!

Ryu: Alright if you wish that.

Suddenly Ryu moved his hands and launched shurikens to other punks to their necks, killing them.

Punk 1: What the? How could you do that?

Other punks tried to attack Ryu but he moved fast and slashed them with a katana. Three remaining punks were in shock to see Ryu killing them.

Punk 2: No way! He killed many of our men!

Punk 3: We have to get out!

Punk 1: Then, let's beat him with this!

That punk took the Ancient katana and used it to attack.

Ryu: Don't do that!

The punk attacked Ryu and he used his katana against that. But it's seen the Ancient katana was cut easily.

Ryu: What? The Ancient katana is a fake?

The punks were scared and run away. It's heard the cop patrols were arriving.

Punk 1: The cop! Run! Forget the golden statues!

The survived punks forgot the golden statues and made able to escape. Ryu was taking the rest of the broken katana.

Ryu: So this was a replica. What a disappointing.

He realized the cop arrived so he used a move and disappeared in smoke.

At next day, Mio arrived to the museum.

Mio: Let's see about that Ancient Katana…

She realized the cops were investigating the museum as taking some corpses bags.

Cop: I can't believe this massacre, but what could make this?

News reporter: Excuse me sir, what happen here?

Cop: We found dead people in the museum, all of them were punks who escaped from prison years ago.

News reporter: And what they were trying to rob?

Cop: We know the golden statues were laid on the floor, they are safe. But the problem is the Ancient Katana disappeared. Despite it was a replica.

News reporter: And what caused this homicide?

Cop: It's not clear. We checked the cameras but the images aren't clear. Those punks were killed brutality. We suspect it coul be a man in ninja costume.

News reporter: (Confused) What? A ninja? It could be a weird guy who has that kind of costume.

Cop: It's unbelieve that, but we're going to investigate this.

Mio: A ninja? (Remembering a shadow which was in school) Maybe…?

At home, Ryu was sat and little upset.

Ryu: Damn! Unless that katana was a fake. I wonder if I should check my homeland to see if the real one is safe.

He imagined his young-self in training in a field, he was in a ninja training.

Ryu: As a ninja my identity can't be revealed, or else I won't have a peaceful life I wanted.

At school, Ryu was checking his locker.

Ryu: (Putting some notes) I hope I don't forget these again.

Mio: (Arriving to him) Good morning, Hasashi-san.

Ryu: Hello, Kaname.

Mio: Do you know something? This morning reported an assault in the museum. Some punks were murdered to avoid the rob. It was horrible.

Ryu: (Funny nervous) Eh? I didn't know! (Thinking in his state) I forgot to disappear those corpses to not leave tracks! I'm so stupid!

Mio: The only thing missing was a replica of the Ancient katana, why they wanted something with few value?

Ryu: Who knows?

Then they headed to their class. They didn't notice the mysterious schoolgirl were listening their chat.

Mysterious schoolgirl: Ryu Hasashi?

At other side in a hideout the survived punks were in front of a man who was sat in a throne. Other men were scolding them.

Punk 1: But sir, we were stealing the golden statues, but then a strange guy appeared and some of my gang were killed. We barely could escape. We couldn't extract that katana!

Boss: I ordered to take the great katana from that museum I didn't authorize to take other thing!

Punk 1: Sorry! But that katana was a replica.

Boss: Then who was the responsible to avoid the theft?

Punk 1: I don't know. He seems a ninja. It's hard to believe but it's true!

Boss: A ninja?

Punk 1: We took that katana and was broken. That katana was a fake.

Boss: A ninja here. It seems my clan is not the only one.

Punk 1: (Scared) Boss, forgive us! We won't fail again!

Boss: (Coming to the punk) Sure, you won't. You won't because I'll make sure that not gonna happen!

The boss grabbed the punk, then some blades came from his hands and killed the punk in horror in front of other punks who were horrified.

Boss: Look for that ninja. (He uses a demon kabuki mask) I won't let anyone avoid me to take the Ancient katana!